
23, M, bisexual questioning, In a pentecostal church

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 3, 2009, 00:29

yep….I think you got it.

the only choice we have is to respond or not respond. The orientation remains the same.

a heterosexual can’t choose to be anything but heterosexual.

People occasionally say uneducated things to me like ‘when you choose to become gay in 1991’…..I stop them there…..”I never choose to be gay” I reply, “the only choice I made was to accept who I was and chose to no longer live in denial and hating myself.

Joined in 2008
February 28, 2009, 16:32

Perhaps you could check out HillsBen’s blog on the ex-gay movement if you are interested in knowing more about sexual orientation;

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