
Connecting back with God?? Is that even possible??????

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Liberation Rob
Joined in 2007
January 21, 2008, 17:30

in 2008, I think the cause of finding God – in oz, for us queers is a pretty lost cause especially in any of the main stream denominations… sure there are pockets of hope here-and-there and if you’re geographically close – good luck to ya… but after an initial eurphoria of discovering such a group – you’re struck down again by the reality that this group, is but a marginalised largely gettoised group of drowning disparing fringe dwellors who are clinging to each other in their final days of hopelessness….

your only hope of finding God is to venture over seas and check out what’s happening in the States or the Uk… and hopefully be charged enough to bring whatever of the spirit you can garner back to oz and commence a renewel movement here.

Joined in 2007
January 21, 2008, 20:21

wow Rob thats a bit of a pesimistic view isn’t it? Look at how far Australia has come already in dealing with this issue. We actually hear about gay people within a church now as opposed to twenty years ago when no one would dare admit to it or previous to that when it was considered illegal! I think Australia has made great progress and perhaps we wont see the revolution you hope for overnight but over the next ten years or so I’d say that homosexuality will probably gain the same acceptance as divorce within the church, not ok in theory but no one looks down on you if you get divorced, its seen as ‘not really that bad’.

There are places within MCC churhes for pro gay people and more an more churches are allowing gay people to be apart of their congregations as long as they don’t try and convert others to their way of thinking. I am in America at the moment and honestly I think Aussie Christians are better off. There is a great divide here in the US. There are more people who are convinced of pro gay theory and there are also those that aren’t. Americans dont have the same ‘let them be’ metality that we do in Australia in the US you are on one side of the fence and pretty much everyone is expected to have a definate opinion. Australians are much more laid back about the whole thing as a generalisation.

It’s certainly sad that some gay people have been treated badly by churches and hopefully in the future we will see the truth preached in love insted of judgement. Untill then we have a responsibility to get homosexuality off what has been dubbed the ‘leprosy list’ of those things that no one really talks about or knows much about. Anger and resentment and the church and cutting yourself off from conservative institutions because you may disagree over one single issue like homosexuality is not the way to go. Lets show love, commitment and help each other to understand. Every christian person needs to find a way to live out their faith in a world that doesn’t accept them and makes it harder for them to be Godly. We as gay people don’t have the corner on that, nor do we have the corner on suffering.

Liberation Rob
Joined in 2007
January 22, 2008, 13:23

connecting back to God in a post modernity world is difficult enough for most folk…. but it’s almost impossible for a queer christian – given there are so few identifiable connections to the way we lead our lives, our current thought processes and our sense of alienation from theology

what’s needed is a ‘queering’ of theology and of the church to enable the rainbow gang to reattach itself to the mythical rainbow serpent of faith

this means re-engaging scripture in a queer hermeneutic critique, making of the church our own – encouraging the use of inclusive language and rites of passage that are unique to our clan – rituals of coming out, same-sex marriage, etc.

in church we need to develop ways to queer-the-church, and church-the-queers!

and maybe then we’ll have of ourselves a God whereby we can relate to… in the end ‘she’s not that all too distant afterall, folks’.

Joined in 2006
January 22, 2008, 15:53

I wonder if we can be disconected from God ever. If we even consider that God is always there, regardless of us, then are we disconnected with God? A person might not talk to their partner for days on end but it does not mean they are disconnected. And seeing as how we can never get away from God geographically i doubt if we ever truly disconnect from God. We can keep our part of the relationship at odds with God but that does not mean we are disconnected. We are merely having a hissy fit or whatever, believe me i know, When i decided to ‘reconnect’ i did not need to wait a few weeks or even days for God to reply to my txt message.

Backsliding is a modern term used by churches to put emotional/spiritual blackmail onto people for not conforming to their version of what it is to be a christian. Yes there can be things in our lives that may need resolution, correction, stopping or whatever that will enable us to feel better with our own conscience but that does not mean we are disconnected. Far from it.

Backsliding and disconnection is a human’s response to the way they feel about themselves or someone else they perceive as being in the wrong.

The way i see it, the church has almost as many problems seeing what grace and forgiveness is as much as the non believer does. It is beyond the normal humans concept of reality. I no longer try to understand it but now just believe all are forgiven. Who accepts this forgiveness is the issue to me.

Recent family events in my own world has made this oh so real to me. There was someone who was and is a part of my world that i had been told by many christians, leaders and non leaders, had lost her salvation blah blah blah. I could never see that as the grace of God or forgiveness. Recent events has proven that to me that they were wrong about her. She is no better, in fact she is worse than ever, but as it is she has a mental illness that is getting worse. If it was left to the church/christians that knew her she would have no hope of salvation. Thank God they do not make the decisions. I know God loves her, I know she continues to ‘fall’/backslide as it is usually put, but I know God knows all that and it is all cool. We do not, can not please God by what we do or don’t do, but by faith, and only faith. None of us are perfect, all fall short of the glory of God but that is not where it ends with God and us. Thank God.

