
Where are we and I

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Joined in 2013
January 3, 2013, 09:09

Very glad to find this forum. Can't get enough of tolerance and understanding—which can only start with knowledge IMO. I've had 40 yrs of frustration and social intolerance. to the point being "done away with" due to sexual idenity problems.

With the LGBTI name, I thought that the "I" might stand for Impotence which seemed to be my problem. Yes I found it stands for "Intersex " which may even be the same thing. Eventually Viagra, injections solved my problem partly but of course my Christian colleagues regard me with deep suspicion– I mean if he is not gay surely he is a pedophile.

Reading some of the posts, I think many have the same problem ie LGBTI may not be sufficient to satisfy tradional fundamentalists.

And the latter seem to have the upper hand in many of the churchs at present.

Reading Naomi Wolfs latest book "Vagina" solved many of the problems IMO. It shows ,for the first time I believe, the intricate balance between hormones, mind AND body neurones, genes and the enviororment. We are all different.

It's not all in the mind.

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
January 3, 2013, 13:51

Welcome, laz – good to have you on board. Yep, we have lots of 'challenges' dealing with all the misunderstanding – if not, downright untruths – with which we have to deal. Sadly, many Christians who object to LGBTI issues speak out of ignorance. They have just accepted what has been passed down to them and unquestioningly believed it. And some of the theologians and pastors, who should be able to interpret scripture more objectively, have "painted themselves into a corner" so that their pride now prevents them from being prepared to even consider the possibility that they just might be wrong. Regardless of what they may say, you and I are precious in God's sight. Please delve back through the many pages of stories on this site. You will find many who are on the same journey as yourself; who have successfully become comfortable with their orientation; who have sucessfully reconciled faith and sexuality. God bless ~ david

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 3, 2013, 14:43

Hi Laz91

Welcome to f2b and thanks for posting! 🙂

Yes we are all different and there is so much yet to discover about genes, hormones etc. We certainly do not have all the answers but it's good to be open and continuing to learn rather than closed minded.

How did you come to hear about us?

I hope you find this an accepting, supportive space as many of us here have.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2013
January 3, 2013, 16:04

Thanks for your kind words forestgrey and Ann Maree. I will continue to graze or roam or something–

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
January 3, 2013, 16:12

Hi Laz91,

Welcome, you have certainly come to the right place for tolerance and understanding. Hopefully you will also personally find support, be encouraged, feel accepted just the way you are and feel a sense of hope. We are all different and that is OK and it's what makes life interesting. God loves and accepts you just the way you are and so do we.

There are several f2b chapter meetings around the country if you are interesting in attending one. They are a great place to find friendly, accepting people to socialise with 🙂

God bless

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