
Former AOG leader - founder of Youth Alive NSW - now out

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 12, 2008, 12:22

On a side note I have about sixteen hundred copies on A Life of Unlearning if anyone wants one, people keep giving them to me in the hopes I will change my mind. I should remind these obviously ignorant people that the author of the book sets out to convert no one so using it as a conversion tool is kind of ironic 😆 😆

LMAO….thats so funny Sandy.

BTW…..i’m not upset about the lack of reads of my post here at all……..the book is better 😆 😆 😆 What I am happy about is that in telling my story it has now created a space for so many to tell theirs……..and of course i would never have met all these wonderful people.

Joined in 2007
March 12, 2008, 12:41

Thats true, imagine you would never have met me if you hadn’t started F2b… how boring! It just makes all your hard work worthwhile doesn’t it? 😆 😆

Actually, Americans have gone to the trouble of ordering your book off Amazon for me. They assumed -I imagine- that I would be able to identify more with an Australian author. In a rare moment of tact I failed to point out that you are male, divorced, attracted to men, previously a preacher in a denomination I know little about and so on. I did try and point out that being attracted to the same-sex is not really an ethnic thing. One young lady got really excited because you mentioned Macquarie University somewhere 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 13, 2008, 00:11

I hope you tell them that you are on a first name basis with the author. 😆 😆 😆

Joined in 2007
March 13, 2008, 07:53

I don’t tell people who give me the books because it implies that I would already own your book and that takes the wind out of their sails. 😉 But I am known to drop your name every now and then though it doesn’t have the same impact it would in Australia most people go “who’s that?” 😆

One guy said to me “like oh my gosh…like your dad should totally meet this guy…they could like fall in love…. wouldn’t that be like totally awesome?” 🙄 😆

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 13, 2008, 08:24

One guy said to me “like oh my gosh…like your dad should totally meet this guy…they could like fall in love…. wouldn’t that be like totally awesome?” 🙄 😆

OMG…….you….my daughter in law…….ROFL.

Joined in 2007
March 13, 2008, 10:13

LOL I never thought of it like that… 😆 😆 Imagine if I had to call you ‘dad’ like some people do with their mother and father in-laws. How weird! Thankfully for both our sanity dad is happily taken but you never know, with some of the crazy insane things that have happened this could too. This time last year I could have laughed in your face if you had of said that dad is gay… things are not always as they seem.

Keep in mind though that if you hurt him I’ll kill you 😉 😆

Joined in 2007
March 13, 2008, 10:37

If I ever fall madly in love with Anthony you will be the first to know Sandy 😉 Well maybe I’d tell Anthomy first, but you’d be second. 😆 I’m quite fond of Jeff though I don’t think eaither of you have much to worry about.

People do tend to say some halarious things to you though. You should tell Anthony about that young man who wanted to show you his ‘stamp collection’ or why you got kicked out of your first American bible study 😆 My girl is not as straight-laced as she makes herself out to be. 😉 Speaking of not being straight-laced your kareoke attempt with ‘How to Love a Woman’ by Brian Adams was a night I will never forget. I can’t believe the floor didn’t open up and swallow Marina 😆

Joined in 2007
March 13, 2008, 11:28

Kindly shut up would you? 😆 Poor Marina the things she had to put up with. The rest of the stories are funny ones though, how do I get myself in these situations? 😳

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
March 13, 2008, 23:50

that past is the past. Families particularly though like to remind us of embarrassing moments.

For all those reading this besides Sandy and Paul………anthony venn-brown is quite capable of finding his own partner without everyone wanting to help or make suggestions. 😆 😆 😆 😆

……and being single for the last 10 years has not been that bad. In fact its often been quite fulfilling.

Joined in 2007
March 14, 2008, 06:20

Ah there go all my cherished dreams of being your daughter in law 😉 You give me hope… being single for ten years doesn’t sound like a party to me right now, but its good to know it is or can be fufilling. It proves that God is in control and is able to fill us up in ways we never imagined (she says putting words in your mouth, sorry!).

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