
Rainbow Faith Podcast

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Joined in 2007
July 23, 2007, 13:17

Hi all,

I have just posted a new episode of my podcast, Rainbow Faith. Today’s show features a short interview with Anthony Venn-Brown, speaking about his journey of unlearning and his book. (Thanks to Anthony for permission to use it!)

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on the image in my signature.



Joined in 2006
July 23, 2007, 15:09

Thanks magz cool wink

Joined in 2007
October 10, 2007, 16:24

Hi all,

I’m sorry I have been very quiet around here of late. I’ve bee quite busy with the podcast and other things I have become involved with, not the least of those being a venture to start a new fellowship/meeting/group on the Sunshine Coast at the invitation of the Reformed Catholic Church.

The RCC is a USA based church organisation which is looking to stretch their boundaries into a global organisation and I’ve been asked to start a mission for them here in Queensland and am looking towards ordination with them at some point in the future.

The last few podcasts have dealt in some depth with this change and have featured guest speakers from RCC including the presiding bishop Arch Bishop Phillip Zimmerman RSJ.

I’d love it if you’d take some time to listen. If you’re in the Sunshine Coast/Brisbane area and looking for a place to fellowship, please contact me…my phone number and address can be found here I’d love to hear from anyone who’s interested.


Sr Maggie Britton

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