
Australian Ministers Say Sorry to Gay Community

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 7, 2008, 18:24

Australian Ministers Say Sorry to Gay Community

In an act of reconciliation that demonstrates times are changing, Australian Christian Ministers are signing a document to say sorry to the gay and lesbian community and at least 100 representatives are marching in this year’s Sydney Mardi Gras parade to show it’s not just words.

“This wonderful act reminds me of the time the NSW Police marched in the parade for the first time. It was a sign of progress when the very organisation that had imprisoned the first marchers in 1978, joined the parade as participants, 20 or so years later.” said Anthony Venn-Brown, author and former evangelist within the Assemblies of God.

“These ministers are the closest example I can see, of the Jesus we read about the New Testament and that a more informed understanding of homosexuality is reaching all denominations” Venn-Brown added.

The group, calling itself 100 Revs, was launched last weekend by Pastor Mike Hercock at a gathering gay Pentecostals (Freedom 2 b[e]) and at Surry Hills Baptist Church. Ministers are adding their names to a formal apology, which states that churches have often been “profoundly unloving” towards homosexuals. “As ministers of various churches and denominations we recognise that the churches we belong to, and the church in general, have not been places of welcome for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) people, For these things we apologise. We are deeply sorry and ask the forgiveness of the GBLT community”, it said in the statement.

“I see this statement as a step towards a very important dialogue. Most within the gay community consider all Christians are anti-gay. How did they get that message?” Venn-Brown asks. “It could only have come from one place, but the 100 Revs have identified that showing genuine love and compassion is far more Christ-like than trying to win a theological debate. Those that are signing this statement, like the leadership of Surry Hills Baptist, have listened to our stories of rejection, isolation, fear and sometimes even hatred. We applaud their willingness to acknowledge the wrongs. It’s a way forward of healing for many”, Venn-Brown added.

Venn-Brown believes that those who sign the 100 Revs statement may become the targets of anger and hostility, even ostracised by others in church for their willingness to admit the wrongs. “Thank you for standing with us and welcome to our world” Venn-Brown concluded.

Go to the website and leave words of encouragement

Read the statement here

Joined in 2006
February 8, 2008, 13:47

This is truly amazing, certainly getting choked up reading about it. oops Hopefully now the healing can begin and hopefully our attitudes will be of stretching out a hand to join together with those who are apologising and not get our back up with the attitude of ” so, who cares or about time but I aint budging” but still even if, thats anyones own personal journey of hanging on to hurt and not letting go, we all have our time in being able to move on and for those that want to, unite again.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 8, 2008, 17:03

Dont forget to leave comments…….this is happening here is australia…….Freedom 2 b[e] has played a big part of the journey…….and its made news all around the world……so lets show our support for these guys by saying something positive on their site.


Joined in 2007
February 8, 2008, 18:23

It thrills my heart.

Joined in 2006
February 8, 2008, 18:48

It is indeed such a thrill Jenaz, its just amazing. D Yes I posted too. We certainly need to support them completely.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 9, 2008, 10:02

I remember when I began telling people 3 years ago that these things would change………it seemed no one would believe me.

I believe we will even have some Pentecostal ministers marching.

Its great that people are daring to be like Phillip Yancey

February 10, 2008, 09:36

I remember when I began telling people 3 years ago that these things would change………it seemed no one would believe me.

People have been saying that for a lot longer than three years. I was going to Daring conferences back in 2000. This traces back to years of hard work, especially by the Uniting church.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 10, 2008, 14:28

sorry Raskdog…….there is much that has gone on before……I’ve just been thinking and moving in the pente circles.

Liberation Rob
Joined in 2007
February 11, 2008, 11:59

when are we goin to see some names to this document by still active clergy in mainstream denominations… don’t hold ya breathe folks – as I’ve always suspected most clergy are gutless!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
February 11, 2008, 17:49

the names will be public Rob……thats the whole purpose of it…….and some will be marching as well. You can’t get more public than that.

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