
How has Freedom2B helped you?

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Joined in 2006
July 29, 2007, 21:33

The gospel is simple and I think if we make it complex we do take away from it……God knows our hearts/intentions and yes we are all accountable for our own journeys, simple is wonderful and should be easy to understand but seems that because something is so simple we have to as a race complicate it, funny how God said that the gospel will sound foolish to many, its too simple and yet in its simplicity so powerful.

Joined in 2007
July 31, 2007, 00:21

Hey, this is just so beautiful to read and get a picture of our families. 😀

For me F2B – I got to admit that when Anthony mentioned it to me I kind of though “yeah right – I will believe it when I see pigs fly backwards” because it was just so unheard of. Now I’m more adicted to God than before. I am a little happier if that counts for anything. I have come to a place where I feel comfortable being who and what I am. I learnt from alot of wise people (yes I am talking about you who are reading this post) – everything people said and did and wrote helped. And the crucial part was that I felt so safe here… that if any of this got out there and was used against me. I’d slap the person. Forgive em and move on with my head up because there is no shame. There is nothing romotely wrong with who I am and what I am and the knowledge that God loves us regardless of what we think about ourselves. I think that is the most important thing, to know intimately, that God loves us, and he calls us as children. I don’t feel so alone and I can move on with my life. F2B really brought me back to a place to where I should be. It kinda put the map back into my hands. I admit that I have been on auto-pilot for many years thinking God and my homosexuality was incompatible. I learnt through reading and discussing that it brings to my mind things that I never looked at.

Oh Anthony’s book had a big impact on my thinking too… thank you Anthony, more than you will ever know. Being simple isn’t a bad thing you know. I know that’s what I liked so much about you.

🙂 Thank you everyone for being such a rich blessing on my life and helped me find my way back to God. Its funny because I used to be such a chatterbox with God and I know God loved it… and then as the years rolled by and as I started to hate myself… I talked less with God. Now I am heading back to that place where we were at… God knows all my thoughts and words…. God delights in the most simple things we can say and do 🙂 🙂 . We have such an awesome God and we are so so so privledged to be part of God’s big family.

Now its 12.30 am and I must go to bed 😯 . To be truthful I have run out of tissues and I look a mess 😯 … and the kitchen needs cleaning so I will go and do that so that Steve wakes up in the morning to a nice clean kitchen and a very tired partner! 😆

Love to all.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 31, 2007, 12:36

Gott luv this wonderful space we are creating for ourselves and others.

respect it, honour it, guard it……….and others will be drawn in.

‘If you build it they will come”

Field of Dreams

Joined in 2006
July 31, 2007, 14:48

Wow, how awesome this truly is…….Your dream was built Anthony and look, we are here and others are still coming, Craig is right, not enough tissues. oops

Youre awesome Craig and such a blessing. wink

Joined in 2007
August 30, 2007, 07:47

What has this group done for me?

Well it has reinforced my belief that being gay and being a Christian are not incompatible. Meeting other gay men and women who are comfortable that Jesus still loves them despite what many in the mainline churches would have us believe.

For me the main messages which come through the teachings of our Lord are ones of love and acceptance but with a responsibility to all our fellows regardles of colour, race or sexuality. After all, God made us the way we are for some purpose.

Hugs to all


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 30, 2007, 09:54

thats a great realisation Peter…… seems like there is another wave of coming out like there was in the gay lib days of the 70’s…..only this time its people coming out as gay christians

Joined in 2007
September 3, 2007, 00:28

Oh no Anthony, that’s just so terrible 😆 what will they think? How will they cope? We need a special house for them to get all the support they need… where straight people go and that place is earmarked only to employ GLBT people 🙄 😆 🙄 Gosh we can’t have those ummmm lovely happy people rolling out as you know ummm 😳 “gay”. The world will never be the same again. 🙂

AND amen to that… I do believe we do have a roll to play in the christian community… mine is to plead with God as to letting me be an instrument of catching others who are falling and need reassurance that our heavenly father never hated them for being different.

Hmmmm smile.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 3, 2007, 07:12

F2B is a safe space for people to come out………there are lots of people who are reading our forum but have not posted yet.

Joined in 2005
September 3, 2007, 09:54

just going to put this out there…. do you think this was Anthony’s dream or God’s dream. Good on Anthony for doing all the work, committing etc… but sometimes i feel like im on an Anthony worship site…. lol…. Yay God is more for me!

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 3, 2007, 12:23

You know what Jannah…..I was thinking the same thing myself the other day…….too much about me and so I actually deleted several threads that were solely about things i’ve been invlovled in in order to try and make it more balanced.

its not about me……its about us.

Because of my book and media opportunities I have the privilege of representing many people who dont always have a voice. Sometimes that also means i get lots of flack. I guess people have appreciated that fact that i’m willing to put myself out there…..and when I start copping it they feel the need to stand to my defence. Bless them.

Its not really necessary though……..I’ve always felt supported……..maybe best if they PM me eh instead of making F2B look like an Anthony Venn-Brown fan club……eeeeeeeck…….thats the last thing i want…….and i’m sure would quickly bring the death of our wonderful network.

thanks for pointing it out…….any other suggestions.

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