
Stats - Need a Reference

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Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
April 26, 2008, 16:39

Hi all,

I’ve mentioned previously that I’m doing a presentation on the Church and the GLBTI community in my English class, and in this presentation I have two sections (‘Current Attitudes Toward Homosexuality in the Church’, and ‘Modern Advances’) for which I may need statistics. I plan on using the stats from this site (the ones underneath the Hetreosexual forum) for one of these sections.

My question is: does anyone happen to know if there’s…say…a website or a research paper that I can use as my reference? I could plausibly make a link to F2b’s index as part of the bibliography, but it would be better credibility-wise if I had a ‘legitimate’ source 🙄 .

Also, if anyone knows of any other statistics relating to the views of the Church toward homosexuality, they would be most welcome (only if you have them readily available, of course – I certainly don’t want anyone to go out of their way 🙂 ).

Thank you kindly, God bless,

– William

Joined in 2006
April 28, 2008, 15:12

keeping the eyes peeled 8)

Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
April 28, 2008, 22:15

Thanks, Mags. I don’t really expect to find anything, in truth. I’ve spent ages looking for info and all I can ever find are clearly-fabricated statistics from the conservative Church about how promiscuous we inevitably are 🙄 😡 .

Oh well, I should be able to fake it 😉 …it’s only Year 11 after all… 😀

Joined in 2006
April 29, 2008, 07:29


Oh well, I should be able to fake it …it’s only Year 11 after all…

😆 😆 you have a point….. In my english classes in yr11-12 I never really read a book at all or poem, I read the back of the books and the footnotes and if there was a “video” at the time watched that and just flowered my way along in the essays and still got 70% or so… 🙄 but that was back in 84’/85′ 😆

Now dont get ideas young man 😯 😉

Joined in 2007
April 29, 2008, 09:18

Your biased stats may come in handy if you are looking at current attitudes of the church… the people that write those books are from the ‘church’ as well. You could make a good case for the attitudes that those stats present. Why would a person or persons want to fabricate evidence to begin with?

The problem is the lack of Australian stats out there, most of the research comes from the US and attitudes are quite different in Australia, I got the shock of my life. While its unethical, your best bet may be to make it up. With the rise of the ‘debate’ about homosexuality each book that is published has an agenda, so statistics in the sense that they are objective, quasi-scientific material are almost non-existent.

You should have no trouble getting info on recent developments within the church, it has all been quite well documented, if you need some though PM me.

Maggie, nothing has changed, the most important thing I ever learn’t at school was how to bull****, sad but true. I think I rememeber sitting in my Ancient History HSC exam and thinking that the markers couldn’t have possibly read all the books on Ancient history in the world so I would make up authors “Smith stated that….” and use it has ‘evidence’. I got a 98 for AH so there you go. 😆 Just don’t tell my parents, they thought I studied.

Joined in 2006
April 29, 2008, 10:46

😆 I never thought of that, wish I did…….It was hell trying to remember quoting the “whos” in Ancient history, most of the time my friend and I defaced the statues in our text books 😆 and I was mad enough to do Modern as well 🙄 I walked out 20mins into my Hsc maths…..I just gave up after my parents divorced and only just scraped through.

Joined in 2007
April 29, 2008, 12:23

Another tip when writing references is to look in the footnotes or end notes of a book on your topic, find the notes that deal with the same topic, write some generalized paragraphs about your topic and then cite the chosen footnote or endnote as a direct reference. Make sure you paraphrase though, don’t quote in case the teacher looks it up and it only works if your referencing system means you don’t need to provide page numbers.

Or, if you have a book you have used extensively and you need to ‘bulk up’ your reference list you can take already quoted sentences and add the original reference instead. So say Smith cites Jones as saying “gay people are awesome” instead of referencing it as Jones in Smith blah blah blah you could take the direct reference from the footnotes and leave out Smith completely “Jones says….” this gives you one more reference without actually having to read the book. If the author only gives the title of the book and not the complete reference you can look up the rest on where they have all the publishing details of heaps of books.

Anyway hope that helps and makes sense

lol I did modern too Maggie. If I had to hear one more word about Stalin I might have gone insane. What some of my friends did was just learn the five or six surnames of the ‘who’s’ without learning exactly what any of the m said. So we know that Taylor wrote about Egyptian building projects so any time that topic came up so did the completely made up quotes from Taylor about building projects. Completely generalized of course so he quite possibly could have said them. The best thing about the HSC is the lack of referencing and no plagiarism detection. I imagine that will change soon.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 29, 2008, 14:02

I think you’ll find the research on the bottom of this page in our resources section helpful William

The 2nd national report on the sexual health & well-being of

same sex attracted young people in Australia. Its called writing themselves in again.

i’d also recommend you read Mapping Homophobia in Australia

I have a paper from a researcher which is still in draft form and dont have permission to release it as yet.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
April 29, 2008, 14:06

also this

NCLS Occasional Paper 2 – Uniting Church attender views on homosexuality and church leadership

Shantih Shantih Shantih
Joined in 2008
April 30, 2008, 22:59

Ahhh, couldn’t get away with that now-a-days, Sandy. Anti-plagarism and proper citation is the new hot thing in education. When conducting any research I’m even supposed to use ‘notetaking guides’ which help to track my every move and make sure I don’t plagarise or make-up information. I don’t actually use them, though (shhh…don’t tell my teachers 😉 ) – if I did I’d end up spending more time taking notes and jotting down mundane information about websites than actual work 🙄 . But they are becoming increasingly prevailent and soon I won’t be able to avoid it.

I wish I had had the option of doing history, though! I love history, but unfortunately, very few of my peers share my inclination, and the course didn’t run at my school because of too little interest 😥 . Now I’m doing math… 😡 🙄

[sighs loudly]

Anyway, thanks for the information, Sandy and Anthony. I’ve perused those links, and I’ll be able to get something decent out of them.

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