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Joined in 2012
November 27, 2012, 08:23

Hey Ann 😛

I've also heard of studies where there are fat cells in the brain that govern weight gain and some people have more of these than others.. I don't know much about it but one of my colleagues mentioned something on the topic. Have you heard about it?

Hmmm, I haven't heard about that – all I seem to hear about on TV these days are people claiming the 'fat gene' doesn't exist – which I find hard to believe because my body just loves to be fat without any rhyme or reason, no matter what I do. I think some genes play a part. I'll look into that anyway, thanks!

My family members are starting to notice a difference about my gradual weight loss and I think that sea buckthorn oil is really doing wonders. I think drinking water constantly throughout the day will also help me (Despite never really desiring water that much) so that my body tells me only when I need to eat. I remember doing a similar thing in Australia, and I actually came back with a smaller stomach, although I was doing 60 crunches a night that time, and I simply couldn't keep up with it :-/ it was flipping hard, and crunches really suck :-/ I think they call it the 'plateau' effect when you just completely burn out.

I will get back into rowing, though I think I will only do it 2-3 times a week. I tried like 2km daily, and whilst that was easy, it just got annoying and made me lose interest in rowing altogether, which isn't very good. I need balance. Perhaps twice a week, doing 4-6km.

I'm going to start working on the structure and chapter titles of my book today. I still don't know what to call the actual book because there are many ideas I have for it, but I'll think about that later. I took some advice from some YouTube videos last night on 'how to write a book', and I also received an email and a couple private messages encouraging me to write it so it's definitely going to happen.

I still don't know whether I should make it a physical book (Because those Kindle's are becoming extremely popular), or an ebook. At the rate technology is going, I think books will become obsolete. Which is a good thing I guess because that means no trees are cut down. Well, much less anyway (Still used for firewood and all that). And then there's the price I have to consider. Whilst I'd love for it to be free, I also need to start making a living considering I don't know what I'm good at (And probably won't know for a while). Perhaps even if it costs $1? I don't know. Heck, even if I sold 250,000 copies – that could get me a house. Once I've got my feet in the ground financially, I really want to start helping others when I get the option.

Speaking of money… sometimes I'm extremely frustrated at how so many celebrities have all the money in the world, and they go and spend it on some $500,000 boat, car, or other ridiculous materialistic thing. If I had that sort of money, let's just say I'd put it to good use – but that's just me. I suppose I can't dwell on what the rich do with their money though, especially when I'm not in that position. And there are celebrities who do put their money and time to good use – like Brad Pitt a few weeks ago donating $100,000 towards marriage equality, and Madonna getting behind the injustice of the band members of Pussy Riot being jailed for freedom of speech.

Thanks for the comment and support <3

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