
Coming out at 51

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Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 16, 2011, 08:14

Yes Anthony…things are progressing as expected I guess. My husband and I have been talking every day.

Its nice having my sister here to stay….a welcome distraction.

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 16, 2011, 09:02

Hi Rainbow Girl

Just wanted you to know you are very much in my thoughts and prayers. You are handling things so bravely and good on you for writing a such an honest letter to your siblings. As you said its up to them with how they process this. When you said that those who know you well, would find it hard to believe, it reminded me of my mum's initial reaction, so much doubt came out of her mouth and she thought it was just a faze…….when she reflected back on what I told her from the past, she realised this wasnt true, just can take people time to process it all.

Its was encouraging to hear that your son and sister are processing things as well as expected. Glad that your husband and you are talking daily , thats such a positive sign. Of course thats not undermine how difficult of a time it is for him or you. I smiled at your statement of not taking on board any guilt, well done on your part (what a wise person that person was). πŸ™‚

Enjoy your time with your sis and have a great weekend

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
December 16, 2011, 12:22

Hi Rainbow Girl,

Just want to let you know I'm thinking of you and praying for you. You are doing great, you should feel very proud of yourself. You never really know how people are going to respond, so it can be a nervous time. As much as you need to do this for yourself and you want to do this, it's still doing to take it's toll on you emotionally. I think you are a wise and sensitive women who is emphatic towards others, I can tell that for you your concerns are going to be for the other members in your family. Just remember to take time out for yourself and do whatever it is that helps you, go for a walk, chat with friends etc, whatever recharges you so you are able to deal with any emotional stuff at home.

Good luck with telling your other children and siblings.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 16, 2011, 18:24

Hi Rainbow girl

You said:

I said in a letter I wrote for my siblings, that I'm not trying to convince them; but simply need to tell them my news. And what they do with it is up to them… I know who I am…and that's the important thing.

I love this! You've set some nice boundaries, letting your siblings know you're not out to defend or promote yourself or bring them to your way of thinking. You're just declaring your news, sharing part of who you are, and allowing them the space to process that. And they can come to their own conclusions and responses. So it puts the responsibility back to them for their own choices while also taking the pressure off because you're not expecting anything from them. That's very nice. It gives them the permission to be themselves, just as you want to be fully who you are.

Well done!


Ann Maree

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 17, 2011, 07:02

Princess _Fiona….thanks so much!! I have had heaps of doubt from my husband too…but I think he's starting to believe me. He guessed that I was interested in someone and guessed who it was. So even though its a sore point and extremely difficult for him to handle, it dispelled the doubts he had. I am feeling so many emotions, as Anthony mentioned. I know that beginning a relationship only adds more emotions to the mix, but at least they are warm fuzzies and feeling cared for, to balance out the bad ones. Thanks for your wisdom…I have taken it on board. Its all too easy to feel guilty, but I shake it off. I want to be caring and loving to my husband, but sometimes I need to distance myself from the turmoil.

Thanks for the glittery hugs…sending some back to you.

Mother Hen….thanks so much for your kind and wise words, and for the lovely sparkly note. Things have been taking their toll on me emotionally, and I've been having trouble sleeping. I got something to help and slept like a log last night. I do need to look after myself don't I? Recharge and gather strength. Having my sister here was a boost to my emotional state, as we had some laughs and fun. I appreciate your prayers for me Mother Hen…thanks. One day we will meet and I'll give you a big hug. It means so much to have support from people who care. (tears)

Ann Maree…. thanks for your encouragement. I came to realise that I don't need to convince others about who I am. They will have doubts and need to work through those, but I don't need to try and defend myself. This became apparent after a conversation with my sister about certain things which indicated to me something had always been there for me regarding attractions to women. She responded that it doesn't prove that I'm a lesbian, and she's right, it doesn't. But that wasn't the intention of my conversation. It struck me that telling people such things may cause them to think I'm trying to prove something, or convince them that I'm a lesbian. So I won't do that, at least not initially. The last thing I need is to get all tripped up in arguing about whether I have enough proof to convince them. So after that I said to her, I know who I am and what I am, and whether you believe me or not isn't the most important thing. I know time will tell. And it does give others the permission to express their doubts, or whatever, without me needing to answer or convince.

A big thank you to all. Love and hugs πŸ™‚

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 18, 2011, 12:13

I think it is quite common for people who have known us completely within a heterosexual context to have doubts about our disclosure. this is particularly true if we dont meet any of the stereotypes eg woman with short hair who wears boots and dungarees….hehe……or man with limp wrist and feminine attributes…

Many of these people will also not have any gay or lesbian friends which have broken down these stereotypes.

