
Born again gay lawyer, 35, seeks church

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
September 26, 2009, 01:14

hey Ryan……where are you these days… are things going

Joined in 2009
December 9, 2009, 20:21

Hey AVB and other friends at F2be.

Sorry I’ve been out of touch. Long story short, God spoke to me at 10.30 one Saturday night in early August and said He had a new job for me and told me where and who to contact to apply – and they employed me. It is by far the most supernatural experience of God I’ve ever had. I’m now working in a blended legal / social work role travelling to remote aboriginal communities. I’ve been away from my home city of Cairns a great deal since this all happened back in August. I am still on the preaching roster for the local nursing home chapel, and happy to report that God is breathing life into that venture as well. My bible studies have been slowed down a bit with other life developments, but I’m still committed. My partner and I are happy, and whilst he’s backslidden on a couple of occasions he seems to come back stronger. I just have to keep him in prayer – a bit like Moses needing to hold his arms aloft lest the battle turn against God’s people… I have been blessed also with the opportunity to buy another house at a great price during the economic downturn and have been settling in and doing some renovations in recent months. The move was hard work even though the new house is in the same street just 12 houses up the hill. Anyway – God is great and Ryan is hopeless at staying in touch when all the irons are in the fire. Apologies AVB and others.

WIll be in Sydney from 21 to 27 December and am very hopeful I may be able to catch up with some folks.

Apologies to those members who sent me private messages which I didn’t get until this week. I promise to make it up to you with better attendance into the future.

Peace and love

Ryan 🙂

Joined in 2009
December 9, 2009, 20:26

Oh – and the pentecostal church I joined has been a total blessing for me and I have been accepted by my pastor into a leadership role despite my sexuality, and my partner and I are regularly invited to dinner with him and his wife. I am part of the altar ministry team and recently travelled interstate on a crusade with the church. I’m still not really out to many of the congregation, but then neither am I out to most people at work etc. It’s not that I hide it, it’s more that I have no reason to talk about it. The main thing is that my pastor is very affirming and appreciative of my gifts, and has held true to his word to never preach against homosexuality. Indeed he refused a platform for one zealous member who wanted to take a petition against gay marriage in the church – he would not allow her to speak to rally support for her petition. He did however invite me to give my testimony, which meant a lot – even though I chose to leave out the sexuality bits.

That just about brings things up to date.

Surely some of you guys are going to visit Cairns or Port Douglas sometime soon – make sure to let me know. Would love to see you up here.

Peace and love


Joined in 2006
December 9, 2009, 21:35


this whole journey you have opened to us – WOW

gives hope to people like me who have not had such an experience that there is hope, there are people out there in ‘churchland’ that do care and are willing to critique their own positions, if not totally at least in part.

Thank you Ryan for your honesty and openness.


Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
December 10, 2009, 09:35

wonderful News…….great to hear of the progess.

we missed you

Joined in 2007
December 10, 2009, 13:06

Great stuff, Ryan!

Joined in 2009
December 10, 2009, 22:39

Thanks you guys – it’s great to be back and I’m enjoying reading about the journey others havebeen on in my absence.

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 12, 2010, 14:07

Hi Pentatropics

This is such a hope-filled and joyful account. It makes me believe anything is possible. 🙂 Thank you for sharing and I’m so glad you’ve found support in your local church. That’s really excellent.


Ann Maree

Joined in 2009
January 12, 2010, 19:52

how would I be able to contact pentatropics? I am a pentacostal Christian.

Thanks. Gary

Joined in 2009
January 12, 2010, 19:58

Gary, you can send a private message to any member of the forum by clicking the little person/speech bubble icon under their name on the left.

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