
Do Parent's "Come Out" ??

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Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
June 18, 2011, 13:34

Hi Ian,

That is a really good point, in fact one I said to my mum several times, how happy my son was now that he had come out to us. I also said yes it was all a shock etc at the time but we are all ok and happy now. As you say, I think if people know that even though it is a shock to them and have them reeling it takes the sting out of it a bit if they know you are happy and comfortable with who you are.

In fact I personally think all the LGBT people who have come to a place where they are happy and comfortable with who they are, are ahead of the rest of us, most people are still sorting that one out.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
June 19, 2011, 15:06

An interesting observation reading the stories and experience of parents coming out about their gay children and the similarities with the experience of their children coming out to their parents and friends about their sexuality.

some of the similarities i see are

  1. Fear about how others might respond

  2. Possible sense of shame

  3. Fear and shame being turned into pride.

  4. Most reactions are better than we originally anticipated

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
November 3, 2011, 18:34

Thought I would do a bit of an update.

I was recently in Port Macquarie for a photographic convention, my husband’s family live down there so I was able to catch up with them. My husband was unable to go this time.

While I was there I told several of them that my son (Mr Summit) was gay. They are all Christians and all took it well. I had no intentions of getting into any scriptural debate which I think they knew, but for them Mr Summit is still the same person, so all is good. Also told a friend, getting good at this and why not I’m just as proud of my son as I was before.

Mother Hen
Joined in 2011
November 3, 2011, 18:35

An interesting observation reading the stories and experience of parents coming out about their gay children and the similarities with the experience of their children coming out to their parents and friends about their sexuality.

some of the similarities i see are

  1. Fear about how others might respond

  2. Possible sense of shame

  3. Fear and shame being turned into pride.

  4. Most reactions are better than we originally anticipated

Yep sounds about right both ways.

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