
A man or a mouse?

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Joined in 2005
March 24, 2012, 17:36

Hi Sarab,

thanks for your encouragement also,

Yet – as shadow boxer has said – we are far more than this. And perhaps for people around us – and more importantly for ourselves – it is crucial to remember that we continue to be the same people – with interests, passions, beliefs. Yes, I need to remind myself of that sometimes, I think some Christians tend to only see one aspect of homosexuality & that is the sex part 🙁

you said

As for your pastor and his suggestion that you can't be "righteous" and be in a gay relationship…. I feel I just have to weigh in a bit here. While Icompletely agree with shadow boxer – there's no point trying tom persuade or argue with people like your pastor – it may help you a little to know that Romans 3 points to the fact that "no one is righteous – not even one". So for anyone to begin talking about what may or may not equate to righteousness just makes me feel frustrated on your behalf.

That's interesting that you say that, because I just emailed my pastor a letter explain a little more about my situation and how I am starting to wonder if worshipping at this particular church is right for me, but then said, actually, I probably should just take a bit of a break until I can get things clear in my head … anyway I made that very same point that no one is righteous, that we have all fallen short of the glory of God …

you said

Ann Maree has said to you "Go to counselling" – she is wise and she is right. It sounds like you are twisting yourslef into a pretzel to try to either be the person you think your mum and pastor want you to be or persuade them to come around to your way of thinking. Perhaps energy is better spent on how you feel about yourself, how you will sort some of your own struggles out and a counsellor can help you to do this.

yes, you are both right, I am very much a pretzel 😉 I intend on seeing a counsellor, just a matter of choosing the "right one" I kind of feel I should see a Christian Counsellor but then again, I guess any counsellor is a start and better than nothing ….

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
March 24, 2012, 17:50

Hi Brunski,

I was thinking of exactly the same scripture as Sarab, good one 🙂

I think its good you are considering if your current church is the right one for you. Also with these meetings you are going to be having with your Pastor, I wonder at the benefit of doing that, you have been there before and it didn’t do you much good apart from confuse you and add condemnation. He will continue to push the same line, his point of view, whether that is the best of you or not. A counsellor will be (or should be) neutral, helping you find what is right for you, helping you discover what you believe instead of listening to your pastor or us for that matter. The only way you are going to find some resolution on the issues that are affecting you is to do something different than you have been doing. Doing the same thing, speaking to the same people, going around and around on the same issues, dancing the same dance is not going to bring about change.

God Bless

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 24, 2012, 18:10

Hi Brunski

You said:

..I intend on seeing a counsellor, just a matter of choosing the "right one" I kind of feel I should see a Christian Counsellor but then again, I guess any counsellor is a start and better than nothing ….

I would suggest that for now, the 'right' counsellor is the one your GP has recommended for you, the one who is there waiting for you. And you won't know if anyone is 'right' for you until you meet in person and give them a chance. A 'Christian' counsellor will not necessarily be any better than the professional your doctor has recommended. And in fact I imagine you will benefit from seeing a professional outside of the church to allow you some separation from that.

You really need to just take a leap and trust the expertise of the supports around you rather than finding reasons not to receive from them. Trust yourself where you say:

..any counsellor is a start..

and go with that.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
March 25, 2012, 11:47

Hi Ann Marree

you said

I would suggest that for now, the 'right' counsellor is the one your GP has recommended for you, the one who is there waiting for you. And you won't know if anyone is 'right' for you until you meet in person and give them a chance. A 'Christian' counsellor will not necessarily be any better than the professional your doctor has recommended. And in fact I imagine you will benefit from seeing a professional outside of the church to allow you some separation from that.

Your right once again 😉 I guess the "right counsellor" will never come along because there is never a "right counsellor" but perhaps a counsellor better suited to my needs. Well, not sure if the one my GP referred me too is waiting for me, I am sure she has other patients (that's not the right word, but you know what I mean) The reason I chickened out the first time was because I was starting to feel dizzy (I wont be taking my meds, if I have another early morning apt) & I was having trouble finding the place. Anyway, what's done is done. I will go and try to find it on my own prior to making another appointment otherwise I will get lost again lol She kind of told me how to get there, but I still managed to get lost. Its kind of funny though, the street that she is in, is a street I drive through almost every week when my pastor picks me up & takes me home, I just dont know exactly how to get there on foot lol anyway, I will work it out. Just enjoying the morning sounds of the birds outside my window & the cool morning breeze although, its fast approaching afternoon lol its almost midday, so I guess its no longer morning sounds but midday sounds lol

Sorry, I go on sometimes about random things 😉

Not sure if I got the quote thing right yet, will see once I have posted this 🙂

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 25, 2012, 17:53

Hi Brunski

To quote so that your quoted text shows up in highlighted grey, put quote in square brackets before the quote and then at the end of it, put/ and then the word 'quote' in square brackets after it. I haven't fixed the above one so you can try it out.


Ann Maree

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
March 25, 2012, 18:12

Like this (quote) at the start of a quote but use the square brackets like Ann Maree said not these one ( ) and (/quote) at the end of the quoted words but again use the square brackets [ ] like Ann Maree said. 🙂 You will get there

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
March 25, 2012, 19:04

Thanks Mother Hen – you explained it better than I did. 🙂


Ann Maree

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