
Son of a pentecostal minister

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Joined in 2012
September 4, 2012, 21:34

Hey Joe,

Thanks alot for sharing your story with us… I could relate to many of the things that you had to go thru.. I think many more could relate to it too.. but its amazing hw in our broken dark moments God still shines His light on us.. Your story has yet again assured me that God loves each and everyone of us.. Im so amazed how at church 6 diff people told you of your stance in Him… AMAZING!

Thank You so much for sharing this.. I being an asian have got only the negative aspects of the whole picture… im yet to find some christian people who love and accept me for who I am.. Thank God for getting me in touch with F2B… I've felt so much love from this site and so much support that i've never had my whole life…

God bless u πŸ™‚


Joined in 2012
September 5, 2012, 08:57

Hi Amila,

Thanks for reading πŸ™‚ Sorry to hear you've only experienced the negative side of being gay and a believer so far πŸ™ . At least, now that you've found F2B you can say you have found some Christian friends who love you and accept you for who you are! Friends like F2B can be like part of the scaffolding that holds your life up while God builds something amazing in you, a great testimony to God's love for you. All the best mate, j

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 6, 2012, 07:52

Hi Joe

How's things going with you of late? πŸ™‚ I like the analogy of the scaffolding in your comment above too – lovely. πŸ™‚


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
September 6, 2012, 13:24

Hey Ann Maree πŸ™‚

Nice to hear from you! …I'm quite good thanks. Life is never short of dramas, but can rest in God's love.

It's crunch time as far as my relationship with the church I started re-attending. God's opened some amazing doors for respectful and gracious dialogue about GLBT issues. I'm hoping and praying for a God-inspired outcome now as the leadership considers their long-held positions. Otherwise, once again, I'll have to reconsider whether I can be part of a church family that would chose to deny me full involvement and membership because of who I am. Currently just wanting to give the leadership grace to go on that journey.

What's new with you? πŸ™‚

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 6, 2012, 16:29

Hi Joe

It's crunch time as far as my relationship with the church I started re-attending. God's opened some amazing doors for respectful and gracious dialogue about GLBT issues. I'm hoping and praying for a God-inspired outcome now as the leadership considers their long-held positions. Otherwise, once again, I'll have to reconsider whether I can be part of a church family that would chose to deny me full involvement and membership because of who I am. Currently just wanting to give the leadership grace to go on that journey… What's new with you?

That's encouraging to hear about the opportunities for respectful and gracious dialogue. I guess it depends on how long you're willing to give them or how long you can cope if they don't change their long held positions. Also, do you know of some options for more gay affirming churches if it doesn't work out there?

Thanks for asking. I've been under a lot of stress of late, with a job change after leaving a previously traumatic work place and finding that this current position isn't what I wanted. As well as that, a friend died last week so it's been a sad time. However I'm fortunate to have made some new friends recently that were associated with my friend and we have drawn closer together and are supporting each other very well.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
September 6, 2012, 19:18

Yeah, you're right. It helps that I used to go to the same church when I was younger, so I've got a number of friends at that church -many who support me, emotionally and theologically! But yes, it may be no use sticking around if I can't fully be a member of the family… In the meantime, I have the patience of Yoda! That comes with what I've already had to live. So, really, it'll be up to what God wants from me as to how long I stick it out! It'll be an exciting time if change does happen. They've already shown a lot of grace in opening up to dialogue where many churches would just slam the door.

I do know of another gay-affirming pentecostal pastor (not sure if the whole church is affirming!). Unfortunately, his church is about 40 mins drive away! It's tough, cos I really haven't found a fit in the churches that are gay-affirming. Apart from the anti-gay stuff, I'm more at home in the kind of pentecostal church I go to, with its exploration of the spirit, and its younger demographic. So, anyway, we'll see…

So sorry to hear about your friend. πŸ™ Seems everything is happening at once for you! It is for me too, actually. Along with the dialogue with my church eldership (which includes really positive elements, and majorly negative elements) I've also been having relational upheavals, and a close relative was killed in a car accident. Seems it doesn't rain but it pours! When it all happens at once, it actually helps me to rely on God and take a step back and really see thing for what they are, though. And to really pay attention to what matters. Glad you are finding solace with your friends. πŸ™‚ best wishes Ann Maree, j

Joined in 2012
October 10, 2012, 12:15

Oh wow Joe

When I read your blog, I was actually reading my own story.

I always asked God why me? Until now I see God's plan and purpose.

No matter what, He loves us…

I hope and pray that God will open the eyes of men and see the greater commandment which is LOVE!

God bless you Joe… Hopefuly, one day I will meet you πŸ™‚


Joined in 2012
October 10, 2012, 17:49

Hey John,

Yeah, I hear that a bit! I was talking to someone today who had heard a lot of gay Christians' stories and he says it's surprising how similar they are!

I completely share you sentiments on God's love -well said!

Maybe one day we shall meet πŸ™‚ Though I've never actually been to a freedom2b meeting before, I've become friends with a number of great gay Christians through freedom2b's Facebook page -who knew facebook was a force for good as well as time-wasting and evil! πŸ˜‰ Catch ya round.


Joined in 2012
October 11, 2012, 11:22

Hey Joe,

Oh wow! That is incredible. It would be so awesome to collate all these stories and publish it or make accessible to everyone.

I guess it would be an eye opener for lot of people. Its funny some people think if you are gay God cuts you off. In contrast God loves everyone regardless of their sexual orientation and gay people do have a relationship with God.

I had very similar experience as you. I was struggling for a long time, and it was affecting every part of my life. So I decide to take some time off and travel. And it was the best thing I ever did, where I stop listening to people and listen to God for a change.

It was amazing; I never felt God’s love and compassion. I always had this conscious that God hates me for who I am, if I try so hard and keep pursuing God will change me.

But God said I love you just the way you are… He is awesome.

Anyway cut the chase short, I am so glad I found this site. It has been amazing. It’s only a week I have been on this site and I have already made some good connections.

I was also looking for a gay affirming Pentecostal church (I find home @ Pentecostal church). And some one suggested Bayside church. So I did some research and found a teaching called 'acceptance' by the paster Rob Buckingham. His teaching was very good. So I went to Bayside Church last weekend. It seems fine. I am hoping to continue attending there.

I hope God will lead me to a place where I could grow and nourish as well as accepted for who I am. I am never going to let go of my God for the man made standards and their own righteousness. πŸ™‚

Yes, I hope we may meet one day. It would be amazing to meet people who are gay and love the Lord πŸ™‚ I haven't met one yet. I haven't been to F2B meetings neither. Unfortunately, I am working on the date the next meeting is on. There is always going to be a next one. πŸ™‚

Big thumbs up for F2B founders and staff.

FB is cool… I guess you can control FB for what you want it to be… lol

Keep in touch


Joined in 2012
October 11, 2012, 12:00

Well, you're not going to believe this John, but I actually had a coffee with Rob Buckingham of Bayside yesterday. AND, he mentioned you! He wondered if I knew you. Now I can say I do! How's that for a small world? I don't go to Bayside, though I'm considering visiting as Rob is a great support and his church is probably one of the few pentecostal ones in Melbourne where gay people can feel safe -it all comes down to the culture of acceptance (or lack thereof) that the leadership create. I'll find you on Facebook mate. πŸ™‚

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