
WOW Fred...a minority within a minority..who would have thought.

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 3, 2012, 22:00

Rev Fred Nile has once again shown his complete ignorance about sexual orientation and same sex rellationships in his latest press release. Or maybe he should sack his media advisor. I believe he used to have a good one.

Media Release

Tiny Vocal Minority

Tuesday, 3rd July 2012

"The 2011 Census has revealed that same-sex couples account for only 0.7% of all couple families" according to Rev Fred Nile MLC, Leader of the Christian Democratic Party.

"Same-sex partners also report 'no religion' – 48%, compared to heterosexual couples only 21%" observed Rev Nile.

"There were 137 male same-sex couples for every 100 female same-sex couples.

"Same-sex couples accounted for 1.1% of all couples in Sydney, but only 0.5% of all couples in the rest of NSW.

"Same-sex couples make up 11.3% of all couples in the City of Sydney local government area.

"The Census figure of only 0.7% same-sex couples, out of all couple families, reveals the same-sex marriage lobby is microscopic but very vocal, so Federal MPs should not be influenced by the noise this minority makes" said Rev Fred Nile MLC.


For Media Interviews contact:

Rev Fred Nile (02) 9230 2478 or 0418 619 731?

Research Assistant: David Copeland (02) 9230 2978

I am still trying to figure out what he is trying to prove

Gays are a godless bunch? …or

There are so few of them equality doesn't matter?

Chapter Leader
Joined in 2008
July 3, 2012, 22:20

One interpretation of this is that if you are a minority group, you don't matter, you don't need to have any rights, you can be ignored, even discriminated against.

So, Buddists, Moslems, Hindus, etc. – look out. If you are blind, deaf, incapacitated in some way – look out … Fred doesn't think you matter. If you are red-haired, left-handed, taller than 2.5 metres – look out … you are a minority group and don't matter to Fred.

BUT, what about Christians (well, the 'born again' variety which Fred claims to belong to) – aren't they a minority, Fred?

Oh, dear Fred – it really is time you retired to your south coast village.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 3, 2012, 22:47

Thank God Jesus reached out to the outsider….the minority….the fringe person…the marginilised………unlike Fred Nile. Jesus didn't discriminate……..seems Fred does.

Joined in 2012
July 4, 2012, 13:47

So un-Christ-like.

My OT uni lecturer did a really good social experiment on our class which made us all think about the completely ridiculous reasons that we discriminate against people. I wrote about it on my blog if anyone is interested..


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 4, 2012, 17:25

Hi Ash

Thanks for sharing from your blog.

The discrimination sounds like that which myself and my team have just escaped. And in our case it was not because of sexuality but because of differences in working cultures and funding sources. It's been a truly traumatic experience so thank God we're out of there.


Ann Maree

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