
So you still think homosexuality is sinful?

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Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
August 10, 2012, 14:11

Although I think this image is a little harsh in terms of it's language, it is funny. 😛

A couple of questions come to mind when I see things like this:

1. Will language, diagrams, media like the above help with building a bridge with heterosexual church leaders or will it prevent them from engaging in respectful dialogue?

2. What is the role of such pieces of media?

3. Are there times when it is neccessary to be blunt in an effort to protect people rather than build bridges?

Interested to hear your thoughts.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 11, 2012, 09:36

Hi Ben

Thanks for posting. I agree – it is funny and mostly helpful.

The bits I would take out are where it says "Grow up" in blue at the bottom right hand side. I think the rest of that square says what needs to be said without insulting someone. And I'd take out the other blue box on the bottom left hand side that says about someone being xenophobic and a whole lot of other descriptives.

In my opinion, the biblical things are helpful as is the layout of the flow diagram. I like that it's condensed and easy to read. However, the emotional, insulting parts are not helpful and will only create a block to reconciling people. As I read those parts, they made me want to distance myself from this because that's not how I want to be with others.. and it's not how I want our community to represent itself.

I must admit though that I am chuckling at the sarcasm overall and the green writing where it congratulates the person on being part of civilised society. I agree that acceptance of homosexuality is part of being in a "civilised" or loving society. However on a more serious note, this comment contains a judgment that implies that anyone struggling with the idea of homosexuality being OK would be uncivilised. And I think that's unfair and could be hurtful. Descriptive words carry a lot of subjective meaning and can be interpreted in so many ways so we need to be careful not to harm others and ourselves in the process of using them.


Ann Maree

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