
Question time - Sexuality/faith resolution

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Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 19:48

Thats a fair statement and if its where you are at, it is great.

Personally, my relationship with God is still as strong as it ever was and when I minister it is in the power of the Spirit and have many who will testify to that, what I do I do in Jesus name in ministry and so a Christian who accuses me of having the devil doing the work, is both insulting the name of Jesus and the power of his name. Also some know I am a lesbian in a r’ship and some do not and yet these people are very touched when prayed for. Im not walking in sin being the way I am, although yes I am a sinner as anyone saved by grace but its a bit rough judging anyones r’ship with God and making presumptions that it isnt truly strong just because they are Gay. 😉

Joined in 2008
November 9, 2008, 20:04

Thats a fair statement and if its where you are at, it is great.

Personally, my relationship with God is still as strong as it ever was and when I minister it is in the power of the Spirit and have many who will testify to that, what I do I do in Jesus name in ministry and so a Christian who accuses me of having the devil doing the work, is both insulting the name of Jesus and the power of his name. Also some know I am a lesbian in a r’ship and some do not and yet these people are very touched when prayed for. Im not walking in sin being the way I am, although yes I am a sinner as anyone saved by grace but its a bit rough judging anyones r’ship with God and making presumptions that it isnt truly strong just because they are Gay. 😉

I don’t believe I am judging. Just stating truth. Sin alienates us from God and the Bible says that homosexual acts are sin. I’m not saying that God can’t work through you but that His power is more manifest when we are walking in the truth.

Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 20:25

Oh ok………We all have our opinions and you dont know in what way I ministered and the awesome outcome. Its great you are in a great place for yourself with God. 😀

Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 20:47

“I still have the odd moments” — i think that might state your actual position.

I just want you to know that as you move along, you still know that we are here for you…

Joined in 2008
November 9, 2008, 21:04

“I still have the odd moments” — i think that might state your actual position.

I just want you to know that as you move along, you still know that we are here for you…

Yes I have the odd moments when I am attracted but is this any different to any other person who is attracted to sin in some way? Just because I get so angry that I’m tempted to kill somebody it doesn’t make the killing right.

Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 21:08

we are here for you.

Yes, absolutely we are. 😉 We are for sure here for you and have been around the block with certain comparisons before in other threads. I respect where you are and hope you can respect us here on the site at where we are too. 😉

Joined in 2006
November 9, 2008, 21:31

Just remember we’re all here for you. In the meanwhile, blessings in the wonderful Name of Jesus.

Joined in 2008
November 9, 2008, 22:19

Hey flash. Just wanted to say that I read your post and wanted to say that I can respect that. 🙂 I know there are some Christians out there who believe gays are out to push their beliefs on everyone. That may be true about some gay people, but it’s not true about us here. I believe it comes down to treating others as you want to be treated. Since I want you to treat me with respect for my beliefs, I must also show respect to you for your beliefs. Christian love from one child of God to another. 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 10, 2008, 10:41

hey Flash….welcome….I’d like to respond with some thought about this… i’ll do that latter tonight.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 10, 2008, 15:45

Hi Flash. I’m not sure if you’ve read my story or not…..but if you have you’ll know that I’ve been in and out of the closet several times. It was only in the last time that I actually accepted my homosexuality. Even after that though it was still a reluctant acceptance……6 years down the track though that shifted again to celebrating my sexual orientation.

I’d like to respond to some of your comments if I may.

I am an ex-gay. I used to post here under a different name when I was an out gay but this year I believe my orientation has been altered.However if we walk closely to God through prayer and staying away from things that we know lead to temptation then I believe the orientation can be overcome.

Its an interesting term that. Ex-gay. When I was in the US in 2007 Alan Chambers, who heads up Exodus, said he doesn’t really like the term and wonders if he has ever really met one.

Its an unfortunate term which gives the impression that if I’m no longer (ex) gay then I must be heterosexual. Of course we know that this is not the case not only by experience but also by research. What a person can do however is change behaviours, suppress their homosexuality, deny it any expression but it is never changed.

I remember thinking for so many years that if only I can get a hold of and control homosexual thoughts then my ‘natural’ heterosexuality will come to for. this never happened though.

Can anyone on here say that their relationship with God is as strong as it was before they came out?

Totally…without a doubt my relationship with God has never been more honest, open, fufilling, uninterrupted and resolved etc.

When I was out my sin alienated me from God.

I think you’ll find that sin is not an action or behavior but an attitude. it is pride and rebellion. Your homosexuality didn’t make you a sinner any more than a person heterosexuality makes them a sinner.

I still have the odd moments when I am tempted but we have to remember that temptation is not sin. Even Jesus was tempted.

I hear this a lot and i think it reflects some confusion by people. I’ve praised the ‘ex-gay’ leaders in Australia who been honest to say that the even in a heterosexual marriage the gay never goes away.

You may have heard me say this before…….but it bears repeating. “my morality is a choice. My sexual orientation however isn’t.”

I live a totally moral life as a same sex oriented person. My sexual addiction died when I came out. It was such a relief. It was a shame no one told me before this was possible….it would have saved me 22 years of absolute torment. So its not the sexual orientation that is the problem its the expression of it. This goes for both gay and straight.

I will not criticise my gay friends as we are all sinners but I will no longer accept it as natural or God-intended.

we appreciate your spirit.

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