Joined in 2006
January 22, 2008, 17:30

Thats an interesting point Tez, someone with a mental illness of sorts. If we went verbatim on what the bible says about God being the same toward everyone and that he makes no allowances for anyone since we are all one under Christ, then regardless of whether someone has a mental illness if they sin then according to the sticklers of quoting stuff then even with mental illness it would make no difference to God, you sin you lose salvation whether you have a problem or not.(of course i dont believe this).

As we know someone with mental problems are not in control of their actions even if they are aware of them, so sounds silly that someone would say that a person with these problems is lost forever or can lose their salvation, to them it is natural to act that way because that is how they are wired and theirs nothing they can do to change it not even medical science completey. Can God heal that?? of course but i personally havent heard many who have been healed and they died that way believing God and for their healing and still behaving in certain manners. God looks at our heart and who we believe in. Jesus understood where people were at and he is the reflection of the Father so God understands us no matter what we do and why. I think his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts higher than our thoughts come to mind, how dare we even suggest to understand it all even with the bible, even Paul wasnt silly enough to say he did, we only know in part he said, so as much as we have its all a part of that part, so we can only go by what we know and the revelations we get along the way, no where does the bible say that revelation stopped with the last apostle, we are still getting revelation about stuff and it will never stop because we only ever still know in part.

So what I am getting at is this, what about us who are wired toward same sex?????? and for those who dont believe we were born gay/lez then i am interested to know their view on why we are attracted in that manner shock I personally certainly didnt choose it, I know that much.(by saying what i said im not suggesting we have a mental problem.)

Joined in 2006
January 22, 2008, 18:34

exactly Mags

with that in mind this same argument can be put to any thread of human behavious that does not conform to the conservative christian theology or even what some would call a non conservative christian. God is so much bigger than we can imagine or think, so too is the human condition. We are mired by our own experience, so therefore people who have not encountered people close to themselves being gay/lesbian or with mental illness not to mention other situations not mentioned they will have a certain outlook and will relate scripture and church teaching to what they know.

I have to say though, i feel very sorry for people who do have loved ones in such situations yet choose to reject them for being gay etc. They are losing out big time, without a doubt. But can their ‘condition’ / choice be excused or is it that they just have hate and judgement in their heart?????

Only God really knows i guess.

Joined in 2007
January 22, 2008, 22:50

Wow ok there are two big issues here that I imagine I am semi-qualified to answer.

1. If we are not born gay or lesbian then how does it come about?

2. Why are Christian family members so judgemental of gay relatives?

I’m a little surprised the first question came up considering the amount of information avalible on the topic, information that I think we have all read at one stage or another. No one is born with a sexual preference per se but orientation develops during the ‘formative’ years of childhood and continues to solidify until the end of puberty. Overbearing mother, absent father, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, negative attitudes shown by authority figures towards the oppisite sex and so on are all aledged contributers in one way, shape or form. Of course there are people out there who will say they get along like a house on fire with their parents and were never abused so it can’t possibly be true. “shrugs* its obvious that the whole issue is more complex than what is written above and maybe we will never know all the contributing factors, Primarily the idea that homosexuality is not innate is a theological one and not 100% vertifiable by psychology (note also however that the theory that homosexuality is innate is not 100% vertified by biology or psychology).

When my own father came out I was in a great position to be a tower of strength, hope and encouragement for him. However, what actually eventuated could quite accuratly be described as the complete oppisite of all those things. I laughed, I refused to believe it and then the cold silent treatment insued. I should have understood better than anyone being attracted to the same sex myself! I know it sounds like a cop out but nothing prepares you for the news that someone in your immediate family is gay. For those that see being gay as a bad thing its even worse. I am not suggesting that my behaviour or anyone elses is ok, not at all, but the shock is incedible. People overreact. In many cases after a couple of months family members are able to deal and can be civil.

I don’t think those that continually reject their gay relatives are necsessarily gay haters at heart though, some maybe but not all. The mass reasons for homosexuality mentioned above tend to ‘blame’ the parents for alot of stuff and parents can feel both guilt and resentment. Quite rightly most of the time they are not impressed at being blamed for whats going on with their children and can take it out on the kids. Another big one is parents not being able to get over their hopes and dreams that they had for their kids, ones including white dresses and wedding rings with the pitter patter of little feet, they are big things to have to come to terms with.

We all know that it takes gay people some time to come to terms with their own sexuality, to explore if its real or just a phase, to accept the consequences like not getting married or having kids and even becoming apart of a community of gay people and/or finding a partner before we come out to our families. We are able to come out because we have spent months or even years working through these things. We can’t spring this news on our families and expect them to be ok with it straight away and to understand, it took is years to understand it ourselves! I have often thought I would have handled it better if it was my mother comming out insted of my father because it least I would ‘get it’ then. To me men are not attractive and its difficult for me to get my head around the idea that people do find them attractive, I just don’t understand it. I think our heterosexual families feel the same sense of confusion and ‘not getting it’ when they try to imagine us with someone of the same sex.

