
Never in my wildest dreams: Journey of a boi 19 to a man 40

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Joined in 2009
October 7, 2009, 22:13

I’m greatly encouraged by the restoration in your life – as it’s all come back together.

The God of all grace will restore, establish and strengthen you’

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
November 10, 2009, 21:42

Hi mobileguy

Great to hear your story. How are you going on the journey?

Ann Maree

Joined in 2008
November 15, 2009, 13:55

Great to hear your story. How are you going on the journey?

Sorry I’ve taken a bit longer to respond here. My professional life ie work gets insanely busy at times and it’s an issue that I constantly have to monitor lest I let it overtake and consume me like some monster that doesn’t know when they’ve had enough 😆

The journey itself has been quite educational and eye opening on many fronts not least the work that goes on in the background by avb and others. My own personal involvement with F2B as a moderator has also had its rewards in terms of seeing GLBT people reconciling their sexuality/faith conflict through communication and dialogue on the forum with others on the same journey.

The great challenge for me now is to extend myself beyond my comfort zone and be more involved in those things that I hold passionately dear to me 😀

man in confusion
Joined in 2009
December 9, 2009, 17:30

hello mobile guy..please identify yourself as man with same sex attraction and not as gay..u r a man before all of that..i pray that the lord always leads you in his mysterious ways to the peace inside..all best..your brother in struggle.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 12, 2009, 23:34

hey man in confusion…….I dont think mobileguy struggles with being gay….he has accepted it.

this is what brings peace.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 7, 2010, 18:06

Hey mobileguy

Keep up the great work. 🙂 And now it’s my turn to apologise for the delay in responding. In answer to my question, you said you wish to be more involved in those things you are passionate about… Can’t help but be curious about those.

Joined in 2009
January 7, 2010, 22:13

Hi Mobileguy, I really like the way you are thinking about / explaining things..

I think the biggest realisation for me was that with love comes acceptance. And if God loves us then he accepts us. It doesn’t mean he accepts everything we will do and that’s why he has laid down rules we should work with. (Broadly speaking, look after yourself and be thoughtful and caring towards others.) But he has created us as we are and we should find ways to honour him in that.

Joined in 2009
January 8, 2010, 08:46

I can relate to much of what you have said.

After not attending church for over two years, I have started attending in the mornings since we have moved. In my situation, I am my wife’s carer and if I don’t go, she can’t go either.

After all that has happened at church, I am still miles away from wanting to be involved or having any close freindships there. I definitely don’t want to become a member. I still love the Lord and try to stay close to Him.

This is why a site this this means so much to me. It is great to realize I am not alone. I would really like to be involved with gay christians, but can’t be of course. Inside I am very lonely, but not so angry as I was. There was a time when I was really angry that I had been lied to from the original scriptures when people gay bash.

Where I am now, is that I am trying to shed the “victim” mentality.

Love you guys a lot.

Joined in 2008
January 20, 2010, 22:30

I received an email today from someone in my old church asking how I was. We were good friends then and did a lot of things together. It was hard for me not to try and guess whether or not he had a hidden motive but in the end I responded to his email telling it like it is without letting him know I am gay. I know that he will most probably want to engage me in an ongoing dialogue but I don’t want to out myself to him just yet :~

Am I just prolonging the inevitable?

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 21, 2010, 03:17

Hi mobileguy

When you say: “Am I just prolonging the inevitable?”, do you mean, are you prolonging the sense he will reject you? Or maybe you think he’s on a mission to bring you back to the flock?

It’s difficult, isn’t it? I recently had some enquiries made about me via a mutual friend. Those who made the enquiries are nice people but I think it would kill them to know about my sexuality. And so I’m not seeking to actively engage with them (I don’t want to deal with rejection and nor do I want to cause them grief) but have decided that if they ask about my partner status, I’ll very gently tell them because I don’t want to lie.

I think the timing has to be right for you and the other party and I think it’s good to know how important the other’s opinion is and how you might cope with their rejection/agenda if it happens. I mean it’s one thing to know and respect that they will respond as they will and you can’t change that, but you have to work out what’s best for you too and have the right to avoid a situation you may not want to be exposed to..

I’m interested to discuss further and hear others’ responses.

Ann Maree

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