
Options for Starting a Family

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Joined in 2013
August 16, 2013, 20:46

Hi everyone,

I have just been searching around the internet, and I found out that single people and same sex couples cannot adopt (okay, now I realise, I probably should've expected it). I was wondering what the laws are regarding conception through fertility clinics for single women? I know lesbian couples have families, but out of the ones I know, it was the result of one of them getting together with a man.



Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 17, 2013, 14:37

Hi Jess

I had a look online and found the following link about adoption in Australia.

I am shocked to find that adoption is not legalised for same sex couples in the state of Victoria. And for single LGBTI people you can adopt in some Australian states including Victoria but the waiting lists are so long that it is virtually impossible. And adoption wait lists are already extremely long as it is in Australia.

In terms of fertility and IVF, single women and LGBT people are eligible for these treatments in Australia although I am not sure if this occurs in all states.


Ann Maree

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