
Confused and feeling alone.

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Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 18:12

Hey Summit.

Wow that would be great, I would love to meet up for coffee while you are down this way. What a blessing. I understand your isolation and how you are feeling. It doesn’t bother me whether I meet guys or girls to be honest. Just to make some christian friends would be nice. I am not available on the 9th but any other day would be lovely. We can work it out as in rgards to times and where to meet. It would be lovely to meet you 🙂

God bless you. My name is Lee by the way.

Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 18:19

Hi Anthony.

I am glad to be here and that I found this place too, well actually God led me here and it’s a welcome blessing.

Sydnet and Melbourne would do well, it’s great to hear about the members you have that have joined in syd and melb. Hopefull brisbane and gold coast is next. That would be wonderful 🙂 Mmmm mardi gras next year I have never ever been to one, nor have I been to any event of any kind where I havn’t drank alcoholic beverages, since making the edfinite decision not to drink alcohol it should be interesting times since I will be sober. I would love to come but will have to see how the budget is as I plan on travelling O.S. next year so need to save my pennies.

Thanks God for this website 🙂

I am looking forward in getting to know you all alot better.


Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 18:25

Hi again.

Yes it will take some time for me to heal, re-educate myself but it will get done. Yes, I am confused about a few things really. For the first time in my life I am sincerely with all my heart seeking God and my life is changing… I am afraid to join a church and I don’t know why. I am confused about that. There is so much unknown for me and I guess that’s what I am afraid of the unknown. I wish I had a friend that I could do these things with sometimes, then I could have someone to share my experiences with and talk things through. I am sure though that from this site I am going to make lots of wonderful friends. Also I have a burning question on my mind, do I need to be baptised in order to accpet god into my life? I wonder about that.

Many blessings to you Anthony.


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 2, 2010, 19:07

Hi 2quik

Jesus didn’t say you had to be baptised to accept God in your life so no you don’t have to be baptised. Simply seek after God and he’ll seek after you.

I’m pretty sure the thief on the cross that accepted Jesus wasn’t baptised and yet was promised eternal life. And there are many, many other accounts of amazing followers of Christ and God who were never baptised.

Of course, if you feel the need to be baptised and it helps you, go ahead and do it. I believe certain rituals like that can help us if they have personal meaning but I don’t think are compulsory.

By all means send some personal messages to any of the QL people in the link I posted earlier. And it’s good you are keen to meet up with Mr Summit. That’s an excellent idea.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 19:19

Hi there.

Thanks for your reply. I actually went and checked out that link and read the part about homosexuality and a few other parts. It’s going to take a step for me to join a church and I am just not sure on the whole thing yet. I have read a bit of the bible. I have a KJ version and I read the scripture out of 1 corinthians 6:9-11. The NIV version and the KJ version says different things but according to the scripture the salvation army put in their positional statement, it actually says homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of god. This is where I get confused. I can go to church and praise the lord and do whatever else we do at church but I still wont receive the kingdom of god. What rubbish, is that man or God that has created that? I am sorry I am just very new to this all and am also learning and growing.

I think I just need to take it slow here. Actually one question I do ask is would God forsake me if I don’t belong to a church right now or go to church? Is that a requirement of becoming a christian? You actually bring up a good point about everyone having to know you are gay, let me tell you something now I am so so obviously gay, you can tell just by looking at me and I am pretty sure people would just guess that I am. I am a very honest person and if someone approached me and asked me if I was gay I would have to tell them.. I cannot lie. I am going to pray to God to bring someone into my life that I can go to church with and receive some support. He has blessed me with support and finding freedom 2 be and I know he will bless me with this.

Sadly yo do live a bit far away but that’s ok, we have this great place and that’s good enough for me. It will be lovely to get to know you better 🙂


Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 19:22

Hi Sofia.

Yes, I am overjoyed about the comments and support I have received so far. Praise God for that. Yes, most of my prayers come from my heart and what I yearn for. Thank you for wishing me all the best.


