
why is life so hard

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heather c
Joined in 2013
September 9, 2013, 23:45

its has been 5 months since I moved to melbourne to start living fulltime as a transgender woman…..and I must say it has been very hard at times and there has been time I have thought bout giving up ….The fact there are very few jobs out there and weather being trans stop job agency finding work for me thats another question….The other thing how do you go about telling your love ones how you really feel and you wont ever go back to the person that you once were….Then there is the whole thing of trying to create work for your self by starting a business cleaning houses plus selling Avon and you get well meaning friends start telling you you need to do this or that find a job…..which only make you feel even more depressed and start thinking was all this worth doing….so to all my LGBTI brothers and sisters if you can give me your thoughts and share your experiences with this kiwi girl I would love to hear from you… I am going to Footscray Baptist Church who have made me feel welcomed and who accept me for who I am has been a big help……luv H

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
September 10, 2013, 10:07

Hi Heather,

Sorry to hear you are finding things tough at the moment. Moving to a new town, finding a new job, meeting new people, finding accommodation and just settling in can be tough at the best of times. I don't think you are alone in finding it hard to find a job at the moment. I think we could all say at some point in our lives we have gone through difficult times. When you are in those times it can be hard to see past them and they seem to never end. But as someone who has gone through their fair share of tough times, it does get better 🙂 Take one day at a time, draw on the support of those that are around you, and keep thinking of the positives and good things in your life. For instance you have found a supporting accepting church in Footscray Baptist Church, that is a huge plus, many here don't have that wonderful blessing. You are now living as you were meant to be as a transgender women. Even though that would bring it's own challenges, the positive is that you can be free to be yourself 🙂 Maybe you can write a list of all the good and positive things in your life and read them every day or whenever you feel life is a little too tough.

Thinking of you 🙂

God Bless

heather c
Joined in 2013
September 10, 2013, 14:51

thank you Mother Hen for your lovely words of encouragement and yes I am living my life as it was meant to be.And I so wish that all church's would start living in the real world where there are lgbtiq people living with real problems and needs and that they are looking for answers to life questions…..

As I read somewhere 87 times Jesus said " FOLLOW ME" what kind of people did Jesus hang out with……it's high time the church stop trying to fix people and their problems and put people in boxes……and point then to the one and only God who accepts us for who we really are…..

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 11, 2013, 19:45

Hi Heather C

You said:

….what kind of people did Jesus hang out with……its high time the church stops trying to fix people and their problems and putting people in boxes……and point then to the one and only God who accepts us for who we really are…..

I totally agree – couldn't have said it better! 🙂

On another note, you have only been in Melbourne for 5 months and have already found a supportive church. Well done! Give yourself time to meet others and settle in. Lots of change takes time, as much as we would like it to all be sorted straight away.

Do you know other trans people? And what other supports would you like?

Feel free to send me a PM if you like.


Ann Maree

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