
27 year old gay christian

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Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
May 19, 2013, 09:37

Wow Peter, you are awesome. You have courage in spades, takes a lot of guts to go to the police, you should be proud of yourself and for making the commitment to go to counselling. You are doing the right thing for yourself and your future. It might get tough at times but know you have our support and love.

Well done 🙂

peter dauven
Joined in 2013
May 23, 2013, 09:43

Thanks very much Mother Hen,

you have helped lift my spirits with your words of encouragment and support.

I also have support from my mum, mum in law, my partner, my best mate, my partners bestv mate etc 🙂

It is much easier going through difficult life experiences when you have supportive people in your life.

I am feeling much better. 🙂

God bless

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