
I decided to act some more

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Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 1, 2012, 12:54

Hi Jordan

I agree with Mother Hen and the things that Shadow Boxer has said. It's one thing to do extensive biblical research. It's another to do this with a heart of love and an open mind. Facts and bias, one way or the other, are easy to collect. A loving attitude is something again and that means having more concern for people than a position that's held. I could be wrong but it sounds like this man just wants to justify his position, and in matters like this, there needs to be something beyond this. Leave it be – you're better redirecting your energies elsewhere.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2012
September 1, 2012, 13:56

Hey everyone, thanks for all the great advice, and I agree. I sent him an email this morning already though :-/ so if he gives me his views and questions and I answer them and he still won't budge, I will then cut the conversation off.

What I sent to the churches found below in the quotation marks, gave various links and my own personal story. I would like to have hoped it was enough, but I suppose some people are already set in their ways and not open to other views. I am disappointed that after almost two days only 1 person has responded, and it has been negative, but I cannot change minds. It's like what Morpheus says in The Matrix – which is appropriate here. "I can only show you the door, you're the one that has to walk through it".

Since I already offered to answer his views this morning, I will answer them, and if he still won't listen, then I'll have to end the conversation because it is the wise thing to do. Thanks for the help you guys, I'll let you know what he (Nick) says. Here is what I wrote:

To the churches of New Zealand,

If you have eyes, may you see, and if you have ears, may you hear. I would like to take a moment to tell you my own personal story and what it means to be a Christian. It would mean a lot to me if you read the entire email before passing judgment on me. Amen.

As far back as I can remember having a conscience (Age 13), I knew I was different. This particular ‘different’ I could not vividly describe however. It was something I knew others would not like about me, but what was it? I only knew what this ‘different’ was when I realized I wasn’t attracted to the opposite sex, when other guys in my class were.

Hi, my name is Jordan. I am 22 years old, and I am a gay Christian. For as long as I can remember I have always been gay. Not once did I ever ‘choose’ to be gay. Likewise, I am sure many heterosexuals never made the choice to be straight. Now growing up in a Pentecostal Christian upbringing, I was told that being homosexual was sinful, wrong and an ‘abomination’.

Over the next (almost) 10 years, these words lead me to 2 suicide attempts when I was only 15 years old. Simply because every time I stepped into my own church I was bombarded with pastors preaching eternal condemnation for being gay – for being myself. For something I have only recently realized is a part of me I cannot change, and not through a lack of trying either.

Every night I would pray to God. I would try to ‘pray the gay away’. But I never received any answers, and God would not change my sexual orientation. Over the years I became very angry. I came into church seething like a snake because not only did I feel like God was ignoring me and my prayers of why I was like this and why I had these feelings for guys, but the very people at church including pastors, and even my own parents, constantly shouted homophobic slurs behind closed doors.

In fact one time a pastor at my church said “It is ok to be in a relationship… as long as it is with the opposite sex”. Everyone laughed in agreement. I on the other hand, was completely devastated by this and my spirit was shattered beyond repair. Sure I could be in a relationship with a woman, and if I wanted to, get married and have kids, but I wouldn’t be able to love her completely, and I would never be happy because it would be denying my true self. I would be living a lie, and THAT is a sin and unnatural to me personally.

At the age I was back then, what else was I supposed to think of myself though? I had the whole world screaming in my ear saying I was useless, that I was a waste of skin to society, and that when I die I would go straight to hell. So how come, if I was so ‘evil’ and ‘possessed with demons’ apparently, God would not change me? Surely if I was such a bad person He of all people could change me?

But nothing happened. Nothing EVER changed me. I tried looking at obscene material on the internet with women. That didn’t change my sexual orientation. I was water baptized. That didn’t change my sexual orientation. I prayed to God daily to change me. He also wouldn’t change my sexual orientation. I am sure you get the picture here…

I was completely broken. The whole world it seemed said there was no hope for me. What made matters worse was the fact that, despite my best efforts, NOTHING could change me. Only now have I realized it was because there was nothing wrong with me in the first place.

Now up until I came out to my parents (who are also Christian), they were quite homophobic. In fact borderline what people of the ‘Westboro Baptist Church’ would say, minus the picketing, and with their slurs being said behind closed doors, in the family car, and at home (And by the way if you type that church in Google it comes up with My parents even opposed gay marriage when they were young, which really hurts me to this day because, in a way, they were openly rejecting me and my future as their son.