Joined in 2010
December 2, 2010, 20:21

Hi again Ann Maree.

Thanks for clarifying that for me. I think I have just been feeling even after trying very hard to walk with God and do what he would expect of me that I was not worthy of his love. I kept thinking that no matter what I did, I just would not be able to walk with him ever. That is very slowly being broken down to me not believing that at all. I ma very new to this walk so am doing my best.

I have tried reading the bible but to be totally honest i find it hard to understand, so I have just resorted to reading books about God I can understand and praying. I think it will just be important to take this slow in my walk with him. I treat him like my best friend because I know he will never ever let me down.

I cannot wait to meet summit… that would be lovely. What a great blessing for me 🙂

Thank you for your advice as well Ann Maree 🙂


Joined in 2008
December 2, 2010, 21:33

Hi 2quik,

A welcome from moi. Thanks for sharing your story as it will touch many here reading and are going or have been through a similar journey. As I always say there is light at the end of every tunnel.

Glad to have your presence here on the forum.

Joined in 2007
December 2, 2010, 22:39

Hi again, Lee.

You know, I really don’t think that you must go to church in order to have a relationship with God. I’ve had a relationship with God for years when I was not attending church, and for me, it was every bit as fulfilling and real, and sometimes even more so than it ever was when I was attending church every Sunday.

I’ve recently gone back to church because I had that desire to be with other Christians, but if the church wasn’t there or I wasn’t welcome there, God would still be with me, and I would still have a relationship with him. I don’t believe that it i necessary to do anything to have a relationship with God, other than talk to him, listen to him and learn about him.

Reading books about God is good, praying or talking to God is good, just thinking about God and having that relationship in your heart is good, too.

I’ve heard it said that Sitting in a pew at church doesn’t make someone a Christian, anymore than sleeping in a garage makes them a car. I think that’s very true. In the end, how you relate to God is a personal thing and whatever works for you and makes you feel close to God is perfectly fine.

I think the Scriptures in the Bible about homosexuality have been both mistranslated, and misused. If you read my reply to Zed in the thread titled “How do I…” I talk a bit more about my thoughts on that.

I’m happy for you to send me a private message here on the forums, too if you’d like to chat more.

Blessings to you!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 3, 2010, 17:05

Hi 2quik

I think I have just been feeling even after trying very hard to walk with God and do what he would expect of me that I was not worthy of his love. I kept thinking that no matter what I did, I just would not be able to walk with him ever.

I can relate to your sense of not feeling worthy, having been there at various times especially earlier in my life. Personal development and life experiences have helped to overcome most of it. The good news is I’m a long way from where I was. I don’t even call myself a Christian anymore and yet feel more than worthy. Granted it took me a while to get to where I am now and yet thankfully it did happen.

And so I believe that you too will realise your inherent worthiness which is not based on trying to please others or acts of goodwill. Being with positive and encouraging others helps the process as does making a conscious effort to limit the negative input.

I have tried reading the bible but to be totally honest i find it hard to understand, so I have just resorted to reading books about God I can understand and praying.

I agree that the bible is hard to understand. Even really great biblical scholars who have dedicated their lives to it’s study can’t agree on certain things. It doesn’t help that so much is lost to antiquity that we will never really have the full picture. I mean, those biblical cultures and contexts are very foreign to our westernised and more modern ways of being so we don’t have the contexts that scriptures were written in. Having said that, there’s a lot of great wisdom in the bible and I found bible college invaluable and something I really enjoyed. It’s not for everyone though. Some people I know found it too challenging, either because it contradicted incorrect teaching from their church, or was just too much of the unknown for them to manage. Looking back, the more fixed and least open-minded ones found that bible college was a shock. It created a spiritual crisis by turning everything they knew on it’s head so they didn’t know what to believe anymore.

Anyway, there are also courses you can do that are not so academic, through churches or universities, or you might just prefer to do what you’re doing now which sounds fine too.


Ann Maree

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