
right or "needs to be worked on" attitude?

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Joined in 2006
November 1, 2009, 09:14

I have been excited by the recent message by the ps in melbourne (3C) yet when i read of Meg’s email from the local AOG ps I am ANGERED.

I have decided to move away from the Sunshine Coast by christmas, number 3 of the list of “why’s” is the whole church/christian thing (i have had hassles recently from christians wanting me to get deliverance etc from people who have not contacted me in 2 years or more).

My question – is my ANGER AND FRUSTRATION uncalled for?

I am happy to talk with anyone (christian/nonchristian) willing to listen to another version of the sexuality issue and christianity

but when they are just pretending to be welcoming or have a welcome sign above the door but you find out they are closed to things slightly different to them –

i think, W T F ????

I do pray for them but I have to admit my patience to be nice to such when they run into me at a shop ctr etc is down to a low point these days.

Do I need to find more grace?

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 1, 2009, 09:40

great question tez…….will need more time to respond to that……more later.

Joined in 2007
November 1, 2009, 09:58

Might be an idea if you explain the situation with the Melbourne AGO’s, for those of us who don’t keep up with all the new developments.

Joined in 2007
November 1, 2009, 13:09

Might be an idea if you explain the situation with the Melbourne AGO’s, for those of us who don’t keep up with all the new developments.

This thread has all the info, Sandy:

Tez, I am sorry to hear you’re leaving the Sunny Coast, but I do understand your reasoning.

I’m a little miffed at being told I can come to church if I “behave myself.” That’s basically what was being said in that email.

Interestingly enough, I had a dream just before waking this morning, which I am taking as a warning to tread with caution. I will probably send one more email to that Pastor and then leave it at that, depending on the outcome of it. I’m just waiting at the moment, to get my thoughts in order and to see what avb has to add to the discussion.

Personally, were it possible, I think I would move to Melbourne actually, but sadly it is not.

I still do have a welcoming and affirming church and good friends here. I just miss the ‘home’ I thought I had found in the Pentecostal movement, but perhaps it was never really any home at all.

Perhaps I need to find a way to connect with God that doesn’t rely on corporate worship.

Sad, but that’s da facts.

I can’t see how it would work if I was to go back at this point, on the terms outlined in that email.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 1, 2009, 18:49

hey Tez……did you read this……possibly there are some answers in that

Joined in 2006
November 1, 2009, 19:47

Meg, I am not leaving solely because of the church/sexuality reason, it is number 3 on my list in priority lol

first is my study is nearing an end and will unlikely get work here, and i want a change anyway

second is of a personal/family issue which has merely pushed my moving forward 6 – 12 months.

yes AVB i had read that and considered it greatly.

In one instance i agree with that stance, but then is that a proactive way to be art of an agent of change?

but then, are we ALL meant to be agents of change, or only some of us?

In thinking of this, I know i have had something to do with a few christians taking a different view of sexuality, they just are not senior leadership in their churches.

When is it ok for us to be angry with christian leaders?

Is that righteous anger, when they treat the glbti community as second or third class citizens (not just gltbi but also other minority groups)

I ask that believing I am correct in my thoughts of sexuality and christianity, and the majority of the church is not correct on the issue. But then, they think they are correct too.

And then this thought – is it so different to churches having different doctrines? – plenty preach against speaking in tongues, prosperity, praying to mary, not having saturday as the sabbath and the list goes on. Does the sexuality debate come into that arena?

Joined in 2007
November 1, 2009, 21:32

Tez, I know that the sexuality thing is not the whole reason for you moving away. When I said I understood your reasons, I meant all of them as we had discussed them the night we went to church together. 🙂

As for what category does the sexuality debate come under? I think it comes under the “This is getting way more attention than it needs,” category. Sandra and I watched Compass today, which we had recorded from the ABC last Sunday night, and it was mentioned in the program that there are more than 3000 references in the Bible to taking care of the poor. Surely THAT should be a much bigger issue in the church, than homosexuality?

I, too, wonder when it is okay to get angry at church leaders? The bible says be angry, but in your anger do not sin. So obviously there are times when someone can be angry. It’s how we handle that anger that counts, I think.

I am angry about the response I got. The more I think about it, the more I feel I have a right to be angry, but I can’t use that anger to go on the attack. This pastor came back to me with far less bible thumping and ranting than I might have expected. On that basis alone, I feel I owe it to him to not repay him with anger. I will continue the dialogue with him. Maybe he will change his mind and maybe he won’t, but at least I can say I tried. 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
November 1, 2009, 21:47

Hi Tez

I think this is an excellent question of “When is it OK to be angry with church leaders?” In my experience, it was never OK in the pentecostal church. And this is in contrast to my experience as a counsellor where anger is necessary for healing. Maybe others have had a healthier and different response?

Meg I’m sorry to hear that your response has been less than encouraging. (Sorry don’t know the details as only just tuned in). Just know you are always welcome in Melbourne when you visit, whether or not you visit a pentecostal church.

Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 2, 2009, 00:05

yes AVB i had read that and considered it greatly.

In one instance i agree with that stance, but then is that a proactive way to be art of an agent of change?

but then, are we ALL meant to be agents of change, or only some of us?

Yep Tez……I am of the firm belief that we are not all meant to be agents of change….well then again maybe we are…..but it depends where we feel we are called to influence. You are an agent of change Tez…..I know you help many people and have a positive influence.

I know where my calling is….it was made very clear to me… work in the Pente and evangelical worlds and with church leaders. Some times I wish I didn’t have to do……..many times actually. I am very conscoius thought that this is not everyones calling and people shouldn’t feel pressured to do it.

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