They could not last a single day without shouting homophobic slurs such as ‘must be gay’, ‘oh a fudge packer aye?’ and ‘EW, gay’. Could you imagine how hurtful these comments were coming from my own loving parents on a daily basis? These words destroyed my soul, and to me, it was like being interrogated and brainwashed to reinforce and assure I wasn’t worthy of being a human on this planet.

One day whilst we as a family were watching Masterchef on television, one of the male contestant’s boyfriends came to kiss him as he was eliminated from the competition. My parents shouted utter disgust. My soul completely broke in that moment. It was make or break. If I didn’t say something soon I would have gone ahead and killed myself, leaving them with a million questions as to why I would ever resort to such a thing.

It was the final straw. I went to my computer and started researching ‘coming out stories’ and ‘it gets better’ videos. I did not realize that the final result of this would end up in me typing up an eight page coming out letter which would ultimately change the minds and hearts of my parents forever.

I poured out my heart and soul in those eight pages. Letting them know that each time they preached eternal condemnation and hatred towards gay people, they were talking about ME, their SON. I also spoke of having to come to the conclusion of being prepared for complete rejection by my own family, and being kicked out of the house for something I could never change.

At 7:15am on July the 4th, 2012, my dad knew I was gay, followed by my mum at 9:27am. My dad immediately gave me a hug and assured everything was still ok and that he still loved me unconditionally. When mum read the letter however, she was crying a river, and I thought it was because of the fact that I was gay, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

She later told me she was crying because she was completely oblivious to what was going on in my life. I had kept this secret inside of me for almost half my life. This secret spread like a cancer, consuming my every emotion and thought. She said she was also crying because she was worried for the shear amount of hatred I will ultimately face in my life. Indeed, if being bullied at school wasn’t bad enough, this could have easily sent me over the edge, but if I didn’t tell anyone, I would have, and that was a very scary thought.

I am in a much better state now than what I was back then, because when I came out to my parents I felt the pressure of that secret leave me – it was almost like Satan had a grasp on my heart, and we all know he is the father of lies, and God is the father of truth. This burden, this feeling inside of me was quite indescribable, but I will do my best to describe it. You know that feeling when you are told bad news on the telephone and you feel like your heart is sinking? It was like that, for almost 10 years, and it suddenly lifted when I told my parents I was gay. I was then overwhelmed with a sense of peace, grace and liberation. I suddenly thought of the quote in John 8:32, ‘then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’.

It was a huge relief, but something still kept bothering me. My parents now know that I am gay, and that’s great and all, but I still felt useless because SOCIETY told me it is wrong, sinful and an abomination to be gay. I needed clarity. It wasn’t God that hated me at all.

Now I am the sort of person that looks at both sides of a story before casting judgment on someone or something. I am always aiming to find truth in everything, so when I saw many paradoxes in the bible from a young age about the supposed ‘sin of homosexuality’, yet ‘loving your neighbour’, I thought there was much more to the bible than this. So, naturally, I started doing some research.

I started looking into why I was gay, how I was born this way, but more importantly, what the bible says about homosexuality in all of its context, also bearing in mind the laws and times in which the bible was written in and how the clobber passages have been interpreted (Or in some cases, misinterpreted) over the generations, and in particular, today’s day and age. Heck, there was once a time when people wholeheartedly believed the world was flat, because that’s what people interpreted from the bible at the time, which we now know to be completely false.

There are many more things we as humans have discovered about the bible over time, and I firmly believe that we are now coming into an age of grace, where people realize the bible doesn’t actually condemn homosexuality, and that God loves people just as they are. Another note I would like to mention here is that Jesus didn’t hang out with the rich and greedy, he hung out with the social outcasts, people which society rejected. He hung out with the prostitute and the taxpayer to name a couple examples. So would he die for, and hang out with a homosexual? I will leave that up to you to ponder.

Now I came across some amazing findings which I believe to be the truth, but I acknowledge everyone is entitled to their own opinion and personal beliefs, so please don’t feel obliged to agree with these findings whatsoever. I would appreciate it if you did watch all these videos one day however, to at least take a moment to understand where I am coming from. All of this is just coming from my own experience and journey, but questioning my faith has allowed me to gain a much deeper faith in Jesus as a gay Christian.

