
Former AOG leader - founder of Youth Alive NSW - now out

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Joined in 2006
July 7, 2007, 10:31

Wow, I finished your book and its been very insightful and very helpful. D I was left wishing it wasnt the end of the book. (

I think its wonderful to think that what you have written Anthony will be read by so many for decades, even yet to come and how helpful it will be and even be something refered to (which Im sure it will) as the “days when sexual orientation WAS a major issue and the effects thereof”, because by then it wont be such a big issue for the church anymore.

To me, your book gives glory to a living God that loves us all and never leaves us at anytime no matter what we are going through or thinking and accepts our orientation D

Joined in 2007
November 15, 2007, 10:57

have just read your book again, you know I think its growing on me. I also think I need a life because I have read it way to many times. Anyway good work my friend, I swear its different every time I read it.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 15, 2007, 11:56

OMG Sandy… many times is that?

why is it so different every time you read it.

I noticed on today that even though they have only just begun selling it….there is now only one copy left.

Joined in 2007
November 15, 2007, 15:04

I think its about five or six now… I have lost count and it was a bit difficult to read because I have annotated quite vigriously in the margins, I’m such a relaxed person. 😆

I’m not sure why it is different, the words are obviously the same unless you are magic. Maybe different things resonate or confuse or baffle me every time. I think it has a slightly new meaning now that my own father has come out, I get it a bit more and it opens a window to a perspective that makes me uncomfortable to think about but for that very reason obviously needs to be considered.

*shrugs* the power of the written word will always amaze me 😀

Joined in 2006
November 15, 2007, 17:25

Can you maybe now see the correlation between what is written and the understanding and interpretation thereof being clearer with some life experience.

When we write, we write what we hear, see or have experienced and how that is interpretted can by others depends on what they have or havent been through themselves at times. You interpreted something with limited life experience in that area, now you know what its like first hand and see it as it was written and meant to come across.

We can come to all sorts of conclusions in ourselves about what we read, if its outside of our arena of life experience or even era, maturity etc…until the day we either mature or experience it ourselves, or through knowledge gain an understanding.Does that make sense.?

This can be applied to a lot of things, Pauls reponce to certain things, biblically, will be hard to understand for us in some ways since we havent experienced or know of what perspective he is talking from, hence the reason some knowledge of the culture and background can make a difference. To a Jew, what he writes pointing to them will be easier identified by them than us, its kindve all relative to many things but at the same time doesnt steal from the fact if he has had direct instruction from the Holy Spirit. (now does that make sense?lol shock )

Joined in 2007
November 15, 2007, 20:10

Our subjective experinces do not negate the fact that, somewhere, there are absolute truths. The meaning of a text can vary depending on the authors intent, the author of the bible is God. One author, one scripture, one meaning.

Christianity becomes nothing more than a haphazard set of random belief systems if we all attempt to approach scripture through our subjective experience. I read Stalin’s speeches today and go “what a lot of propaganda” but the intent was to uplift the people, to encourage them to continue in their work for the good of Russia and the benifit of “father” Stalin. If I come at the text from my subjectivity it looses all its original meaning.

I am not trying to suggest any kind of correlation between Stalin and God, but the concept is the same. There has to be absolute truths, otherwise why even bother to be a Christian? What makes Christianity so special if it hinges on our subjectivity and not Gods?

I believe that our understanding of something can be hindered by our lack of experience, I will never really know what it is like to be a man because that isn’t apart of my experience. When we experince something new text on that subject can be enriched for us, we can identify with it, but the authors ultimate meaning has not changed.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 16, 2007, 11:11

can you imagine what it was like for me to do the complete rewrite Sandy…….beginning from page one all the way to the end.

What happened was I had several more years of insight, research, talking to lots of people etc etc etc.

I trust that depth came through in the second edition.

if i did that again….which i wont btw……then it would change again. the facts of what happened stay the same… perception and understanding constantly evolves.

Joined in 2006
November 16, 2007, 12:30

Thats exactly what I was getting at Anthony and thats why I said it doesnt take away from what has been written. Fact is God didnt personally write the Bible, it was written by man via inspiration through the Holy Spirit or by at very rare times the audible voice of God. The gospels write of the life of Jesus and none of the four are exactly alike and you see some ways what Jesus said as perceived through the eyes of the author but again it doesnt change the basic message. Jesus was God on earth with us, in the flesh and the gospels give account of that, yet each author writes differently as they wished to tell or thought would be the most important things to record, I guess as John said, if they were to write everything Jesus said and did, no place in the world could contain the books, thats a lot of ground work in 3yrs of earthly ministry.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 16, 2007, 12:54

maybe I just an inspried writer……..with so much depth…….it takes several reading to dig out all the profound truth. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

may be you girls should write reviews from me on and barnes and noble.

Joined in 2006
November 16, 2007, 13:27


Yeh might just do that, be great to write a review amongst all the others D

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