
Anthony's book @ Koorong!!

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Joined in 2006
February 23, 2007, 00:45

Craig I agree in that it is good to read books that bring a particular view across whether that be supportive or not in a manner not demeaning to ones character as a human being.

Their are many books as u said that make gays/lesbians look like perverts and sick, out to attack and convert the unsuspecting and carry a demonic spirit………I would not read a book like that because it does the one thing Jesus did not do……..and thats condemn “for their is now no condemnation for those who r in christ Jesus”…… if a point is to be argued against us then a person should argue in a manner that isnt set out to degrade, anyone can do that (be a bully)…….Intelligence and research always comes across best mixed with respect and experience.

Seems for some reason many regard personal experience as rubbish, when actually i would much rather read a book about someone who has had some personal experience in something than someone who hasnt.

Same as someone who has actually driven a car, they really know what they are faced with and experienced the whole caboodle both good and bad compared to someone who has read a book about how to drive a car, who then writes a book about what they gathered from the books about driving a car, telling me the do’s and dont’s, pitfalls and suggestions, and yet not experienced what it is actually like being on the open road……..Theirs a big difference!!!!!!!! Driving from wa to nsw(twice there and back) certainly gave me knew skills i will have for life and near death experiences to forget lol wink (Although it is a beautiful drive.)

(by making the comments i have made i am not having a dig at anyone or meaning any disrespect)

Joined in 2007
February 23, 2007, 20:09

Just a quick reply on auto/biography books. They serve a very important purpose. It can be easy to get bogged down in the ligistics of the homosexuality deabte and come out the other end wondering how on earth it all applies to actual life experiences. On the other hand autobiography’s are just that; someone else’s life. They can be encouraging but they are not our own experiences and their is no garentee that the conclusions the author comes to are the correct ones (though this can also be said for academica). We need to come to our own conclusions based on our own life experiences and not relying on other’s opinions.

A balance needs to be reached between personal and academic sources and pro-gay and anti-gay sources. We need to be honest and as unbiased as possible in our research.

Joined in 2007
February 26, 2007, 00:29

This is where the cruc of the problem is… who do you believe. A writer who has some ideas what we face daily or a writer who has been there and done that. These are words, words, thoughts, observations, beliefs and perspectives. The difference is look at the fruit… you shall know them by their fruit of the labour.

I don’t really ask for a lot you know. Just the simple things like acceptance, to get on with living and just enjoying life in a christian environment. Sometimes I wonder why I can be joking about things and I realised alot of it is masking what I am feeling inside. Why should I trust mankinds words.

When you look at the bible and whats inside it… please tell me, what happens to the faithful ones … look at what David did to his best friend (have him killed off) and taken on his wife and yet he’s with God. Wow… oh there’s Saul who killed hundred of christian and became Paul … ummm it aint pretty – but in light of this and considering I alway had a disire to be “good” and considering my orientation isn’t what majority would call normal. I did well… I didn’t marry and have children and use my wife as a blanket for the fact that I felt Gay all my life. There is an ‘if’ factor and straight people are saying to us… get a woman and get married and have children and you will be cured. In Africa men with Aids will have sex with babies that are not even 3 months old to be cured from Aids. It’s shocking you know, jus what we put ourselves through. It just leaves me feeling very weak in the knee.

It is real struggle everyday, finding that balance in life… the concerns I have is that in 20 years time I will be 60 will I facing today when I am 60? Oh I hope not and I pray that God will take me home soon – Im just fed up with the charades really. I’m not sure where I am supposed to be… and I do know where I am with Christ in all this… times likes these will come to pass.

I rather choose a book that shows that reconciliation with God is a real thing that can happen than a book that doesn’t really bring us closer to God.

I have not yet found a book written similar to Anthony’s or in an academic way… mankind will always have swinging issues which is why I choose to stick with God because at least he promises me that God will never change its own colour.

ta Craig

Joined in 2006
February 26, 2007, 12:10

I think Craig you just said something that is verrrrryy important……Does the material I read bring me closer to God?????? (im not denoting outside studies like sciences etc…im talking in context to our christianity)

If I read a book that makes me feel condemnation toward someone or myself then that is not a book inspired of God,(no one should ever feel condemned ever, convicted yes(leave that to the holy ghost) but not condemned, one brings change but the other shame) If i read a book that makes me feel critical toward someone, again the same thing. If I read a book that seperates me from the love of God again same thing. God is always ever ready to embrace us, he never ever throws us out.

