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Joined in 2009
November 23, 2009, 23:55

It is very funny reading this today. This is why many Christian children are so weak in our communities. Because of overpowering parents like this. This is the same mother who would be against her own child if it was gay. And is against this website.

Do you think Twilight is a deception of the devil?

Joined in 2007
November 24, 2009, 00:42

I personally wouldn’t go to see that movie, but that is because the subject matter doesn’t interest me. I don’t think that movies or stories can be tools for deception, really. It’s just a story in my opinion. 🙂

I think some Christians get so hung up with trying to see the devil in everything that they miss many opportunities to see the way that good can come from them.

Joined in 2006
November 24, 2009, 08:32

i find it interesting that christians react like this (and i admit that for a little while i did too because others around me in church did) but then i came to my senses …

people who say such things, dont they read their own bible??????

now that is a blood thirsty read with all manner of spiritual events that dont come under the banner of ‘God’ …

Joined in 2007
November 24, 2009, 12:24

One wonders how such people cope with CS Lewis’ Narnia books.

I mean, the Magician’s Nephew has the whole apple thing in it.

Joined in 2009
November 24, 2009, 13:17

I think if you are scared of difference and not too sure of your ground then externalising the threat makes it manageable. That is, if Satan (or the world, or the [insert name of bogeyman here] ) is out to decieve me, rob me , detroy me, rob me of my faith etc, then if any of those things happens it wasn’t m “my” fault. As a happy co-incidence it gives me a great reason for avoiding all the things of which I have an irrational fear.

When we understand that no-one has that kind of power over me it is quite freeing- a bit like coming out really! I have met very few people that did not fear the process of coming out, but most found that once they had come out, the perceived dangers which had kept them in the closet were nowhere near as scary.

Whenever anyone pulls the Harry Potter/ twilight/ etc is of the devil and will destory your soul argument on me I point out that the God I believe is is much greater than the thing they fear.

Joined in 2009
November 24, 2009, 17:51

If God was sitting beside me holding my hand , would I watch this movie with him tonight?

Hell yes!!!!

I have had friends that have that view about movies and have forbid their kids to watch particular movies and years down the track when the kids are old enough to make up their own mind, they have resented the fact they were never allowed to watch them.

Joined in 2009
November 24, 2009, 17:53

😮 orfeo i just saw your signiature…. are you a west wing fan??

Joined in 2009
November 24, 2009, 20:58

i think there needs to be a line drawn somewhere with movies like this. I havent seen twilight or new moon yet but have no problems in doing so. where I think the cut off should come is-

a) ratings – I wouldnt let a 10 year old to watch it

b) influence – if you are the sort of person that would go out trying to re-create what you see then I wouldnt recommend you to watch it.

c) context – are you watching it with the context it was created or are you twisting it?

I remember the battle Koorong first had when stocking the CS lewis books, they got bag loads of letters asking for them to be removed. As you can see today, they are still stocked and those letters no longer are received.

in answer to WWJD?? I would have no problem in having JC sitting next to me while watching the movie. as the author has pointed out in her blog without knowing it is you could create an awesome christ centred message based around the latest craze by using the underlying storylines. Sounds good to me!!

Joined in 2008
November 24, 2009, 21:13

I actually agree with this woman but not totally. I plan on becoming a film major, so this is a topic that I think is important. I believe that movies do influence people in ways that they don’t always consider. However, I believe that people should take movies for what they are – stories. Think of the stories that are in the Bible – Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot’s daughters raping him, David killing Uriah so that he can take his wife, Amnon raping his sister, a raped woman’s body parts being chopped up and sent around the country. These stories are hideous, but they exist not solely to disgust but also to teach us something. So, they have redeeming value. I think that if we find the redeeming value in a movie, then it can be okay to watch, but still everybody should use discernment. If there are doubts, then you should probably shouldn’t watch it. Nobody got hurt by not watching a movie.

Has God seen this movie? Yes. I’m quite sure God has seen every movie in existence. Does that mean you should watch the movie? It’s up to you what you watch or not, but you should always use discernment. If I had kids who wanted to watch this movie, I would say they could, but I had to watch it with them and afterwards we had to discuss it together.

Joined in 2008
November 24, 2009, 22:00

I guess that’s why they have a film Classification and Ratings system 😆

Like Meg, I’m personally not into this sort of genre, but I do wonder sometimes whether society does push this sort of content too much 🙄

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