
Coming out at 51

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Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
January 2, 2012, 15:17

Hi Rainbow Girl,

How did the move go? Moving is a stressful time at any time, under your circumstances I would imagine even more so. Does give you a fresh start for the new year which can also be exciting. Gives you and your husband some space. Marriages not working out is not a nice thing for anyone. I hope he gets the love and support he needs.

Keep being positive, things will improve, you and your husband will get through this even though it might not feel like it at the moment.

I am thinking of you and praying for you both. May the new year bring wonderful times, love, happiness, peace and joy to you and your family.

God Bless

Joined in 2008
January 2, 2012, 21:17

Hey Rainbow girl and others,

It is so lovely to hear that you are all being encouraged by each other. And so proud of my dad AVB for being a support for you. He is a pretty amazing guy and its rewarding to hear that what we have gone through as a family has been of help to so many and not in vain.

Love to you all.


Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
January 2, 2012, 21:23

Hi Happyprecious,

Awesome to hear from you, yes it's a wonderful group and you should be proud of your dad.

Look forward to hearing more from you on the forum.

God Bless

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
January 6, 2012, 10:32

Hi Happyprecious, Mother Hen and Ann Maree

Bless you all. I'm now living at my friend's place. He is welcoming and understanding. We popped open a bottle of bubbly last night….nice.

Even though my moving out has been difficult for my husband, I get the feeling that it will be easier than having me around.

He wouldn't talk to a stranger I don't think, but he is talking to someone and getting support. My son overheard part of a conversation he had on the phone, telling all to the person on the end of the line.

I'm applying for full time jobs and hope to be successful before too long. Things are moving along. It has been quite stressful though. I don't think I've gone a day without tears since I returned from my holiday. Everything about my life is different now….everything has changed. There's a lot to process.

Thank you to everyone.

Rainbow Girl

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
January 6, 2012, 17:14

Hi Rainbow Girl

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. I know that right now you are likely to feel like you're in utter turmoil, with everything in upheaval. But hang on to the fact that 'this too will pass'.

You will be OK and we are here for you. Lean on your supports.

It's good that you've moved out and you're right – your husband will probably heal quicker without your presence reminding him of everything that's happened. You also will heal better being away from him. I'm sorry it's so painful though. And I'm glad he's talking to someone.


Ann Maree

Rainbow Girl
Joined in 2011
January 7, 2012, 07:22

Yes Ann Maree I will keep putting one foot in front of the other. I've applied for some jobs and wait for a response.

It's so good to be away from the stressful situation, but I'm mindful of how difficult it is for my husband at the moment.

I'm so grateful for the prayers and support I receive from this group. I hope to be able to offer support and prayers to others very soon, and hope my journey will encourage someone who is facing a similar situation.

I'll be in Sydney in three weeks…attending the Crave conference. I'm hoping to meet some of you lovely people there.

Hugs and love,

Rainbow Girl

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
January 7, 2012, 16:00

Hi Rainbow Girl,

Just want you to know I am praying for you and thinking about you. I'm sorry things are hard at the moment, I'm not one of these people who think crying makes you feel better, I think it sucks.

Hopefully now you have moved out and away from the full on stress things will improve. Yes this too will pass, doesn't stop the hurt right now though. But I hope and pray that knowing that things will pass, that things will get better for both you, your husband and family is your light at the end of the tunnel. Believe you will all have happier times. And that you will get that full time job real soon. 🙂

As Ann Maree said we are here for you, yes one day you will be able to offer words of comfort and support to other's on this forum. The hard times you are going through will give you some understanding and empathy for other's when they are going through something similar. At the moment though it's your time, keep doing what you need to do for yourself, keep drawing on the strength and love of those around you. It's is ok for you need the support right now, you don't have to always be strong let other's carry you for a change.

It would be wonderful for you to meet some people from the forum and other F2B people at the Carve conference. I've got a feeling my son "Mr Summit" is going to that. I lose track he has bits on here and there.

Be kind to yourself, take care. Wishing you peace and love.

Joined in 2010
January 7, 2012, 19:06

Hi Rainbow Girl

I have been reading all your stories and you have come quite a long way so far in your journey. Just take your time and you will be fine. I know it must be very difficult up to this point but you have lots of new friends who totally love and support you here on the forum.

Just wanted to let you know that I am also another loving and supportive mum like Mother Hen and am always here if you need to chat.

I will also be at the Crave conference in a couple of weeks and would love to meet you. Not sure if you know anyone else that is attending but maybe we can "hang out" a bit. My son Sam is running one of the electives at the conference also.

Looking forward to meeting you soon.


Helen xxx

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
January 7, 2012, 19:26

Wow Helen that would be great if you met up with Rainbow Girl at the conference. At least she will have one face she will be able to put to a name to and since you know some people you will be able to introduce her to a few other's. I know she will benefit with meeting up with you. If my son is going maybe you can point him out to her and she can say hi to him too.

Awesome 🙂

Princess _Fiona
Joined in 2011
January 8, 2012, 01:12

Hi Rainbowgirl

I'm not much of a support right now to anyone hasnt been around for a little while, but has read through your postings and wanted to comment.

So glad you had a nice time away for Christmas. Sorry to hear you are going through such a painful time right now, I hope things improve for you and that you find happiness. Not sure what the conference you are refering to is but enjoy your time in Sydney, a change of scenery sometimes helps. Glad you have so much support around you from friends etc and also this forum.

All the best as you settle into you new home, may peace, love ,good health and happiness be yours.

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