
Homosexuality is Unnatural?

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 14, 2011, 16:30

simply put………. same sex activity, same sex partnering, same sex parenting goes on in nature. What causes it? Nature. Is it good or bad. Neither it just is.

So with us.

We just are….gay…..lesbian….bi….transgender….intersex….what caused it…..nature. Is it good or bad. Its good if you accept it. Its a nightmare if you don’t. Because you can’t change it.

Being heterosexual is unnatural to me…..I’m not wired that way. Being with a woman is unnatural to me.

You can spend your life in misery that you are not ‘normal’ or you can celebrate your uniqueness and live it with truth and integrity.

Joined in 2005
September 15, 2011, 19:24

Hey Guys

Now I hope Im not going off on a tangent here – If I am – – please just ignore me.

Firstly – Brunski – not all people like it but Im a huge fan of the book

A seperate Creation

Now obviously there isnt a smoking gun. There isnt a single Gay gene and research seems to show multiple causes and paths and reasons for Homosexuality – which is actually an argument for Darwinism in a way (and also for super intelligent design.

Either way – there is a school of thought that argues that its beneficial for a population to have a certain percentage of adults (between 5% and 10% that are available for defence and food gathering and so on ) but which do not breed.

It actually gives a survival edge to the population over all – they can help out the sick, the injured, the overwhelmed.

So Many Biologists believe that not only is homosexuality natural but that its actively beneficial.

And whilst you may argue – Humans are not animals – you must then ask WHY does homosexuality appear in all cultures and all times regardless of belief and wealth etc. Unless its innate and naturally occurring.

Its Definitely not cultural….

Joined in 2005
September 16, 2011, 11:24

Hi Mr Summit, you said “Or, as I have heard it said, homosexuality has been found amongst many species, homophobia in just one. Which is “unnatural”? I had to think about this one well, perhaps its because humans are of a “higher intelligence” in that they can see there is a difference between heterosexuals and homosexuals where perhaps, animals dont see a difference, if that makes sense. And in the case of human, some perceive that difference as a threat or simply something they dont like or agree with and react (homophobia)

Then again, who says there is not homophobia amongst animals?perhaps some animals “beat up” on other animals or “attack” them simply because they are “homosexual animals” 😉 we can never really know unless we can speak animal lingo 😉 if you could, maybe you could go up to say, a Tiger and ask “why don’t you like that other Tiger?” or “why did you just beat the crap out of him?” and he or she may reply “because he is a fag!” :p just kidding … I dont think we can be certain that there is or there isn’t homophobia amongst the animal kingdom.

AVB you said “simply put………. same sex activity, same sex partnering, same sex parenting goes on in nature. What causes it? Nature. Is it good or bad. Neither it just is.So with us”.

yes, same sex activity … goes on in nature, but which nature? Animal nature? we are not animals, so what may be considered natural amongst animals does not always fit with human nature.

We live in a fallen world, human nature is not what it was designed to be, nature itself is broken, right from the beginning, so with that in mind, perhaps it could be said that homosexuality is unnatural or broken. Perhaps, it has come about purely as a result of the original sin. Sin has entered the world and perhaps homosexuality is just one way in which sin is expressed in some people :~

Then again, keeping in line with that what I just said, if homosexuality is a sin (as many suggest) then in that case, it is very much unnatural! because sin is unnatural, man was created to live without sin, to live in harmony with God and in a sinless world. If sin is unnatural, a violation against God, wrong … and if homosexuality is a sin, then homosexuality is unnatural, a violation against God, wrong … :O

But of course, that is if you believe homosexuality is a sin in the first place.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 16, 2011, 18:48

Hi Brunski

Yes you make a good point that we don’t really know how other species react to homosexuality. I’m guessing it doesn’t matter to them and that they don’t put a judgment on it like humans do but I can’t be sure about that.

You say we are not animals but, in fact, we are.

You said:

We live in a fallen world, human nature is not what it was designed to be, nature itself is broken, right from the beginning, so with that in mind, perhaps it could be said that homosexuality is unnatural or broken. Perhaps, it has come about purely as a result of the original sin. Sin has entered the world and perhaps homosexuality is just one way in which sin is expressed in some people.

How do you know we live in a “fallen world”? Is that because some preachers told you that? And does that make it true?

I don’t believe nature is broken or that it ever was. I have a different take on the Genesis account than what’s been taught in many churches. I believe the so-called “fall” was a good thing, symbolic of people developing in a healthy way. Similarly to how children have to gradually separate from their parents and make their own mistakes, I think the account of Adam and Eve taking a risk and then leaving the garden perhaps represents that same developmental process. It’s not mature to remain cosetted from the world and never take any risks. And as much as I’d like to avoid pain and stay in a protected space, I need to stretch myself, leave my comfort zone and make mistakes to learn and become independent.

I personally believe wholeness is found in practising greater self awareness and being more fully ourselves. It involves being kind to self and others. The good news is that I can do this now and don’t need to be living in paradise to achieve it. And irrespective of how you interpret the creation story, I’m not sure there’s a link with homosexuality.

It’s all food for thought.. but remember, just because you were told something in church doesn’t make it right either.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2005
September 17, 2011, 17:10

Hey Anne Maree

I find that an interesting thought… because I was drawn that statement also

“We live in a fallen world, human nature is not what it was designed to be”

because to me – it shows an extreme lack of believe in God.

Now im probably a bit of a heretic – but I believe that IF the GOD of the bible exists – THEN he (and use that term for convenience and more on that in a minute) existed before the universe and thus before time.

He is truly timeless and infinite. I’ve actually heard conventional sermons which describe god like that.

The thing is…. IF thats is true….. then did he make a flawed creation?

(Yes I know about free will but I’m saying think about it from GODs point of view here)

He is out side of time. He knew what would happen. He could have stopped the serpent. He could have done things differently. He didn’t. This isn’t about free will. This is about intelligent design. Gods purpose for creating the universe and us in it.

WHY ??

Well thats the rub – and I think if you believe in GOD – thats where faith REALLY comes in – that you have faith that he knew what he was doing and that none of it really was a mistake. That it is all is for a purpose. Now this is an infinite being we are talking about here. We a finite and mortal. I suggest we couldn’t comprehend God’s purpose and to say you know and understand it – is to actually limit and box GOD into something much smaller that what those people pretend to believe in.

I’m not saying its a perfect it world. Its not.

I am saying that to say its all because of sin that bad stuff happens and thats out side of Gods plan – is actually limiting God to a manlike being – and I think thats a sin far worse than being homosexual (but I could be wrong about that).

Try and think of 100 numbers simultaneously. all at once… visualise them. NOT HUMANLY POSSIBLE. God can do that. Child play for him. He can do all the stars (according to the bible) but not only where they are now (billions of them) but where they are and will be – that is incomprehensible) so to try to limit him to human motivations – doesn’t make sense to me.

I believe that God knew what he (and in fact I don’t think God is he or she. I don’t think those terms likely mean much to an infinite, timeless being. They may be aspects of him but they aren’t him but hey – we have to use something – but in using such a term we are again LIMITING GOD) – anyway – I believe God knew what he was doing when he created me and you and each one of us… and it will – eventually become clear.

As to what that purpose is – there are many theories. I don’t know. The caballists (stalking the wild pendulum – Itshak Ben Tov) believe the universe will evolve into someone God can talk to – he created it because he was lonely. There are many theories. I find them interesting to research and study but Whats important really is that you know you are you for a reason and we all leave the world a better place.


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