
Anthony's book @ Koorong!!

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Joined in 2006
February 11, 2007, 18:24

Hey all!

Just got word from Julianne Giovanelli at Koorong, Australia’s biggest Christian bookstore, that they are now planning to stock Anthony’ book โ€œLife of unlearningโ€!?!? Can i recommend that you go through the more time consumming process of ordering your copies of Anthony’s book from here …so that they are encouraged to have his book regularly stocked on the shelves!?

Their major store is at West Ryde (and others including Gosford and the new one in Newcastle at Argenton) otherwise use the link below to their website etc. You can order it using the following ISBN 9781741105469 or the Catalogue Code: 259479 and the price is $22.95.

Wouldn’t it be great if we can muster enough interest here in order for them to put his book in one of their catalogues …or even in the top ten best selling list!?!?


…ignore their mistakes with Anthony’s name and title!? lol!

Joined in 2007
February 11, 2007, 19:08

Hi everyone… the link to that book has been removed or not working so I did a search… nothing. So I emailed them with..

Hi, I was recently talking with a friend and she told me that your store currently stocks “A Life of Unlearning – a Journey to Find the Truth by Anthony Venn-Brown. I did a search on your site and its not there. So thought I maybe its not on the shelf yet. So when you get them, can your put one aside for me. If you can give me an idea where I can pick it up from… ie. Ryde Koorong or Penrith Koorong, it would be great that way I can pop in and pick it up and also collect other CD or DVD, or computer program at the same time.

Many thanks

Craig Maynard

Mobile no: 0425 383 366 (for text messages)

Joined in 2005
February 11, 2007, 20:28

i found it on there but it is out of stock for 3-5 weeks. I am definately getting it there though

Joined in 2006
February 16, 2007, 18:40

Tee Hee. Yay! I’m excited. It’s about freaking time Koorong had a balanced perspective. It was a lot of their books on the dirty homosexuals that made me feel awful in the first place.

It was me who bought them though, so it’s not really their fault. ๐Ÿ™‚


Joined in 2007
February 16, 2007, 22:42

Koorong actually stocks Walter Wink’s ‘Homosexuality and the Christian Faith’ and Robin Scrogg’s ‘The New Testement and Homosexuality’ which do not take the conservative approach. So they don’t ALL portray us as dirty. Not that I recomend eaither of the book above, some of the suff is far-fetched enough to raise an eyebrow.

Joined in 2007
February 21, 2007, 07:30

Eeewww! Dirty โ“ . I don’t do Dirty (ok I lied!) at least I shower every day! ๐Ÿ˜† I figured that the books I buy has to exalt me about me. If its a book that cristicise – I can’t be bothered wasting my time and money for it. You know, if we find something that does not edify we can ask Koorong to have a look at the book and determine why it should not be there (notice I said “why it shouldn’t be there” hmm hmmm) and I mean, we have rights too you know. I’m not afraid to complain about it – it’s in my blood – I think I have a drag queen complex inside of me, like Barbara Streisand, Shirley Bassey, Celine Dion, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, Cher, Dame Edna and Oprah – all inside darlings – all of em! Oi I can be a real trouble when I need to be. ๐Ÿ™‚

Actually I think I learnt it from my mum! That’s just so gay eh! ๐Ÿ˜‰


Joined in 2007
February 21, 2007, 07:35

Tee Hee. Yay! I’m excited. It’s about freaking time Koorong had a balanced perspective. It was a lot of their books on the dirty homosexuals that made me feel awful in the first place.

It was me who bought them though, so it’s not really their fault. ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m so excited too! I can’t wait til go to Koorong and redecorate the section where Anthony’s book is put it in a prime section with pink feather boa and sparkles! If I can’t do that,, then I’m going to buy my book and just squeal! Then go into the cafe area and read the book… and drnk coffee and ignore everyone and stay there all day reading that one book! I can be a dork you know. Yay! ๐Ÿ˜† giggles.