Joined in 2007
February 26, 2007, 22:02

My answer to “the crux of the problem” is simple: the bible. The question I ask is “Does this interpretation of X, Y, Z (whatever the topic is) coincide with a true biblical viewpoint.” I have said it a thousand times and I will say it again because I think it’s something we all need to be reminded of myself included, our feelings should come second to the facts! If I was to read a book that had an outlandish stance on a particular topic, but made God accessible (for example defined the parameters of God’s power, his character and his likely future events) I would ‘feel’ that this would bring me closer to an understanding of God. What it has done is fill my head with crap that sounds nice on paper.

I have discovered is that many people, including people I have conversed with on this site, discover or re-discover their relationship with God, then come to terms with their sexuality, then interpret the bible verses to fit this preconceived understanding… Is it only me that thinks this is backwards? If we are to believe that the bible is the true word of God then our relationship with Him and the decisions we make about other aspects of our lives (i.e.: sexuality) should be based on these biblical texts, we should not interpret the bible already having made these decisions and looking for ways to legitimize them.

Craig mentioned that he wants acceptance and happiness, well firstly, welcome to the club :), but talking with a conservative Christian friend of mine today I was challenged to wonder if that’s what God really wants for us. Look at Abraham, Moses, Paul and many of the other big names of the bible, were their lives happy? Were they accepted? Our goal is not to live personally happy lives; our goal is to glorify God in our lives, and something we can’t do if we pursue happiness at the expense of biblical truth.

Also in relation to your comments on David and Saul, they are wonderful examples of God’s grace. Does that mean that God approved of their actions? Does His grace, grace he gives out of love and unlimited patience, legitimize us living unfaithful lives simply because we know we can rely on God to save us?

I agree that many ignorant straight Christians suggest that if you marry you will be cured, you and I know that this is silly. They are ignorant, in most cases they don’t mean any harm, they are actually trying to help. I’m not sure how I would feel as Anthony reading your post and reading you basically saying “I did well, at least I didn’t get married like you”… It’s not particularly helpful to compare yourself to others experiences. You are your own person and you are the only person responsible for you actions, God will judge us each individually and I can’t imagine Him saying “Ok well at least you didn’t get married like that guy!” We all need to have our own personal standards of behavior that relate to our specific life experiences and circumstances.

There are a couple of books out there (admittedly very few) that do not promote a cure to homosexuality but these individuals have been able to live holy, godly lives without intimate, sexual relationships. There is no point denying that you or I have homosexual feelings. It’s pointless because we are denying the truth. I am grateful for all the amazing people in my life that have helped me discover (hopefully with some clarity) that it’s ok to admit what I regard as a sin. I am gay. I believe it to be a sin. I intend to live a holy and godly life. My life is not my own and my personal happiness takes a backseat to His plan. Not every anti-gay book depicts a lack of reconciliation with God. I feel that I myself am reconciled with God while still believing homosexuality to be a sin. And to be honest reading these posts over the last few months has done nothing to convince me otherwise, I’m hearing allot of feelings and allot of hurt, what I have failed to discover is fact.

In response to Maggie’s post I just want to point out that Jesus wasn’t always sunshine and daises. He thew tables to the ground in the temple. He refers to Peter as Satan! Jesus got angry! And I believe when he looks at some of the horrible things happening in this world he still feels the same righteous anger. But his anger comes from love, like a parent angry with a child. Love is not always hugs and kisses; sometimes it needs to be cruel to be kind. Sometimes Jesus tells us “to get behind him Satan”.

Joined in 2006
February 27, 2007, 00:51

Sandy…………I know he isnt always sunshine and roses etc….of course he does have righteous anger, he has his times he corrects us but that anger never kills another human being, his correction never degrades a person and He never ever condemned, I explained in my post the difference between condemnation and conviction…If someone feels shame it isnt right, shame causes one to feel worthless very different to unworthy……….Conviction causes you to realise you arent in the right and so u end up going “oops guilty” re-adjust and doesnt make u lose self worth.

If you see the truth and hope we have in Jesus and the new covenant he established as condemning then im sorry, but I sincerely hope u dont….

For me Sandy regarding Bible verses, i again started to question my sexuality whilst i was already walking with God and the scripture questioning came with it and then with that came an understanding that hey maybe some things are a little out of context from “our” understanding…….its everywhere regarding anything, why do u think their are so many denominations???? and they all have relevant legitimate scripture to back themselves up.

Everything has its time and place to deal with in certain issues……personally I am here to encourage and help as best as i can without rubbing salt into peoples already woundedness……..Of course u will read a lot of hurt because it is so and we are sensitive to that and their is a lot of private messaging that u will never know about…….Im not having a go at you either wink ……..In regards to fact, tell me, is the Bible a book of stats and study or peoples experiences????? Peoples “sensing” of what Jesus wants communicated via his Holy Spirit to us and the people of the time thru ordinary people like u and me?

