
Second time lucky

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Joined in 2012
February 3, 2015, 15:59


Came out three weeks ago. Had the discussion with my parents and left my Pentecostal church. Been on Freedom2b before, when I came out before, people didn't take it well. I lost ten friends on Facebook and people's disapproval was very evident. This time I'm out and proud.

Joined in 2012
February 6, 2015, 13:11

Had a conversation today. Went something like this:

M – I just don't understand. You've always hated girls. You've never liked girls, and you always chased after boys and you were promiscuous. Don't try and tell me you've always been gay, because it's not true.

Me – I'm going to buy a rainbow flag and hair extensions.

M – Why, are you part of the parade on Sunday?

Me – No.

M – Are you trying to advertise you're gay?

Joined in 2013
February 8, 2015, 09:15

Hi Mags,

Thank you for sharing. It is sad that friends don't understand and will respond with rejection. But it sounds like you have come to a new place within yourself where you can be proud of who you are, and that state of being is not dependent on what others may or may not think. Nobody can take that away from you. Welcome.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 8, 2015, 22:12

Hi Mags

Good on you! It sounds as if you have found a new strength within and I love your humour! 🙂


Ann Maree

Eric Lee
Joined in 2011
February 9, 2015, 22:06

Congratulation Mag! Really proud of you!!

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