
20, gay christian, excommunicated by church & disowned by family.

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Joined in 2008
February 23, 2010, 20:34

Hi Ann Maree

Thanks for the welcome, I’ve actually been here for a few months now. I read Anthony’s book and then looked you all up!

Craig’s story is so real for me, every word is heart wrenching. Leaving your family and everything you know is a major step to take. It’s a very inspiring story and one I hope will help others.

I believe the Lord has a place for all of us and that we’re meant to enjoy this life. I trust that Craig, and many others, can find/have found that place where we are accepted.

God created us gay, we can all celebrate that!

All my best


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 23, 2010, 21:05

Hi Paul

You are very welcome …and well said! I wholeheartedly agree – we are meant to have joy, acceptance, belonging and celebration in our lives. We’ve each got the right to choose abundant life rather than a shadow of existence. That reminds me of the Wham slogan, “Choose Life”, and fitting since George Michael is touring here now.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing more from you, and from Craig too. On that note, how’s things going for you, Craig?

All the best,

Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
February 25, 2010, 12:45

Hello Craig,

There is a certain gift you bring to yourself (and others) when you step out into the truth of who you are: even when you know that facing that truth may involve severing ties with so much of what you’ve known before… When I read your story I was filled with a sense of hope and excitement because it speaks of someone taking a stand to find their truth – rather than just accepting what they’re told without question or enquiry. I’m affected not only by the courage you’ve shown to be who you are, but I’m moved by the blind rejection by so many in your family… Yet I know that you can only know the freedom you’ve sought for so long and how this now feels even with the times of deep emptiness you’ve been through…

God does not abandon us……if anything that’s what I’ve come to learn in my own journey from leaving a ‘cult’ that demonised and abandonded me because I decided to stand in my truth… and be the person God made me to be.

I pray that your beliefs in a Divine Loving and Nurturing being have not been affected by this… that somewhere in your heart is still a place for God / Jesus / or whoever you deem that to be…. Perhaps now is really the time of getting to know Him – without the dialogue and insertions from Elders and Priests who have come to re-write the words of Jesus’ healing ministry by adapting their own slants and slogans.

Let Him speak to you: Jesus is still there…and loves you. He will never leave you. Thank you for being so honest and open about your experience.

Take care, and God bless


[email protected]

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
February 25, 2010, 13:38

Hi spiritearthling

Love your name and what you’ve written! 🙂 It seems there are a few of us who have come from cults. I’d be interested in hearing more of your story if you feel like posting in the Telling Our Stories section.


Ann Maree

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 2, 2010, 02:05

Great to spend time with you on the weekend Craig……and to have the opportunity to meet some of your Freedom 2 b[e] family.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 2, 2010, 08:04

Hi Craig

How was your experience of Mardi Gras and how’s life generally?


Ann Maree

Youth Coordinator
Joined in 2008
March 2, 2010, 13:38

It was great to meet you Craig and march with you at Mardi Gras.

You are a brave and courageous young man and I feel blessed to know you!! 🙂


Craig Hoyle
Joined in 2010
March 9, 2010, 01:13

Hello people 🙂

I have a rather guilty conscience for having taken so long to come back on here – my bad! Thanks for all your words of support and encouragement – they mean a lot.

Paul, I was glad to hear from you privately, and my heart aches for you being stuck in the position I was in. For those who don’t know, Paul is still trapped in the Exclusive Brethren church, and is faced with confronting the reality of excommunication should he choose to come out as gay. A terrible situation to be in.

Ian, thanks for finding me on Facebook – probably a more reliable way of keeping in touch!

To those who ask how I am now, including Ann-Maree:

I was in Sydney for the Mardi Gras, and marched in the parade with Freedom 2 Be. It was a powerful and exhilarating experience, and I need to thank Anthony for convincing me it would be a worthwhile endeavour. I wasn’t sure about it all! It was great to catch up with the Sydney crew, and I look forward to meeting you all again 🙂

I spent some time filming with Channel Seven while I was in Sydney, which was a dramatic and traumatic experience. We confronted the doctor who prescribed me with the drug, and filmed outside the exclusive brethren church room in Sydney. This didn’t sit well with the church, and we were chased across Sydney by church members. We had to seek police protection, and I believe several people are now being charged for stalking and predatory behaviour. Sad to see so-called Christians behaving in such an un-Christian way… For those of you interested in watching the Today Tonight segment, it aired on Monday 8th March.

I’m currently in Brisbane, and will be travelling to Melbourne next week. From there it will be on to Adelaide and Perth, before heading back to New Zealand around the beginning of May. Look forward to catching up with anyone in those cities!



Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 9, 2010, 10:52

Hi Craig

I’m so glad mardi gras was such a positive experience for you.

I’m sorry to have missed the today tonight story and also for the trauma around that for you. I tried to find it on their site but couldn’t. Do you have the link to paste in here? My GF watched the story and let me know about it afterwards.

Hope you enjoy your time in Australia before returning to NZ. Please stay in touch.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
March 9, 2010, 19:10

Hi Craig,

I’m glad the Mardi Gras was an empowering experience for you! Yeah, I watched the Today Tonight segment on Monday, and like you, was appalled that you were chased and stalked by EB church members. I hope you are relaxed now and enjoying your time in Brisbane and the other Australian cities!

Cheers 🙂

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