
Gay Teacher coming out to himself and family

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Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 6, 2010, 01:44

sounds like great progress rediscoveringme.

the cognitive dissonance can be enormous……..its amazing that any of us actually get through it…..some come out the other end with some psychological scars or issues.

Great to know your relationship with your kids in in tact. Mine is today as well thanks to the words of my ex-wife “he will always be your father”

Like you….I thought once I came out I’d be rejected. I could see how young children in a christian environment could accept a homosexual father………I obviously didn’t know my daughters well enough.

Joined in 2008
July 6, 2010, 10:18

The tension created by coming out IS enormous but by utilizing a number of strategies is not insurmountable. I am still not there but eventually I will be.

I have a driving passion to be HAPPY. : -)

Therefore I read a lot, journal my thoughts, visit a psychologist, talk to friends and family*. Like I said above I reckon it is necessary to obtain help for am variety of different people. I became very aware of the fact that my self esteem had been extremely weakened by hiding my sexuality away (from myself & others.) The dissonance b/w being gay and not expressing that sexuality is extreme. I laugh at people (churches) who suggest that gay people should live a celibate life. Ha… they do not have a clue. I am at my best out socialising with other gay men. Such moments are certainly not about sex but they are about expressing our sexuality in very subtle ways; being at ease with ourselves.

* Family also go on a journey of their own during this coming out process….. I could talk forever. 🙂

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 6, 2010, 12:58

funny you should mention self esteem……on the Friday night before the seminar in Melbourne i will be speaking at the monthly freedom 2 b[e] meeting…..the topic. Self Image – Self Esteem and Sexual Identity. You might like to attend that as well. It is a free event BTW.

Joined in 2008
July 6, 2010, 13:02

I will book this in.

Anthony Venn-Brown
Joined in 2005
July 6, 2010, 13:07

looks like a gay weekend for you…… :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Joined in 2006
July 6, 2010, 14:10


Wow! Just reading your story has created all these flashbacks for me!

I was also teaching in a Christian school …feeling the need to come out …and get out!

Some of the things that you have said remind me of my ‘mental state’ before I made the leap into the unknown. All I can say to you is how happy I am with my decision to just ‘like myself’ (if you wish to read more see “death of alex” story) …and detangling myself out of the unsafe Christian workplace was an important (not an easy) part of that journey.

Good luck with yours!

iain 🙂

Joined in 2008
July 6, 2010, 14:59

Hi Iain,

I think I read your story a while back…. but will revisit it, now that my life is significantly less fearful.

I love your statement …”detangling myself out of the unsafe Christian workplace”

This does need to be my next step however the tension is that I love the school that I teach in. Largely, the staff are great and the students a joy to teach. However, if I was ‘out ‘ the the community all that would change.

Last year I took the step of notifying my Principal. I have had a number of private conversations with him. He is supportive but the gentle push is to leave. He argues that a good number of the staff would find the situation too difficult and my job would become too difficult. He argues that he is looking after my welfare, which he is, but he is also looking after the school, at my expense. He is of the opinion that The Bible is very clear about homosexuality. He is certainly not comfortable with me being gay and sexually active. Not that he knows about my sex life. So, very clearly he is encouraging me to leave, without being pushed out. However, leaving has financial implications e.g leave behind all of my long service leave. On top of that I LOVE the position of responsibility that I hold.

However, on a personal note I know my position is untenable, even in the short term.

Joined in 2006
July 6, 2010, 15:28

Yes …omg. Been there and done that!

My recommendation is to skip the long service leave …take the money and run!

… (besides the additional money will give you some financial peace of mind)! Maybe ask from your principal for the most amazing reference he has ever done, so that you can start actively finding a new job (and if your new job is still in education …then, as you know, term 3 & 4 is when all the advertising usually happens for jobs for next year).

On a personal note …I had lunch with my old Christian school principal (whose school I gave my ‘coming out’ speech to the staff) yesterday and they confirmed that they were attending our commitment ceremony next month …and that they were also bringing another Christian school principal to the event! Like you, once upon a time, I could not even begin to imagine what my life could be….



ps. I put in the sushi emocon because I know it’s AVBs favourite 😉

Joined in 2008
July 6, 2010, 18:00

Problem is I have been at the school 5yrs and so leaving now forfeit any long service money. Damn.

My goal is to chew off my Principals ear with my ideas on Christian Theology with sexuality in mind. But, even if I convinced him (which I doubt) my workplace would become a toxic place for me with other staff members knowing my personal details. Some staff members (2) do know but they are close friends and not at all challenged by who I am; nor should they be. : -)

BUT, I do know my Prin’ would write me an amazing reference as I do a bloody good job!!

It’s great that your old Principal is coming to your commitment ceremony…. you have done your bit to reeducate a small part of the community.

Thanks : -)


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
July 6, 2010, 18:21

Hi rediscoveringme

I’ve come to this quite late but enjoyed reading your original post and all the responses.

Thanks for updating us!


Ann Maree

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