
We are being laughed at.

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Joined in 2009
November 3, 2009, 16:51

Most of you may know I have many Pastor friends and some ex pastors. I read today an interesting discussion on Facebook. Stating the Gay people are ecstatic at Ps Rob Buckinghams message, it must be the “End Times”. This is the same group of people who believe Muslims and Christians should not mix. Ever.

My thoughts, we should pray (if you believe in prayer, some people don’t) that God will soften their bitter hearts that they will see that Love is in all of us in this world and we are not all evil.

Is there hope for these types of people? And if so should we be putting in the time to educate them?

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 3, 2009, 18:33

from my experience shane there are some people we are wasting our time with. Possibly the recent manifesto of Bishop Spong applies here. Did you get to read that.

Pharisaism in alive and well in the Christian Church today. Rowland Croucher writes well about it here

If you follow the life of Jesus…….he didn’t actually seek out the religious leaders…..he was too busy working with the masses…the people who were seeking….hungry….looking for answers.

all the pharisees had were questions and scriptures. And the questions were not genuine questions……they were questions meant to try and trap Jesus.

Some people will die in their ignorance……..too much to do in this world with people like Rob buckingham and Mike Hercock and others who are saying…..we were wrong.

Joined in 2009
November 3, 2009, 19:54

As a (former?) member of such a people, I will state emphatically that there is hope still for these. Those who are willing to open discussion may be few – but this is not the point.

Spong is Spong – I think he’s done his hard yards over the years, but the speech does not apply universally. I didn’t sign up to Christianity just to give up fighting for it. How will the congregation move except by hearing? Is it not said, even those of the Pharisees believed, but many feared retribution and therefore hid their faith?

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