Just my thoughts.

January 22, 2008, 23:33

No one is born with a sexual preference per se but orientation develops during the ‘formative’ years of childhood and continues to solidify until the end of puberty. Overbearing mother, absent father, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, negative attitudes shown by authority figures towards the oppisite sex and so on are all aledged contributers in one way, shape or form.

What I would like to know is if it is the result of these things then surely it would be possible for somebody to change their orientation once they had resolved these issues. Especially if the person had for years prayed for healing and help to overcome their orientation. The documented cases of a person changing orientation are few and far between and cannot be 100%verified that they actually have changed orientation or just repressed their feelings. Does God turn a deaf ear to people who desperately want to change if homosexuality is wrong? What father who is good if their son asked for bread would give them a stone. If your earthly father is good how much more will your heavenly father give? My earthly father would do anything to change my orientation and see me married and have kids. Is God less of a father? I used to get down on my hands and knees and beg God to give me “normal” attractions. So you either have to believe that homosexuality is acceptable to God and so does not need changing or that God is a liar when He says He gives good things to those who ask

Joined in 2007
January 23, 2008, 09:35

What a great question! Thanks so much for asking Mark I am sure there are heaps of people on this forum who have asked it themselves at one stage or another, me included!

Your right the documented cases of change are infrequent. What is more frequent is the assertion that attraction to the same sex lessens significantly and attraction to the oppisite sex develops. It’s difficult to know whether this is due to repression of homosexual feelings or not, its certainly a possibility and probably happens in more cases than not. I’, right there with you on the notion that it’s really difficult to change and almost impossible to do a complete 180.

Questions like why do some people change and some not are like asking why do we live in affluence while others die of starvation? Why are people born disabled? Why are some really attractive and others not so much? In the end we can only ponder. You see the story of Joseph in the bible, he probably asked a variation of that question, why me? Why was I born into this ungodly family? Why do they presecute me Lord? But as we see God uses the situation for good, he has a plan all along. I believe that God uses all the things above for God if we let Him. The starving person may be able to develop a closer relationship with God because they are not distracted by mundane consumerism, the disabled person may develop skills of perserverence, determination and so on which could help them in a ministry career… We don’t know what the plan is, we do know that you are right (gotta love that half of this sentence 😆 ) the bible does say God gives good things to those who ask. So what does that mean?

If you read the passage in context you will see that Jesus is talking about the spirit. He alludes to pentecost in earlier parts of the same passage and basicly concludes that the great gift which the Lord will give you is a spiritual one, the holy spirit and to get the spirit all the diciples needed to do was ask. Obviously the diciples recieved the spirit in an unusual way and Jesus is talking dirrectly to them, we don’t necessarily have to ask for the spirit in the same way. The metaphore of the father giving his child goods is used to impress upon the diciples the enormity of the gift of the spirit and the amount of usefulness and good it will do them and their ministry.

Because I conceed your point about change being difficult and not particularly reliant on prayer I believe that the ‘good gifts’ the gay person will recieve are most probably spirtual ones as well, heavenly ones to be exact. Like all Christians we will recieve communion with Christ when he comes again and be heirs to the throne of righteousness… Heterosexuality looks pale in comparison. I know its not an answer thats going to satisfy you, I have trouble with it to at times because we want to good gifts now! We want all the heavenly contentment on earth. But thats not the way God opperates, we live as aliens in the world trying to uphold biblical standards in a world that rejects them and rejects us, its not easy but then God does some of his best work through suffering as Jesus’ experiences would confirm.

January 23, 2008, 14:20

What a great question! Questions like why do some people change and some not are like asking why do we live in affluence while others die of starvation? Why are people born disabled? Why are some really attractive and others not so much? In the end we can only ponder. You see the story of Joseph in the bible, he probably asked a variation of that question, why me? Why was I born into this ungodly family? Why do they presecute me Lord? But as we see God uses the situation for good, he has a plan all along. I believe that God uses all the things above for God if we let Him. The starving person may be able to develop a closer relationship with God because they are not distracted by mundane consumerism, the disabled person may develop skills of perserverence, determination and so on which could help them in a ministry career… We don’t know what the plan is, we do know that you are right (gotta love that half of this sentence 😆 ) the bible does say God gives good things to those who ask. So what does that mean?

Which comes back to the problem of the presence of evil in the world, which I believe is the atheist’s strongest argument. If there is a God either He doesn’t care about the existence of evil in the world which makes him a malevolent God, or He just doesn’t exist. I think the latter.

All this about suffering making us stronger is just stuff and nonsense. I am sure a disabled person would love being told that they are disabled so that they can develop perseverance.

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