Matthew Vines on the Bible and Homosexuality:

Rob Buckingham on Christianity being transparent and accepting: [5 parts]

Is being gay a choice? Religion versus Reality:

^ This video comes across as a bit sarcastic in tone, so please ignore that aspect of it. Regardless, it has some very good information which has helped me come to terms with both why I am gay and how I was born this way. It made A LOT of sense and truth to me as a gay Christian man.

Prayers for Bobby movie trailer: (In my opinion this is a must see movie all Christians need to see)

And here is the full Prayers for Bobby movie on YouTube:

I would have loved to have bought and sent you the actual DVD of Prayers for Bobby, but as you can imagine, sending hundreds of DVD’s to various Churches of New Zealand, well… let’s just say first of all I am not a millionaire, and second of all, I am not God who can work wonders! 😛 but if this movie touches you, I encourage you to purchase a copy and get others to watch it too!

Below is a romantic comedy about a gay couple who want to adopt. They have the same family values as the average heterosexual couple (As many LGBT people value as well), but they find out there was an error on the adoption papers and instead receive a troubled 15 year old teenager who is extremely homophobic. It is a funny but moving movie (If you can withstand the guys kissing that is – though many people can withstand guys holding guns in movies, so if people can handle that, then this shouldn’t be uncomfortable). There are subtitles which are a downside, but it is a great movie for those questioning whether gay couples can be good parents. It also makes you question what a ‘normal’ family is. If it is a family filled with unconditional love, then that to me is normal:

Patrik 1,5 Trailer:

Patrik 1,5 full movie on YouTube:

I sincerely hope this email has been helpful, informative and humbling. Please do not feel obliged to respond or agree with anything in here however, rather, consider the other side of the story and what LGBT people are facing in today’s society, and the complete context of the bible and what it says about homosexuality.

I thank you very much for your time in reading this email.

Peace and Grace,


Sorry for the long post. It was uncanny how you mention Matthew Vines too :O that is one of the links I sent which is extremely informative and thought provoking ^_^

Joined in 2005
September 1, 2012, 17:03

Hey Jordon – Theres no Harm in trying and its a great letter…..

As I said "give them the links -AND something personal – something that shows how an anti gay stance damages lives " and you have done both….

As Anne Maree says "but it sounds like this man just wants to justify his position," but theres no harm in trying.

Some things I would keep in mind when doing this. You probably know all this – your letter was so good – but just in case please forgive me for stating the obvious.

No MATTER what they say back – Dont take ANYTHING they say personally. A lot of these conversations can get very emotional and that immediately stops all chance of progress. No matter what they say – never reply when you are feeling an emotional reaction to a reply. (It may be appropriate to talk about that reaction later – but dont write and send a reply whilst in the grip of the emotion – wait – a day, a week – two weeks until you are calm and have analysed why you reacted to their replay – and then reply.)

Remember Jesus commanded us to not judge others. (Multiple times) and that applies to us as well. If someone is Judging you – (or us) then they are NOT speaking with the word of God they are DIRECTLY breaking Gods commandment. Jesus also told us to Turn the other cheek. A lot of these people use dirty tricks in these conversations – personal attacks being some (straw man etc In fact – if you find their arguments difficult to counter – have a look at this – many of the common tricks in rhetoric are described here )

Many theologians just believe what they were taught. End of story – but to challenge someones belief means then – if that is wrong – how do they know ANYTHING they were taught was right. Its one reason why the establishment ALWAYS resists change. Ifs its wrong on one point – where else could it be wrong. They cant afford to admit to being wrong anywhere… so they dont… unless they have to….

Thats Human nature…and the best approach to these people (I think ) is a slow gently approach which lets them see that changing the view in this area DOESNT invalidate their faith or anything else…..

HOWEVER – Considerable research shows that many homophobes are repressed Homosexuals. There is good evidence to suggest that many (???) of the really vocal opponents to accepting gays are such people and the reason they are so terrified by us is because they terrify themselves. They are self haters (really deep down). These people can get quite nasty and are often less than rational in their conversations. (and if you are contacting 100 churches – I would expect to hit about 10 of these people – very roughly)…. If you do – DEFINITELY dont take anything they say personally and just end the conversation.

Great work !

Joined in 2011
September 1, 2012, 18:53

Beautiful letter Jordan – well done.

should you receive any hateful or challenging replies, please know you have the thoughts, prayers and encouragement of the f2be community on your side.

