CRAVE Metropolitan Community Church
Imagine a faith community who love God & the rest of creation in passionate & reconciling ways:
ยท Seeking the transforming grace of God to be all they can be.
ยท Touching the heart of Christ through prayer, fellowship, scripture, sacrament and worship.
ยท Living in the Spirit with integrity, purpose, and passionate outreach. Standing in the stability of a community committed to loving each other through the good and hard times in life.
An authentic, welcoming and inclusive community who believes that everyone is worthy of the Gospel. When they gather for services, it is with dynamic, inclusive and progressive worship, that inspires deep adoration of the divine. A vibrantly worshiping community that is evolved and critical in their faith. These creative expressions of worship, along with its inclusive nature are forging new frontiers in the Christian Church.
Proud of our MCC heritage, and working in co-operation with the broader fellowship, reaching out to UFMCC and particularly the Asia-Pacific region, to train and raise up strong Leaders equipped to re-create this emergent church expression. We work towards being a faith based social justice movement, who seek everyday opportunities to love and bring wholeness to a broken creation.
CRAVE MCC Core Values
God & Creation; Word & Sacrament
Services Start this Sunday @ 3pm @ Paddington Uniting Church
395 Oxford St Paddington
Website –
Email – [email protected]