
Coming out at 51

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Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 06:58

Here is my story…

I'm 51 and have been rockily married for just over 30 years. I have been a Christian since I don't know when…well since childhood, and have mostly lived a 'good Christian life', apart from being a rebellious teenager.

I'm in the process of coming out. It all began happening quite recently, when I learned that God loves and accepts LGBT people. He created us to be who we are, and its absolutely possible to be gay and Christian.

At first I considered myself to be a straight ally….I was passionate about becoming a gay rights activist, as someone who is heterosexual and loves God and gays. My biggest peeve in the world would be injustice…no matter who is being affected by it. I value justice extremely highly. So I readily jumped into doing what I could when injustices towards LGBT people became known to me.

Next chapter….I started to question my sexuality. I didn't set out to…it just happened. It was like my eyes were being opened to who I am. I was in a turmoil for a while…not knowing what I was! Heterosexual? Bisexual? Lesbian?

I managed to shelve it for a bit. But not for long. It became more and more apparent to me that, yes…I am a lesbian.

I always have been. But, being programmed and conditioned to think and act a certain way, coupled with never knowing anyone who wasn't straight, while growing up, kept me in denial to the point I suppressed who I was.

Looking back I can see so many indicators…crushes on girls at school, crushes on female celebrities, and so many other things that happened, some of which I can't mention here. I have always struggled with being married. I could never quite work out what was wrong…why we had no connection and why the uncomfortable feelings when being intimate. Feeling like I didn't fit, like strangers or flatmates who happened to share a bed.

Now I know. Now everything is falling into place. It all makes sense….now.

I've come out to some close friends from an MCC Church…and am so grateful for the love and support I experience from them. God prepared the way for me when He guided me to go to this Church. Its awesome to have a support network, because the road ahead will be difficult.

So far, coming out has been an exhilarating experience. Its been with safe affirming people. I feel free and light, and I feel like I'm starting to really be myself. Like a butterfly finally escaping from a cocoon, and getting ready to fly.

I know God is with me, and for me. He has shown me I'm okay, I'm loved, and He's known who I was all along.

Telling my husband will be the hardest thing. I'm praying for God to prepare him for what's coming.

I'm excited. I'm scared. I'm elated. I'm anxious. I'm happy. I'm sad…..mixed-up emotions all right. But its all good, and will all work out. I love it when people are praying for me….so feel free.

I'm a lesbian…and I'm proud to be me!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 6, 2011, 08:19

Hi Rainbow Girl

Wow! You're amazing! 🙂

Thanks for sharing your story. I think many of us can relate to suppressing sexuality because of external conditioning and the more dominant culture of heterosexuality. For women too I think that sexuality can be all the more suppressed. I know a few lesbians and bisexuals who have awakened to their sexuality later in life then come out.

How's your relationship with your husband?

And how did you find us?


Ann Maree

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 09:04

Hi Ann Maree,

Thanks for your reply and encouragement.

My husband and I have never been really close. Even when I feel love for him and a fondness towards him…its like he's a good friend or something. I have tried everything to be the kind of wife he wants….but I don't have that kind of attraction for him….and now I know why…… Sometime soon he will also know why.

We've had some very tough times… including two separations. I had an affair with someone…a man…looking for companionship…but that was very short-lived. Obviously I didn't find what I was looking for, and what I can only find in a relationship with a woman. I'm looking forward to a loving relationship with a someone someday….I long for the right kind of intimacy and companionship.

Its amazing how many stories I've read that sound just like mine, with a few minor differences. It's true about woman, especially of the older variety, who are so conditioned to a certain way of life, that we lose ourselves and can't entertain the thought of being different to other women. I was always a bit different though…but so shy and quiet. Ha! That's changed!

I was sent here by Anthony Venn-Brown. He has been a life saver when I needed a support person. I would've felt so alone and with no idea of my options without his guidance and wisdom. Its great to have someone with such experience to guide me through my coming out process. Thanks Anthony, you're one in a million.

I'm grateful I've found this group.

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 09:14

BTW…I can't seem to put a profile pic up…after browse and open and update profile….no change. It's no big deal, just to let someone know. Thanks.

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 09:58

Hi Rainbow Girl,

Welcome 2 F2B, it's so great to have you share your story. As you mention some are similar to yours with aspects you can relate to and others are very different. Shows that we all come from different background, places and experiences yet we can all come together on this forum and be united, offer support and love to everyone. I think it's fantastic.

I will certainly be praying for you as you approach telling your husband, I'm sure if will not be easy, who knows maybe it will be a relief for him and a ahh moment that explains things for him. I pray it works out well for both of you. Do you have any children?

In relation to you not being able to put your profile picture up, the web site has very recently changed and some little bits are still being fixed so it could be due to that.

