
The Gifts and Calling - My Story

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Joined in 2007
November 6, 2007, 20:30

Hello Freedom,

I thought it would go away, I really did. Why didn’t God just let me be about it. “You can’t be a Pentecostal and be gay, much less be a preacher and have the gifts of the Spirit still work in your life.” I thought everybody knew that. That’s what they all said. “You can’t have the Holy Ghost and be a homosexual.” Case closed.

Oh me. Where do I start. Let’s abbreviate a bit. I received the Holy Ghost when I was six years old, began singing in church and learning to play the piano at the same time. Raised in the UPC, my father was an ordained minister, pastor and evangelist. I traveled with my parents over most of the southern USA and attended a UPC Bible College. Called to preach at age seventeen, I was minister of music in several churches and licensed briefly with another pentecostal organization. Started singing and playing the piano and organ at campmeeting at age 13, had no formal music training but played and directed with the best.

In 1969, I joined the military and went to Vietnam. Was married to a pentecostal preachers daughter shortly after the military because the church taught it so and had one beautiful son. I was divorced in less than five years for the same reason as the rest of you. It didn’t work. I had already left the church and since God hated me and I was going to hell anyway, I decided to do everything that was wrong and enjoy what time I had. I had nothing to lose. Became alcoholic, drug addict, mulitple car accidents and was many times in mental hospitals for depression.

My youngest brother of 20 had been murdered by a gay serial killer in Houston, leaving a baby son he never met and I left my little boy when he was about four and ahalf, one of the hardest things I ever did. After coming out, I was not allowed to see my son but once in thirteen years, not even to have a picture of him. His maternal grandmother was afraid I would make my son turn our like I was. He did anyway.

Rejoined the church in 1985 and thought God had healed me of my homosexuality. Began preaching and traveling again for five years and fell in love with a young man. It was not supposed to happen. I didn’t even know I was in love with him. It couldn’t be. I had been healed. I went back to drinking and became homeless in New Orleans. Beaten and mugged twice on the streets but survived and started my life over.

Anthony said I should share my story with you guys if I felt like it before I said much in the discussions. That might take a while. The very idea that there might be such a place for gay pentecostals to talk to one another blows my mind, much less that gay pentecostal churches are starting to spring up here and there. The Holy Ghost moving in the lives of homosexuals and ministering to them and others? I already knew about that. Maybe I can tell you about it sometime.

Oh, before I forget. The gifts and calling of God are still without repentance. The Church didn’t believe that any more than they believed other things we were taught. You will always be a preacher. And the gifts of the Spirit work in us just like they did before we found out we were gay and couldn’t do anything about it. I guess that means that the annointing of the Holy Ghost is still on us also? That’s right and He plans for us to use all of the above with us just like he did before to minister to his children and all others He sends our way. This journey has not come easy. It’s come with a dear price.

I really thought it would all go away. It just won’t. What are we going to do about it yall. God loves me today. He always did. I really didn’t know that.

Your brother in Christ,


Joined in 2006
November 6, 2007, 21:41

Hi Robert, I dont have any words to express about your story, if you were here all Id have is a big hug. Welcome to Freedom 2B. Thankyou for sharing your story and you are sooooo right, Gods call on our lives is without repentance, we were marked as His and that will always remain and yes the Holy Spirit certainly still moves through us as glbtiq as we are.

One day, when you are ready, would love to hear more from you.

Joined in 2007
November 7, 2007, 00:48

Welcome, Robert.

I can only say with Magsdee that all I would have for you is a big hug. There are often no words to express our fellowship.


Maggie B

Joined in 2007
November 7, 2007, 16:49

My deepest thanks to you both for your kind words. Finding fellowship and others to talk with who understand your journey means so much at this time. I had about given up on finding anyone to talk to about what a gay pentecostal really feels today. There are a few sources in this country but most of us are many miles apart. To feel such a spirit of exceptance hear already is a blessing. It’s a taste of water in a very dry desert.

May God bless you.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 8, 2007, 10:29

Hey Robert…..thanks so much for giving us the insight into your journey. so many of us have walked such a tortured path to reconciling our faith and our same sex orientation. I guess its only recently that, as more and more people tell thier stories, it is so clear what pshycological and behavioural damage can be caused by that internal dissonance. I guess that is why some of us are so passionate to do what we can to stop the totally unecessary suffering that others are going through…..or will continue to go through unless some sanity it brought into the situation.

I long for the day when stories like ours no longer appear. already we are seeing changes.

This weekend i’m going to Petey (24) and Dash’s (27) wedding in Brisbane. They were running the F2B meetings in Brisbane. Petey and Dash fell in love in a Pentecostal church about 6 years ago. they knew almost from the beginning that God didn’t condemn their love for each other. They live normal lives in the suburbs with a strong christian faith and are an example to so many people of how normal it can be for some of us to love someone of the same sex instead of the opposite…….and we like our heterosexual friends want to make a life time commitment of exclusivity to the person we love.

if you want to send them your congratulations you can find Dash and peteindigital by going to the memberlist at the top and searching for their profile. You can then choose to email or PM them

So I guess this is our first F2B wedding…….congratulations boys.

God bless you.

Joined in 2007
November 8, 2007, 18:33

You know,

So often in the past years I have felt that if I could spare even one person from going through the things that I went through on this journey it would have made it all worth something. You’re right Anthony. If we can share our stories here and in other sources that become available, there is a chance that countless others may realize that there are other choices they can make in their lives. You cannot spare another person their pain or their journey but allowing them to know that they are not alone and perhaps helping them to make more informed choices is a ministry all it’s own.

We can’t save everyone. I know that but if only I had known some of the things I do today I could have saved myself and others a lot of suffering. I think that society and even the church as a whole does not realize that most of us never intended to hurt anyone. We based our decisions only on the information that was available to us at the time. Most of us would do it all differently if we could. Forgiving ourselves for some of the choices we made is another journey all of us go through. We did the best we could. It is a process that has taken me all these years to come to grips with. Too many of us destroyed ourselves over this. It’s not necessary to harm ourselves any more over something we could not do anything about. I still have to work on it. Sometimes I get there but it can take a long time and a lot of work to learn to stop abusing yourself, especially when the old thoughts are still embraced and encouraged by the church and society.

That’s why we must talk to one another. That old song comes to mind,

“If I can help somebody, as I pass along, then my living shall not be in vain.”


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 8, 2007, 22:22

So true Robert…….an important lesson in life……forgive yourself….stop punishing yourself… you were human and made a mistake……move on.

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