
What's the most inclusive way of referring to our community - LGBT or LGBTIQ or something else altogether?

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 24, 2010, 23:25

Hi all

My aim in posing this question is to use an acronym that allows everyone to feel included and respected witout causing offence.

I’m thinking mostly of those who identify as transsexual, transgender, transitioning, intersex, queer, sex and gender diverse, androgynous and other terms that I have missed. I’d love to hear feedback from those of you in our community who care about this or have an opinion, especially those who are TIQS&GD or something else. (With all those letters, it does get tricky, however in the spirit of inclusiveness, I think it’s important to find out).


Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
January 25, 2010, 13:48

Well, I am not Transgender or Intergender myself, so I can’t speak from a personal perspective on this, apart from to say that I don’t mind just being included as a member of the “Gay Community” I know there used to be some differentiation amongst Lesbians in the past where they wanted to be identified separately, but that has changed.

I do have one or two Transgendered friends, however and at least two of them have expressed to me in the past that it is more important to them that they ‘pass’ in the community as whichever gender they identify as and therefore don’t want it pointed out in any sense that they are Transgender. Others I know online who are Transgendered say they don’t mind either way. One said: “You could try using my name.” 🙂

I’d like to hear though from some of our transgendered friends here on the forums about how they like to be referred to, or not.

I think F2B is very inclusive of all members, but it would be interesting to hear it ‘from the horse’s mouth’ so to speak.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 25, 2010, 14:12

Hi Meg

Yeah I’m quite happy being described as part of the gay community as labels don’t matter so much to me. I also wonder how bi people feel about that though – being referred to under the gay umbrella.

Ann Maree

Joined in 2007
January 26, 2010, 00:40

Increasingly the long jumble of letters is being traded in for the term “queer” which doesn’t have the same connotation as “gay community” and is alledgedly more inclusive of non-gay transgender, transvestite or otherwise “queer” people such as straight women who identify with lesbian politics. Personally I don’t much like the term–I think it’s rather creepy but it’s a pretty effective umbrella. The more specific gender-queer is also used.

I know it’s good to form groups and be a ‘community’ in order to acheive political aims and the like but really, true equality will only be reached when we all come under the umbrella of ‘regular people’.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
January 26, 2010, 02:41

I loved the days when we were all camp. It was simpler then. the first time we had a term for us that was neither clinical or derogatory.

At Freedom 2 b[e] we transitioned from GLBTIQ to LGBT some time ago as it has become the preferred acronym used the by the majority of groups and by using it we get picked up by more search engines. Just changing documents for continuity has been a task…..and now mostly complete.

Considering that some transgender people dont like the term transexual and visa versa….some interesex people prefer the term androgynous,,,,,,and some of these people from these groups don’t feel a part of the gay and lesbian community because their issues are often not about sexual orientation…..but about gender identification……and considering that the ‘community’…..whatever that is ….has been arguing about this issues for many years now……I doubt we will solve it here.

To be genuinely inclusive.of everyone we would have to say LGBTT(SGD)IQQ……some would argue that the G comes before the L…..try explaining the meaning of that to anyone…..especially those who are new or not a part of our community.

Some have suggested the term queer is inclusive…….but for many people this is derogatory term with negative connotations… generally speaking it hasn’t been adopted. I doubt it will be a term I use with the audience I deal with…..they already have a problem with the term gay instead of homosexual….. 😀 😀 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 26, 2010, 10:58

Hi Sandy

Good to hear from you again. Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if we were all regarded as regular people? I have seen examples of this in some latin european quarters where differences in gender and sexuality were neither here nor there. People were totally accepting and accepted and this topic was a non issue. *sigh* I wish it was like that everywhere.

I also don’t like the term ‘queer’ but I can see what you mean for covering other groups. Maybe we’re all just ‘rainbow people’ or ‘rainbows’ as I’ve heard said on Joy FM, or, more simply, ‘people’ who are part of ‘our’ community?

Avb, you make valid points that all those letters are very complicated and if the wider community can’t be completely satisfied with a term, it seems unlikely we’ll reach a consensus here. I don’t mind the word, ‘camp’ although it suggests being effeminate and not everyone is. What does the other ‘Q’ stand for?

I think this discussion is useful for knowing who we are and aiming for greater inclusion.

Thanks everyone. Others please also post your views. It’s good to get a range of ideas.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
January 26, 2010, 13:11

Gimme LGBT anyday 😀 😀 😀

The simpler, the better as far as I’m concerned 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 26, 2010, 13:40

Thanks mobileguy. So you prefer that to ‘rainbow man’ ? (sounds like a gay super hero!!) 😀 😀 😀

Joined in 2008
January 26, 2010, 16:12

Speaking of gay superheros, did you know that both Marvel and DC Comics have gay characters in their storylines? Northstar is generally acknowledged to be the first openly gay American superhero 8) There’s even a substantial Wikipedia entry devoted to his character. The Sexuality section makes for fascinating reading 😉

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 26, 2010, 17:40

Hi mobileguy

No I did not know about Northstar. You are full of interesting info, aren’t you? 🙂

Ann Maree

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