It will take them some time to come to terms with the new reality. And this might not happen till they see us in love and relationship with someone of the same sex. Our disclosure and living authentically will be a major contributor to their education.

I dont think it was too hard for people to know that I was gay……instead of people doubting it……. the response was more about me being deceived and giving into to 'sin'.

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 19, 2011, 16:52

Yes Anthony, that is certainly true.

I told my daughter today…and she wasn't at all surprised. She was amazing and I'm so proud of her. She was supportive and encouraging, and said she'd thought maybe I wasn't straight, many times, but dismissed the thoughts. And she wants to support her dad too.

Speaking of….we've encountered a lot of anger. But I know its normal and to be expected.

My brother's partner sent a message of love and support…and also said it wasn't really news to her either.

Isn't it funny how others can pick it even before we do? hehe

I'm going to be away in a couple of days, for about a week. My family will all know my news before Christmas.

Love and hugs to all.

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
December 19, 2011, 17:54

Hi Rainbow Girl

Glad to hear from you, looks like things are going fairly well, thats so fantastic. Wow blown away that your daughter, is such a mature young lady for someone so young, offering support to her dad is sign of that maturity. Glad you are recieving other positive responses, I'm sure that makes the coming out so much easier. It is amazing how others can see things before we admit them to ourselves, I have seen that many times in my life and not just about my sexuality.

You said anger is a response, I think you were refering to your husband and you said its to be expected. All part of him processing it all and part of grieving process. Hang in there sweetie I know its not nice being on the recieving end of that anger, it can hurt and usualy does. Try as much as you can, not to take that anger and other negitive comments on board yourself. As I've said before, put it in context of the process he is going through. I watched my kids and mum go through the anger stage, there is light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully. πŸ™‚

I know we at freedom2b are all praying for you and your family. I pray that God would use this for His good, after all who else can turn a difficult life changing experience and make it into something positive in the end for all (I say that mainly in context of your immediate family, husband and children).

Hope you are finding quiet times for JUST YOU to recharge your batteries so to speak, as you have being moving through this coming out process quickly. Well done Rainbow Girl for your brave attitude and positive approach, your doing so great and you are remaining true to who you are and that says alot.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday away and a fantastic Christmas, may you all know God loving arms.

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
December 19, 2011, 18:04

Quote from Princess _Fiona on December 19, 2011, 5:54 pm

Hi Rainbow Girl

You said anger is a response, I think you were refering to your husband and you said its to be expected. All part of him processing it all and part of grieving process. Hang in there sweetie I know its not nice being on the recieving end of that anger, it can hurt and usualy does. Try as much as you can, not to take that anger and other negitive comments on board yourself. As I've said before, put it in context of the process he is going through. I watched my kids and mum go through the anger stage, there is light at the end of the tunnel, thankfully. πŸ™‚

I know we at freedom2b are all praying for you and your family. I pray that God would use this for His good, after all who else can turn a difficult life changing experience and make it into something positive in the end for all (I say that mainly in context of your immediate family, husband and children).

Hope you are finding quiet times for JUST YOU to recharge your batteries so to speak, as you have being moving through this coming out process quickly. Well done Rainbow Girl for your brave attitude and positive approach, your doing so great and you are remaining true to who you are and that says a lot.

Well said Princes Fiona, totally agree with everything you have said.

Rainbow Girl, sounds like you have a good handle on everything. You are doing so great, I said this before you are very courageous. Remember if things get a bit too hairy you can walk out the door and go for a walk, or a drive and give each other some space.

2012 is going to be an awesome year for you.

I'm praying for you and your family.

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
December 20, 2011, 15:10

Princess _Fiona….thanks so much… I appreciate you. The angry moments are really hurtful. I've been going out a bit to have time away from the house. I'm going to be looking for full time work very soon so I can get a place of my own. Once I do that I can move forward and start living authentically. It is hard watching my husband go through all these emotions. I do feel for him.

I will be telling my employers tonight as they need to know why I'll be leaving my part time job. Tomorrow night I'll be telling my second son. By Christmas everyone who needs to know right now, will know.

My church group have been so supportive. They insist I'm not to go through this alone, and there is a spare room for me to use at one of their homes, anytime I need it. I'm so grateful to God for how He has gone before me and put so many things in place. He is amazing.

Mother Hen…2012 will indeed be an awesome year for me. I know there is an amazing life to live. I'm excited about what the future holds….for me and for the special person now in my life. She is a blessing and, I feel, a gift from God.

I will be away from any computers from Friday until after Christmas.

Merry Christmas to everyone.

Rainbow Girl

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