Joined in 2007
February 21, 2007, 18:29

I figured that the books I buy has to exalt me about me. If its a book that cristicise – I can’t be bothered wasting my time and money for it.

I can’t decide whether you were kidding saying that or not… So I figured I’d reply anyway and you can just ignore me if I’m being overally combative and you were just kidding. It is my experience that reading, writing or experiences something ‘bad’ clarifies what is ‘good’. For example reading a bad romance novel (anything written by Jackie Collins) clarifies the ‘good’ things about the books you like. What I am trying to say is that we NEED to read these so-called ‘bad’ books about homosexuality in order to clarify what we believe to be ‘good’. Does that make sense?

Also, it’s hard to have an accurate opinion in todays society. Meanings, culture and science tend to turn our preconcieved ideas about stuff upside down. We NEED to read books that do not glorify us because we need to know what ‘the other side’ says, I mean what if they make a good point that we have never thought of?

Ultamatly, our lives arn’t our own. We shouldn’t be picking and choosing our academic reading with a bias in mind, how then do we learn anything? We owe it to our saviour and we owe it to ourselves to find out the truth about homosexuality. A truth that lies behind the bias and we are not helping ourselves by picking books that tell us thing we want to hear. If that was so I wouldn’t have read at least a third of the bible…much of it doesn’t glorify me.

Joined in 2007
February 22, 2007, 23:59

Ultimately, our lives arn’t our own. We shouldn’t be picking and choosing our academic reading with a bias in mind, how then do we learn anything? We owe it to our saviour and we owe it to ourselves to find out the truth about homosexuality. A truth that lies behind the bias and we are not helping ourselves by picking books that tell us thing we want to hear. If that was so I wouldn’t have read at least a third of the bible…much of it doesn’t glorify me.

I know, I can be very vain at times. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ It was my attempt to be humous.

Hmmm I do know what you mean… the kind of book I can’t be bothered with are those who write just to make money and not for the real issue. You know those kind of books. I guess its a preventative measure that I to control the amount of books I buy ๐Ÿ˜€ . The book at darlinghurst in the religion sections have some very good books and not neccesaryily supportive of Gay but they state their reason and back them up and they have done the work… and the argument they present are sound. A good book helps you see things clearly and understand some of the issues of what we are what we are. The books I loath are the ones that really appears to be touching the surface, can be very critical without any basis or use scripture in a degrading way, and they are aimed at non-gay people who then have problems about us being Gay and Christian.

This is why I like Anthony’s book because it comes from his own experiences and a good book helps you come closer to God. When you read those books who condemns us, it’s not the sort of book that God would like us to read. If our body is to be pure and holy then we shouldn’t be reading books that attacks us in the same way we should never have to put up with nasty behaviour from others who do not like us. The book of Leviticus is really an interesting book in the bible and a lot of us don’t really understand that its really for the priesthood and it applies to a specific tribe ie. the Levi’s.

When you get to my age, it easier to pick out a good constructive book. If I want a book that glorifies me and makes me ok being gay I can go to any Gay bookshop and get that, as well as a balanced book. In the Christian bookshop 9 times out of 10 its a book that’s against us and lables us as perverted, twisted individuals and its sometimes a book written that supports another book written by someone else. And it becomes clear they have no idea what they are looking at and how to present a good written prose.

Hope that answers or elaborates my statement.

I also learnt in primary school how to pick out a good book… is to read the back and then read the first chapter, you can make up your own mind is it worth reading it and why.


Joined in 2007
February 23, 2007, 00:09

Announcing the new freedom2b[e] resources forum

We have opened up a new forum for resources that people may find helpful. The resources forum can be found:

That is under the FAQ and Guidelines section.

ITs in its very early days yet but we plan to build it over time

If you know of any LGBTIQ affirming churches. Great books or websites on constructively resolving sexuality. Good resources on scripture and homosexuality etc.

Sandy, this would be a good place to put names of books you have read and thought about… we can build up a list of books worth reading and give a breif explanation of what’s good about it and what are negative things bout.



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