
Workshop by Paul Martin for Counsellors "Working Effectively with Gay and Lesbian Clients"

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paul martin
Joined in 2007
December 5, 2009, 21:25

Paul Martin the Freedom 2b official psychologist, voted as one of Australia’s most influential gays and lesbians and ex-ex gay leader is conducting a workshop “Working Effectively with Gay & Lesbian Clients” in Sydney on January 19th. This workshop is for anyone who counsels or wants to learn more about the deeper level issues that gays and lesbians experience and how they affect them in life.

It also includes learning more about “reparative therapy”, sub cultural norms and language. Already run in Brisbane and Melbourne, the workshop has received outstanding feedback including that all participants gained a much deeper understanding of how to counsel gays and lesbians.

The workshop is highly interactive and includes case studies to assist in deepening the learning and allowing people to integrate their own knowledge with the theories and information presented.

To learn more please visit

To book or talk to Paul about the workshop simply call 07 3211 111

Joined in 2008
December 14, 2009, 14:41

Hi Paul,

thanks so much for posting this, i am very interested in attending the course.

Penny 🙂

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