Thanks heaps for sharing

God bless

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 10:40

Hi Mother Hen. Thanks for your warmth and your prayers.

We do have children, but all are adults. They know I'm into gay rights and that I embrace my LGBT brothers and sisters.

I'm sure they will have varying reactions, as they're individuals, and some will be more understanding than others (I have four).

But they will be okay. It won't cause a big rift or be too damaging to our relationship.

I agree that there may be a sense of relief on the part of my husband, once he get's over the initial shock. Things will become clear for him. I'm hopeful we'll end up as friends.


Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 17:32

I'm hoping that my story will be an encouragement to someone who is facing a similar situation.

I will try to update the progress as things happen.

Rainbow Girl

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 17:46

Hi Rainbow Girl

Welcome to freedom2b, WOW, what an amazing journey! I'm so happy for you that you have worked out your sexuality and spiritual journey. 🙂 It was such an encouragement to read that you are in a church that is affirming and accepting of who you are. Those of us who are still on the journey of working out our relationship with God and our sexuality, so need to hear stories like yours. Anthony Venn-Brown, I'm beginning to see is an amazing man of God, way to go Anthony for being a support to Rainbow Girl.

I know this website is invalueable to me right now, its my main connection to God as I'm struggling and feel so broken (my little church right now). 🙂 I hope you two will get encouragement as you read through stories and articles written.

So glad to hear that you think that your children will cope fairly well when you do tell them of your sexuality. That surely makes things alot easier on you. 🙂 So sounds like your major thing coming up, is telling your husband. I will keep your in my thoughts and prayers regarding this, (funny how I can pray for others, just not myself). From what youve said, it sounds like it might make some sense to him once you tell him.

To share a little, I found that telling my family, children and church friends was difficult, due to there beliefs. The best thing I did, was to give them time to process it, to stand back and lovingly allow them to express there feelings, however they came. The good news is that my mum, sister and children are accepting with who I am. Only my youngest son who is 15 finds it still hard after 7 years since coming out to him and thats okay to.

Well once again welcome and I look forward to hearing more of your journey as you share.


Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 19:39


Hello. ( I had a massive crush on a Fiona in High School…she was so pretty and I was so shy. I didn't see it as a crush though…I do now )

Thanks for your advice. I guess everyone processes things differently and they need their space to come to terms with it all.

It will be difficult to tell people…even the ones who I know will be okay with it. I have no idea how I will break it to my husband…but I know I can trust God to help me and help him too.

Thanks for sharing a bit about your journey. It's great you have the support of your mum and children. You are very brave. Did you have a support network around you?

If there's an MCC Church near you I'd encourage you to check it out. It is exactly what I needed. The people are the best and I love them so much. You will be accepted and loved completely. Funny …that's just what the Church should look like and the LGBT inclusive ones are doing it best!

This is a welcoming place to be, with loads of love and encouragement. Maybe one day I'll have the opportunity to hear your story….I'd like that…a face-to-face chat maybe? 🙂

Thanks for your lovely warm welcome.

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 6, 2011, 20:41

Quote from Susan on December 6, 2011, 7:39 pm

It will be difficult to tell people…even the ones who I know will be okay with it. I have no idea how I will break it to my husband…but I know I can trust God to help me and help him too.

Thanks for sharing a bit about your journey. It's great you have the support of your mum and children. You are very brave. Did you have a support network around you?

If there's an MCC Church near you I'd encourage you to check it out. It is exactly what I needed. The people are the best and I love them so much. You will be accepted and loved completely. Funny …that's just what the Church should look like and the LGBT inclusive ones are doing it best!

Hi again Rainbow Girl

I'm just on the site reading through an article written on" A consistent Bibical Approach to Homosexualit"y by Dr. Keith Dyer (thanks to Ann Maree's suggestion). I'm find that I'm slowly working my way through it, in bite size pieces (this is my third attempt at reading it). I tend to read a little, look up a few things as in scriptures etc and let that digest.

Thank you for your suggestion of attending a MCC church. As I'm not quite ready for the church scene yet, this site has been my so called church in the last week, after closing myself off pretty much for over 7 years. I'm hoping to get enough courage to go to a freedom2b meeting next year. I've looked at the resources on welcoming churches on this site and it does seem that there are more MCC's churches than any other domination listed.

As for not knowing what to say to your husband, I'm sure you will find the right words for you and also know when the time is right to speak to him. Sure it can be scary, but with God right with you, you will be in the best hands.

In answer to your question about a support network, no I didnt have anyone at all around me. It has been a very lonely journey, this is the first time since totally coming out, that I have been supported and felt like I belonged. As I have found it also difficult at times in the LGBTIQ community (might be an age thing, as I'm no spring chicken and wasnt really one to want to go to the club/bar scene).

All the best, keep smiling.


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