You write very well



Joined in 2012
September 1, 2012, 20:46

Thanks for your words of wisdom Shadow – you are always so helpful and I really appreciate it. I will try not to let things get to me if it gets personal, and I will definitely take that advice and calm myself before replying if it things do though. You make a good point too on people who diss others, as they usually have something they themselves are hiding. When I was bullied at school I never said anything bad about those who did me wrong because in my heart of hearts I knew something wasn't going very well in their own lives, and two wrongs don't make a right. No matter what, I will turn the other cheek should I ever be slapped in the face and I'll walk two miles if they ask me to walk one.

On another note, my adobe reader won't open PDF's 🙁 I don't know why, it's been really weird for ages. Is there possibly another way I can view the document?

And thanks so much sarab! <33333 F2B is my safe haven 😛

Joined in 2005
September 1, 2012, 21:32

HHmmm Adobe reader not opening a document – thats odd – You could try uninstalling it – and reinstalling it.

If that doesnt work – try googling the problem – (i.e. any errors etc)

Im not much of a windows person myself Im afraid….

Joined in 2012
September 2, 2012, 09:53

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it but it wouldn't let me 🙁 must be some astray files or something :-/ ah well I'm sure I'll cope. He hasn't replied back yet. Starting to wonder if he's given up – if he has then that makes it a lot easier for me.

Joined in 2012
September 2, 2012, 21:48

Sorry everyone, I don't think I will try emailing a further 50 churches. I haven't received a single email back from the first 50, apart from Nick's, which was negative (although I was expecting that), and he hasn't responded ever since when I offered to talk about his views (which may be a good thing because he sounded set in his anti-gay stance).

Maybe one day I will move to Melbourne and listen to Rob Buckingham's sermons in person. Bayside Church, which accepts LGBT people. Otherwise I can see no hope in going to any church here in New Zealand. Even the church I go to, they as Christians, make everything seem so lovey dovey, and their love can be packaged so nice and sweet, but in reality they don't accept homosexuals, and that's not only conditional love and in my opinion, a bunch of pharisees, but it's also really sad.

I may have to resort to praying and being a Christian only at home :-/ because I cannot afford to be hurt at my church any longer. Especially that time a pastor said "it is ok to be in a relationship… as long as it was with the opposite sex". It's funny how you can think you're quite strong, but there's always that seed of doubt that brings you down a notch or two. Maybe it's just because I've grown up in a homophobic environment so I can't think positively enough. I don't know…

Anyway I'm sorry to disappoint you guys. I tried. 50 churches seems good enough I guess, and despite their silence, maybe one day they will change their minds. Until then, I will have to give up on them – just as they have done so with me and the whole gay christian community in general. Sorry everyone </3


Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
September 3, 2012, 07:35

Hey Jordon nothing to be sorry about. I admire your convictions that you gave it a go. I'm sure you are very disappointed and feel let down again by the churches. To be honest I'm not surprised, churches can be stuck in their way, change takes a long time and can often not be evident until we look back over many years.

You may never know the effect your letter did have on someone, just because they didn't reply doesn't mean you didn't touch them in some way. Some people can be out there in the public eye, slogging away, taking criticism and rejection, but they keep at it. That's their personality. Other's can touch lives by just being themselves and a testimony to God. There is no shame in either, we are all different and all approach things and handle things in different ways. You are an incredible testimony to God, please don't be hard on yourself. You are an amazing young man. If you do move to Australia, Australia will be better for it.

Chin up, we all support the wonderful effort you made 🙂

God Bless

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
September 3, 2012, 07:38

Hi Jordan

I don't feel you have disappointed anyone. Far from it in fact. I think it's wise that you have taken a back step from making ongoing contact with churches for now. It's good that you have reflected on the hurt this issue causes you and sought to protect yourself from further hurt. I also feel that your heart is in the right place and the desires of your heart will be satisfied but for now these might manifest differently to what you were hoping for. Why not contact one of the gay affirming churches in NZ for some fellowship?

Your letter is brilliant – some of the churches just aren't ready to hear it yet. But that's their doing not yours. I also agree with Mother Hen that you never know what will come of the seeds planted from the letters already sent out.

Your enthusiasm and actions are inspiring. That's part of who you are and doesn't change just because of the disappointing responses from the churches. In my mind it only means that your actions are diverted for now.

Keep your chin up.


Ann Maree

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