For instance a scientific book, isnt that experienced in the lab first and then written as fact? Didnt lightening being electric come first by experience and then placed as fact?

why am i saying this??????? Because its not fact first then experience…..Abraham worshipped the sun and the moon before God called him, he had heard of the God of his fathers but then one day he experienced God himself……..He then realised, God is real, it is a fact that he does exist. And he is the father of our faith, being right before God because he “believed, trusted” God well before Jesus ever came. To Abraham righteousness was by faith, through his encounter, experience. Did he see God no? No one ever had at that time since Adam, yet his experience is recorded Fact. He had nothing to compare it to, no bible or torah even at that stage to consult asking”now where is the verse for this then”?….He himself had only heard about God by word of mouth up until the time God called him based on experience…Well thats all I will say about this 8) i dont want to go into great depths.

Joined in 2006
February 27, 2007, 11:24

hey all. i just wunto say that it’s a great thing that A LIFE OF UNLEARNING is stocked by mainstream booksellers, especially by christian booksellers such as this one.

as anthony reminds us, life is a journey of learning and re-learning. PRAISE GOD that the journey that these booksellers are taking now makes this life-saving book available to the secret and hidden glbtq’s, their spiritual mentors and their families.

the fact that this basically fundamentalist-driven, pentecostally (there’s a new word for your next book, anthony lol) well-respected book seller carries A LIFE OF UNLEARNING is a great encouragement also to other mainstream booksellers to carry the book.


Joined in 2005
February 27, 2007, 13:39

Sandy… i think most ppl when they talk about their coming out experience and that process will be emotional. It is part of the process, it is not about facts the coming out process.

The part that is about facts is the Bible verses. I study the verses from a point of celibacy, and had no intention of embracing my sexuality in this way, whilst i was studying. I chose to study it so that i would be able to understand it for others and explain it for others. I also wanted to know for my many GLBTIQ friends.

It sounds to me that your response to others coming out process, is emotional as well… it is normal for emotions to be involved in any process… the facts have come from the facts, they are a seperate agenda. I believe anyone who is seriously looking at those verses that are in question, can not honestly come out thinking it is wrong. that is not an emotional response, it is my understanding. I have spoken to many pastors etc asking there opinion and questioning with the arguments i see as granted, and each one has not been able to give an answer or response. They have ended up with the Adam and Steve argument or the err on the side of caution argument neither of which has biblical or factual standing. Yet my argument had hard facts in its sted…

Your process has been different than others. You were “out” and then became a christian, that is a very different emotional experience. I feel that i can see your emotions like a badge on your sleeve, and i hope you can see mine, That is the whole point of this forum. It is a support group, it has some resources and study/ questioning on the subject of homosexuality. But, it is mostly a forum full understanding ppl on their own journey.

There are many ppl who come and look at everything on here, but wont write because of their own belief . You have been one the brave few who question. This is good…. But, i dont think you should question peoples motives or emotions, it is dangerous as this is writing. You can not see or trully know ppls emotional response unless you are standing face to face with them. It does not translate in writing. Deciding that most ppl here have used their emotions to make their sexuality “right” in the eyes of God… i believe is an unfair statement.

i definately do not believe that to be true. But, i do believe that ppl are some/maybe many ppl are emotional about their coming out process because of the hurt you must go through…

I lost all my friends, who i had been friends with since i was 11.

I lost my church.

I lost my spiritual home of ten years.

I lost my respect from others because they percieved me to have backslidden.

I lost respect from my family.

I lost my ministry.

I lost my band.

I lost family members.

I gained lonliness.

I gained anger and hurt.

I gained self- loathing and fear of what i believe to be true.

I gained anger towards the church at large for their response to homosexual ppl. My “outing” was public and involved being spat onand yelled at, and told im an abuser, adulterer, my family were told lies about me, letters were written to my entire denomination warning them of who i was etc etc etc

But, above all this i found freedom in God and the knowledge of his truth. I found respect for myself that i had not had for 26 yrs. I found my real friends who either disagreed or agreed, the point for them is it didn’t matter. i found a better me.

