
Sy Rogers at Hillsong

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Joined in 2007
November 5, 2007, 17:48

Hey – I just noticed on the weekend that Sy Rogers spoke at Hillsong recently and they have just done a series on sexuality.

Did anyone go, and what is the messege. Sy is a self confessed ex-gay – maybe God made his straight for what ever purpose, or maybe there’s more to his story to unfold, he has been married for 24 years and has a daughter. I’ve heard his teachings before and he condemns homosexuality.

Just want to know where Hills is headed with this, as I go there quite frequently and consider myself an AOG. I love God and am gifted as a worship leader and would love to get back into church life again. When I say Sy’s messege for sale, my heart sank…

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 7, 2007, 12:29

I went Phill…..and sat with Sy……and had some time alone with him.

it seems there is an urban myth that has been created about Sy……mostly from his original materials and testimony. He told me he no longer preaches the re-orientation message and has not been involved for nearly 10 years with Exodus or the ex-gay ministry he set up in Singapore called Choices.

Of course the most confusing thing of all is that Sy is a transgender person………which as WE know is very different from being homosexual. His story has become very confused as many christians….uneducated about these things, think that us homosexual men want to throw on a dress and live as a woman.

Hopefully Sy and I will be able to continue our dialogue.

From all the people who have contacted me….Currently Hillsong is inconsistent in the way it deals with G&L people in the church. Some are aksed to leave when they are discovered or come out…….others are told it is cool. I’m hoping that we can sort this out……and i’m working towards this. Nothing more can be said at this stage. One thing i do know is that the more G&L people there (and there are a lot) live open authentic lives that honour God then the quicker the day will come when people will be loved for who they are not rejected because of thier sexual orientation.

Joined in 2007
November 7, 2007, 16:10

I went Phill…..and sat with Sy……and had some time alone with him.

it seems there is an urban myth that has been created about Sy……mostly from his original materials and testimony. He told me he no longer preaches the re-orientation message and has not been involved for nearly 10 years with Exodus or the ex-gay ministry he set up in Singapore called Choices.

Of course the most confusing thing of all is that Sy is a transgender person………which as WE know is very different from being homosexual. His story has become very confused as many christians….uneducated about these things, think that us homosexual men want to throw on a dress and live as a woman.

Hopefully Sy and I will be able to continue our dialogue.

From all the people who have contacted me….Currently Hillsong is inconsistent in the way it deals with G&L people in the church. Some are aksed to leave when they are discovered or come out…….others are told it is cool. I’m hoping that we can sort this out……and i’m working towards this. Nothing more can be said at this stage. One thing i do know is that the more G&L people there (and there are a lot) live open authentic lives that honour God then the quicker the day will come when people will be loved for who they are not rejected because of thier sexual orientation.

amen! I hope and pray for that day, and we are doing out best to be out, and open with who we are in our small town community.

Have you heard about “Defined by Faith” I love their logo. It is for Gay & Christian people who wish to be defined by their faith, not by their sexuality. I am so tempted to buy the t-shirt!

Joined in 2007
November 10, 2007, 10:21

I was there too, at the Sex and Sexuality seminar. I heard Sy preach and i was expecting to hear him talk about the ex-gay movement and how homosexuals can change. But he didnt. Thats why I was confused. He didnt seem to be promoting gays to change. He was silent in that issue.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 10, 2007, 10:41

if you go to his website…….you will not actually find anything there on homosexaulity or find his name linked with the Choices program any more.

did you go to the Hills or the City Nick.

Joined in 2007
November 11, 2007, 13:03


Anthony God has ordained you for this time and for a purpose. All those years in the AOG and in building a network has put you where you are today. I am praising God. I know it is up to each and every one of us to live as authentic God serving people, but I thank him for those he has called into the sphere of influence where there can be a dialogue.

I am so glad Sy was not there to preach an ex-gay messege. I have an old tape given to me from a concerned chruch friend that was preaching ex-gay messege. It is wonderful for me to, to gain insight into the way his ministry has evolved.

Maybe there is hope yet for me to be actively involved in Church. I really miss it. I went to chruch last weekend at Baulkem hills and my eyes poured with tears as I worshiped. I haven’t stood in the presence of God like that in a long time.

I used to worship lead for a regular Youth church on the central coast every week with a team of 80 inluding our choir. It was a wonderful time and I’ve lost it in the last two years. We used to have 600 or so youth in worship there every week, and it was amazing to see this conservative church movement blossem in God’s presence and inspire the smaller churches to be more emersed in God’s presence in worship.

Do you guys ever have worship when you meet at the ACON building?

Joined in 2007
November 12, 2007, 07:55

i went to the city one Anthony. What about you?

Joined in 2006
November 12, 2007, 09:22

That is awesome news!

I didnt know you still came down to Hillsong Phil! You should have asked me to go! since I am so close to Castle Hill these days!

The video of his teaching is so old…. if it was updated.. it would be in DVD at least. I guess that is something. I remember when mum got it in the mail. And me and my gf at the time watched it together. And agreed with everything and I was filled with so much hope. I could get better! If I just.. became like the other men at the church. Oh wait.. I am a man in the church…

Am glad he doesnt speak out against it now.

Joined in 2007
November 12, 2007, 12:35

It was only three years ago when I was on Prac teaching at a Christian school in sydney they showed Sy’s video to the year 10 boys. Irradicate homosexuality – what a terrible mission that was. I was very uncomfotable at that time, as I was already feeling more and more guilty about who I was (before coming out the following year). It was just after that I experienced suicidal depression for the first and hopefully the last time in my life.

I hope one day, the church will see how destructive and potentially life threatening these teachings are.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
November 12, 2007, 23:17

it would be a good thing for Sy to come out and say what he said to me in private…….so many people have made the wrong assumptions about Sy and his message……my feeling is he has moved on.

I have respect for him…….and hope we can continue a dialoque.

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