
Radio National Interview with Michael Coogan

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Joined in 2011
January 17, 2012, 20:20

Hi all,

I listened to a programme on Radio National the other night – it has been on before – and I thought it may be of interest to f2bers:

The programme is entitled "The World's Sexiest Book"

This is the blurb that accompanies the programme:

"The Bible is rife with sex, and right from the beginning it is introduced as part of the human condition. Judges, kings and prophets enjoy sex, women use it to bring down tyrants, and King Solomon's 'Song of Songs' makes Casanova's memoirs look like kid's stuff. Michael Coogan is one of the leading Biblical scholars in the US, and in his book God and Sex: What the Bible Really Says, he reveals all, including whether David loved Jonathan in that way."

Here is the link to the programme – you can listen or follow the links to read the transcript.


Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
January 18, 2012, 21:12

Thanks for posting this Sara.

Interesting interview!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 19, 2012, 17:06

Hi Sarab

Thanks for posting this. I like that Michael Coogan challenges the fundamental view that the bible was hand written by God. I also like that he points out that just because certain things aren't mentioned in scripture, doesn't make them right or wrong. The bible clearly doesn't include everything relating to modern life. And I doubt that it covered everything in ancient times either. For example, there is the role of women in ancient times, many unnamed and down played, because of the bias and culture of the day as well as subsequent patriarchy adding it's layers of cover up.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2011
January 19, 2012, 18:12

I agree Ann Maree and HillsBen it was an interesting interview. I liked what he had to say about consideration of the cultural context in which the Bible was written.

I really like Rachael Kohn and her programme "The Spirit of things" – she is so knowledgeable about so many faith traditions – she is also so open (her skill as an interviewer). She has interviewed people from all faith traditions, including some people with some pretty out there beliefs. I never hear a trace of skepticism or derision in her voice. She really gets the best out of her interviewees.



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