
Q&A - freedom2b Perth February Meeting

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Shane Cathcart
Event Coordinator
Joined in 2009
January 7, 2013, 08:24

This thread is for those wanting to submit a question for the Q&A night coming up at the next freedom2b Perth meeting on February 1st.

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
January 7, 2013, 22:45

GREAT meeting idea! Would love to hear how it goes and what questions come up.

Joined in 2011
January 20, 2013, 19:51

How do you respond to those Christians who say "We must love the sinner but hate the sin?'

Joined in 2012
January 23, 2013, 14:16

Quote from outnproud on January 20, 2013, 7:51 pm

How do you respond to those Christians who say "We must love the sinner but hate the sin?"

To that I say, "That's interesting, because Jesus basically says love the sinner and hate your own sin before judging someone elses sin/s".

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 23, 2013, 22:41

Great response, Jordan. 🙂 Couldn't have said it better. 🙂


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
January 24, 2013, 20:58

Thanks! <3

Joined in 2011
January 25, 2013, 19:15

Great answer Jordan, but I was not actually looking for answers to the question I posed. I was hoping my question may inspire others to put up other questions which could then be the basics of a great discussion at the Perth February meeting.

I will make sure your answer is fed into the discussion and am looking forward to hear what others have to say when we have the discussion on Feb 1.

Does anyone have any other good questions to start off our discussion?


Joined in 2012
January 26, 2013, 08:59

Ah ok, yes sorry after reading the first post again I realize I misread the thread lol :-/ ok, um, here's a few questions which may be good for the meeting?:

1) How do you respond when someone says 'Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve' (I'm sure we've all heard it a million times before)

2) How do you respond when someone says that being gay is 'unnatural' or an 'abomination'?

3) How do you deal with homophobia?

Not sure if any of those would be helpful but just chucking em out there 😀

Joined in 2011
January 26, 2013, 19:35

I'd like to add a question for the Perth meeting and maybe the responses generated at the meeting to all these questions could be fed back on the forum for those of us not in Perth or not at the meeting? It's not just a hypothetical question – it's right where I'm at at the moment – so happy for anyone else to chip in too!

My question relates to those Christians who are out and how one balances being authentic – sharing aspects of one's life while knowing that doing so is going to upset some people or make them feel "uncomfortable". I am talking about for example, people at work who would find it "uncomfortable" to even hear me talk of going to a lesbian discussion group, let alone Christian friends who would have heart failure and would want to at the very least pray for my soul… How do you decide whether it's you who remains uncomfortable (by remaining silent) or other people…?



Graham Douglas-Meyer
Joined in 2009
January 27, 2013, 18:45

Great question Sarab.

That is one I would like to hear responded to from the group. But for my own personal response I've come to a point where I have chosen to be authentic to myself first.

I find that I get myself into the worst trouble when I try to be what everyone else wants me to be. I still do it today. It's one of those things about being human; the desire to be liked.

However, I find that I feel so much better about myself when I am honest with others; particularly about my sexuality. A lot of that happened for me when I was diagnosed with HIV 12 years ago and I felt that once my parents knew there was no-one else that mattered to need approval from.

At church (I go to Riverview) I made a point of meeting with the senior minister to discuss my situation. I also had to outline to him the fact that I am also MARRIED to Damian. I haven't been turned away. Instead Hayden has decided to use me to consult on things GLBTI.

I really believe that if you are true to yourself then anyone who has a problem with that is the person who has the problem. If you leave the door open for them to ask questions then you provide them with the opportunity to grow as well.

The world needs more authentic people.


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