
VIDEO Ex-gay Leader Says Same Sex Relationships are OK.

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 13, 2011, 13:42

Bil Browning

February 12, 2011 10:00 AM

Going to Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was like dropping down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. I stopped by the PFOX booth to talk to ex-gay leader Elaine Berg from Jonah International. Before we could do the interview, Elaine made me promise that I wouldn’t cut and edit the video to make her look bad, so this is the entire video I shot – including the parts I’d normally edit out like when I start coughing.

Mostly I let Elaine talk so she could give me the spiel, but I tried to question some of her logic. As we followed it down the path she was going, I was surprised to find out that she supports LGBT monogamous relationships, full equality, and says that the Stonewall riot was completely justified.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 13, 2011, 17:35

Hi avb

Very interesting… It’s good that Elaine Berg believes that LGBT should have the same rights as anyone else. And I resepct that Elaine is clear about her beliefs. There doesn’t seem to be any hidden agenda which is good.

However I don’t understand her logic about twin studies proving that people are not born gay. She says that in the vast majority of identical twins where only one twin is gay, that this means that being gay is not inborn. (?) This doesn’t make sense to me or prove anything because identical twins are not identical in other areas from birth either. And those differences are still genetic. I mean environmental influences may later play a part in various areas of personality but I can’t see how genetic factors could be ruled out just because one twin is gay and one isn’t.


Ann Maree

Mr Summit
Chapter Leader
Joined in 2010
February 13, 2011, 17:49

My understanding is that identical twin studies had proven a greater genetic role in determining sexual orientation than in determining if you were right of left handed.

Joined in 2007
February 13, 2011, 18:02

Interesting comments about Twins – I have a gay friend, who is a twin, and both he and his brother are gay! I know another set of Twins from back when I was in school – one is gay – the other is a married hetrosexual male.

But I suppose her other comments are a little more encouraging.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 14, 2011, 11:56

Yep….I am unaware of the twin study she talks so confidently about. I know that all the twin studies have not come up with the same observations……but generally speaking the studies show higher incidences of homosexuality amongst identical and non identical twins.

What I have noticed is that Christian Conservatives tend to point the anomalies and ignore the tendencies to higher prevalence compared to the heterosexual population…..this concluding because it doesn’t happen all the time it can’t be proven.

this is the most conclusive study thus far….but as I mentioned….other studies have not be able to duplicate the same high incidence rate.

Boston University psychiatrist Richard Pillard and Northwestern University psychologist J. Michael Bailey announced the results of their study of male twins. They found that, in identical twins, if one twin was gay, the other had about a 50 percent chance of also being gay. For fraternal twins, the rate was about 20 percent. Because identical twins share their entire genetic makeup while fraternal twins share about half, genes were believed to explain the difference. Most reputable studies find the rate of homosexuality in the general population to be 2 to 4 percent, rather than the popular “1 in 10” estimate.

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