
Travelling the world, and helping others in the process

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Joined in 2011
August 24, 2011, 16:39

Hi all

I came out age 29 and my whole family accepted me from the start! Sure they were a little shocked and some of them didn’t quite know what it meant, but they accepted it, and me!

When I visited home (I was living in the UK then, and my family in South Africa, where I was born) they invited him with open arms and just loved and welcomed him into our home – what a blessing!!

In a recent conversation in Sydney (I’m travelling around the world now) I realised just how lucky I was – and I know that not everyone is. So – in a moment of creativity – I decided to give away something to the LGBT community by way of free webinars, initially targetted at those who’ve had a painful coming out experience.

Because it matters!

Blessings to us all


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
August 24, 2011, 19:17

Hi Bennie

Wow – that’s so beautiful that you were accepted like that. I’m really happy for you and your family. 🙂

It’s also inspiring that your gratitude has led you to share what you have with others in our community. 🙂

Thanks for sharing some of your story with us.


Ann Maree

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