Thanks Ann Maree 😀 you have some awesome quotes too! I love the quote you mentioned from Ben Franklin in particular. I believe God wants us all to be happy too, and to achieve that happiness I think we have to discover our true selves and be 100% ok with it 🙂 After all, God wants us to be honest and open, but most importantly, be ourselves and love one another.
There was a quote somewhere I can't remember, but it was basically this in a nutshell
Darkness cannot be brought into light, but light will always prevail over darkness
I forget the exact wording but yeah I love the meaning behind it, and it's true. It makes me imagine someone going into a pitch black room with a torch, and the light overcomes the darkness. But if you go into a lit room with your hands clasped together, you know there is darkness in your hands, but once you open them you cannot see the dark because there is light, and the light takes the darkness away before you can even see it. I just love it.
Take care and I can't wait to see other quotes 😀 I must go and catch some zeds now – eek, 5 minutes away from 1 AM ha ha. I listen to music too much on YouTube >.< I'm an addict, honestly.