
Samesame 25 Nominations - Anthony Venn-Brown

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Joined in 2007
October 30, 2009, 16:02

Hi all!

Samesame annually releases a list of the 25 Most Influential Gay & Lesbian Australians. Nominations are now open for two weeks. Would you be prepared to help Anthony out with a nomination?

The GLBT community in Australia has often not been aware of or met the needs of GLBT people from religious backgrounds and even at times been antagonistic towards them. As you know, Anthony’s been doing a substantial amount of work both publicly and behind the scenes not only within the GLBT community but also with churches and church leaders.

A nomination to this list helps with creating awareness of the importance of the work with this emerging group who Anthony believes are the highest risk group within our community. This also creates awareness of the vital work Freedom 2 b[e] is doing.

We’d appreciate your help and if you know of others who would like to help out then let them know about this as well.

Anthony has achieved without funding and at the same time running a business. It’s our hope that this situation will be changing in the near future. A nomination will help increase the potential for this as well.

Nominations can be made on

If you’re not a member of Same Same already, you will need to sign up in order to register your nomination. Membership is free.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
October 31, 2009, 12:49

thanks Meg

Joined in 2008
November 2, 2009, 18:55

Weren’t you in a previous Same Same list avb? 😆

I had no hesitations in nominating you again 😀

Joined in 2009
November 2, 2009, 19:33

Working closely with church leaders Anthony strives to connect the the worlds of religion and Sexuality, The two worlds that people say will never be in harmony. Anthony is taking on that “Never” challenge and is fighting for equality throughout Australia. He has challenged the thinking leading conservative church leaders and has started to create change where there has been decades of outdated traditions. Anthony’s passion lies in people. Nothing pleases him more then transforming a life from brokeness to restoration. If Anthony was not actively challenging the mindsets of our church leaders and planting seeds of hope and unity within then our experience in our worship centres across Australia would still be that of centuries ago, Unwelcoming and Condemning.

Will this do?? 😀

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 2, 2009, 23:53

very touching hereiam…..thanks.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 2, 2009, 23:56

Weren’t you in a previous Same Same list avb? 😆


yep mobileguy….but people appear on the list more than once depending on what they have achieved during that year.

the important thing is the nomination though as it creates awareness of the specific and oft neglected needs of GLBT people from faith backgrounds.

appreciate your support and encouragment.

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