
The Transsexaul Christian

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Chapter Leader
Joined in 2006
February 26, 2008, 10:27

Welcome Michele!

After reading these posts I feel all warm and fuzzy!! .I know life isn’t always kind, especially when people who you thought were friends turn their back on you. Its funny when I was full into the swing of church I would befriend people because I was either trying to convert them to christianity or make sure they were going to keep coming to church. I hated that. Befriending someone or supporting someone just to be there for them without alternitives motives is almost cleansing,it just feels more pure. I must say I like myself much more than I used to!!

Joined in 2006
February 26, 2008, 10:50

I can relate to that Linny, its almost a lifestyle to be that way in many churches. I knew some who genuinely would still stay friends and follow up how things were going but not many, at all.

Joined in 2008
February 28, 2008, 00:12

Thanks Linny

It is great to just care for people because you want too. I learnt how to do that myself through my wife. Firstly from caring for her when she was ill for number of years … I delayed starting hormones to wait for her. Then from her personal selfless love for me … that was the best and most touching lesson.

We have both experienced rejection from the church firstly through Sharon’s illness … she has a mental illness and was of course different. A number of people we thought were friends didn’t ring or call in anymore. This hurt me more than Sharon as I couldn’t understand it but I suppose it prepared me for what happened when I came out. That actually hurt Sharon more than me. Why? it is becuase it was done to the one we both love. We still have faith but not in the organise church but in Christ. We still do couple devotions together and of course pray. I believe why should I let another persons ignorance change what I know to be true and believe.

I want thank Leece here publicly for letting me know about this site. Also I want to thank the founders of this site. It is great to be here.

Joined in 2008
May 28, 2008, 21:12

Hi Everyone

I have been corresponding with a lady trapped by the confines of her church and the people that are in her life. She is trapped still in the shell of masculintiy. Living and pretending to be male feeling totally trapped and lost in guilt and shame. I will call her Jane to protect identity.

Jane is still trapped in a man’s body with all of the pain of gender dsyphoria that goes with that. She shared her stuggles with her employer which is a Christian organisation. Instead of being give support and love she is being treated as a sexual deviate. All she wants to do is be herself and serve God.

I have found her to be a delightful woman who is deeply depressed and feeling more and more trapped by the day. She is committed to her Lord and to her family. She does not want to let her family and friends down and feels that transitioning would mean a massive loss of her social structure and all that she loves.

I myself have faced these things and it is true the church will not accept us and does not recognise that we are affirming our true genders. We are in mine and Leece’s cases female and that all we are doing is affirming our true genders.

It breaks my heart to see a sister suffer so much because of ignorance and bigoted beliefs. She is in so much pain and it worries me that she may get to that point of dispair as her depression builds that she may harm herself.

Can you remember Jane in prayer and ask God to change the hearts of those around her so that they may accept her as a woman so she can finally be free.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
May 29, 2008, 03:57

will do Michelle

Joined in 2006
May 29, 2008, 08:13

Yes, will indeed pray Michele.

Joined in 2008
May 29, 2008, 20:50

Thank you Anthony and Maggs … I will let Jane know that others are praying for her. You are most kind.

Joined in 2006
May 30, 2008, 07:38

We are all Gods beautiful creation 😉 xxoo

heather c
Joined in 2013
August 5, 2013, 16:25

hi I have just joined this site but fine your story refreshing as I am transgender and been fulltime for 12 weeks….I am also married with 4 children and my wife is not happy bout this at the moment but hopefully she will come around and accept that her husband is now trans and not wanting to go back….and good on you for telling your story

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