Can you see how this might be an emotional process. The facts remain the same in each person, it is the emotions that are strong and change with each person. Emotions dont have conviction it is the facts and understanding of God that involves this conviction which you are searching out.

this is my understanding. Hope it is not offensive or personal in anyway. I do find my self responding emtionally to this because you dont know all of us very much and you are makng a judgement on our undertsnaind and relationship with God. You are making a judgement call on our motives with God. You are trying to tell us that we are lying to our selves and manipulating something to make us “OK”. We hear this all the time from conservative christians. We continue to fight this, as i percieve, a lack of openness and understanding. I hope you can appreciate that this is not personal towards anyone… at all… just my response be it emotional or not… it is my response…


Joined in 2007
February 27, 2007, 21:01

*raises eyebrows* perhaps I should clarify. I do understand that the ‘process’ is emotional. I would be a hypocrite to claim that my emotions have not influenced my posts. The point I was making is that emotion, in many cases, prevents us from viewing the world with clarity. None of us are objective, we all carry our life experiences and preconceived ideas around with us and they influence our perceptions. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight against this and attempt to see the world as objectively as we know how.

The point you made about the bible being made up of experiences is a good one and truth be told it gave me pause for a moment. The difference though between the experiences of people in the Bible and ours today is that they are in the inspired word of God. Christian people are receptacles of God’s grace and love on earth, the experiences of certain individuals in the Bible reflect this. I am not suggesting that your own personal experiences are any less significant to you personally or to God, but should they be put up as the benchmark for all Christians to follow as is so with the bible?

You are both smart women so I have no doubt that you have ‘evidence’ to support your claims. If you find the time I would appreciate you PM’ng it to me so we can discuss it in further detail. Ok, my apology for not being understanding enough of other peoples largely emotional response. Still, you can have all the ‘understanding’ in the world and get nowhere, the understanding offered by others is a great thing, I’m not diminishing it’s importance, but without the truth its all words.

I did not suggest that most people justify their sexual practices through their emotion. What I said was many people do. Just like many of our straight brothers and sisters justify greed, pornography and other issues that are not God’ best for us.

I’m wondering why you added your “I…” statements? They were certainly enlightening information on you personally but your experiences do not change the facts. God does not pick and choose who can be actively homosexual (sorry Anthony, I know you hate that phrase) and who can not based on their experiences, it’s the same for everyone, whether you were an ‘out’ gay turned Christian like me or a ‘gay-Christian’ like yourself.

Emotions don’t have conviction it is the facts and understanding of God that involves this conviction, which you are searching out.

Conviction comes from finding what we each perceive to be truth. This ‘truth’ is relative and is not the same for everyone. That does not mean that we are all right, some of us must be misguided if so many people say conflicting things. An Islamic person can be very convicted in their beliefs, the only place it’s going to get them is a one-way ticket to hell.

Perhaps I should clarify my position on the issue in general. I’m not totally right-wing fundamentalist. I do not believe homosexuality can be cured. I do believe it to be sin and not the way God wants me to live. I do not connect my repression of my sexuality (and yes I’m not denying that I repress it) with shame. I have asked God to forgive me for my past and He has, I have no need to feel shame. I am not evil or perverted. I openly identify myself as gay (and watch in amusement as my conservative brothers and sisters wince). Feelings of shame come with denial, guilt and other unhelpful feelings. I don’t feel any of it to be honest, which has probably contributed to my lack of understanding of others feelings.

I’m not thrilled that this is the path God has chosen for me, I know that I will have to sacrifice a lot, but really, who cares? Our savior died for us, any petty sacrifices I make don’t even compare.


Joined in 2005
February 27, 2007, 21:41

my only response after very short thought, is that i wrote the I comments as in they were my experiences.

Do you seriously think that i or anyone would give all that up knowing that they might be wrong. It is not that simple in my experience. Do you that my being bisexual, and having the option. That i would give that all up without having first made a clear and concise decision on the topic. I studied it for seven years and found truth by my study. I would just have kept on studying, had it not been for a pamphlet on Islam conversion i recieved. Which stated to have a clear goal in questioning, you must decide what is going to be the end point of your study that compounds your conviction (my words not the pamphlets). I realised the only reason i wasn’t acknowledging my thoughts in my church was because i was afraid, not because i didn’t know what i thought. Afraid of the loss of the “I statements”, not afraid of the truth that i now held.

When i left my church i was not with my partner. She did not leave with me. I left because God convicted me about the lie of saying “i dont know whether it is wrong to be gay”, when i knew perfectly well what God thought. God loves and accepts gay people and wants them in his community, not living a life of celibacy, but living a life of freedom. God made it clear to me that sexuality is a non-issue for him. That he doesn’t think of it as anything but what it is. No sexuality is greater in God’s eyes. God does still convict that if we can be alone, to be alone. But, if we cannot then love with all that you are and do it well.

My I statements are a representation of the conviction i had in this truth based on my understanding and knowledge of God and his word.


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