
My story from shame to freedom.

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 4, 2009, 10:15

It is all a journey – hop on-board for the ride of your life!

Love that SteveTL…..very cute

Joined in 2009
August 24, 2009, 16:49

Friday night and Saturday I learnt more about God than the whole time I have been a Christian. I realised also I have a long walk ahead but I have so much hope now after hearing all Anthony Shared. Every word he spoke or anyone had spoken had God flowing right through it. And because of that I was very overwhelmed, I havent felt God close to me in such a long time and I felt his love through all of you. Last night I said to God I found my place, my home, My tribe!! Ive walked 30 years and not felt like I fitted in anywhere and once I stepped foot into the meeting I knew I was with “My people!”. God showed me the things he has in store for me and the hope an healing I can bring about through my friends and church pastor friends I know.

I feel alive and set free. All the pain from the words many pastors and christians have said are starting to fall away and Im seeing the real me come out. In turn its rubbing off on some other friends of mine who are battling understanding themselves too. I always knew one day God would bring me closer to the GLBT community but I was always scared. Now I am so overwhelmed with joy and hope. I cry writing this because Im finally ‘me’ and no-one can take that away again.

Thank you all that were there. Just being there has really touched me deeply.

Love ya guys!


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 24, 2009, 23:19

thats great progress in such a short space of time Shane.

its great when the angst inside begins to dispel….and we know we are loved….and we are okay…..and still gay…..hehe.

Joined in 2009
August 25, 2009, 06:46

Great story Shane- Thanks for sharing it.

We can support each other- because there are common aspects to our journeys. But we each take responsibility for our own journey.

I’m encouraged by yours- I sometimes wish that my journey was more like yours (I posted my story a couple of months ago)- but we can only move on from the point we are at now. And it sounds like you’re going in a good direction!


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
August 25, 2009, 12:42

the opening line in about 80% of the emails I receive Ian is………..’your story is my story’

We just haven’t had the space to connect before this.

What i find interesting and encouraging is that previously all we ever heard were the tragic stories…..very sad ones at that……but now we are getting others filtering through…..seems some came through the journey relatively easily.

I think we can all rejoice at this……it is a sign of the changes occurring.

Joined in 2009
September 6, 2009, 20:23

Well update again.

For the first time since coming out and clean about my sexuality I recived my first abusive email and it did stop. Ive been bombarded with continual comments by past friends of family, church friends and ex pastors. All have not been happy with my choices to the pont of expressing in anger, abusive language and even hate filled statments. I must say I was making comments I am so blessed Ive never experianced it. Well I now can say it came in a big way but it doesnt make me step back but move more forward in my walk God is guiding me in. My wife has even written letters n emails back to these people being an advoacte for Gay community. I very proud of how good shes taken this, it hasnt been easy but she pushes through regardless. What I can say is I am blessed to have a wife who is right by my side on all this.

Some encouragment… If your feeling the hate of others, ignorance of people or even discrimination know that there is an advocate who stands in that gap for ya. God is always there on ya side and no one can take that away from us. We are a great tribe of beautiful people and God created us unquie and such beautiful hearted people. Keep strong it gets better.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 7, 2009, 10:44

it is such a shame Shane isn’t it when Christian people feel it it their right to tell us what God wants for our lives…..and that some of them do it in a hurtful and disrespectful way. I have to say I’ve been pretty blessed. Most of my friends just didn’t bother speaking to me again… there were no nasty emails telling me I was going to hell etc.

Of course they just dont get it do they. Its not choosing to be gay…..the choice we have made is to live openly and honestly. I believe that is what God would be pleased with. the life of deceit and denial is a sad life.

Even of the many 1000’s of emails I’ve received since my autobiography there have only been a handful which have been negative…and an even smaller number really nasty.

From my experience though…once we find our peace and resolution re our sexual orientation there is no going back. We may have an occasional moment of doubt…but it quickly passes……and only a tiny thing compared to the years of internal turmoil.

As Andrew Marin says in his book “Love is an Orientation” …..some of us in the this highly charged environment become lightening rods. Because we have dared to stand out we become targets.

its wonderful your wife is supportive.

Joined in 2009
September 7, 2009, 12:44

Thanks man… You always have the right things to say. Its the years of coming to a place of peace that have made you the wonderful man you are today.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 7, 2009, 12:57

some times Shane I think I’ve been given a special grace to this work….not to detract though from the profound experience of resolution.

People often say things to me like they dont know how I do it…….then I think…do what?……then they explain to me the things they’ve observed…..and then I think….oh that…….I just do that.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 30, 2009, 12:30

hi shane….how are things going my friend.

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