
PFLAG - Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

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Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
June 3, 2010, 14:40

What is PFLAG ?

PFLAG stands for Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays. We are a non-profit voluntary organisation whose members have a common goal of keeping families together. PFLAG is here to give help, support and information to families, friends of all gay people.

Who are we?

We are the parents and friends of gay and lesbian people who are a part of our community. Some of our families may be large, some small. Some of us are married, some divorced, some single. Our occupations are a varied as our personalities and educational levels. HOWEVER. We do have a common bond. Someone we love and care for is lesbian or gay.

Where are we?

There are various PFLAG groups around Australia in QLD, WA, SA, TAS, VIC, and NSW. Please click on the “Locations” link to the left to view a current list.

Why does PFLAG exist?

In Australia today, there are many parents with homosexual children. These children, and often their families are victims of social, political and economic prejudice. Gay persons in many communities are affected by discrimination in theirpursuit of happiness and in striving to live their lives with openness and dignity. Homosexuals are not the only ones touched by this discrimination. It also touches their friends and families. We as parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays wish to join together to appeal to the public conscience. We want to achieve the same rights and opportunities for our gay sons and lesbian daughters as are enjoyed by other Australians. As proud parents of gay people, our lives have been enriched by reaching an understanding and acceptance of our gay children and embracing their diversity. It is our goal to bring this understanding and acceptance of diversity to the community.

PFLAG in Sydney

  • Meetings are held every month

  • My parents have recently joined PFLAG so if you would like more info please message me.

  • PFLAG is very faith-friendly and many parents that attend meetings are still regular church members.

  • Great bunch of people and very helpful support for heterosexual parents, family members and friends.

Go to for more info!!

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