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December 21, 2010, 12:48

Okay, I am a bit stuck on these points, what are your opinions please.

You know how traditonal male/female marriage makes the couple become “one” (putting it bluntly, cos they make love/have sex)…because as I understand it, their “bits”, fit…I also know it is a body/soul/spirit, becoming one…how can that work for GLBT people if their “bits” don’t “fit”?…Like Eve was taken from Adam, then they again by joining, became one….I am totally confused over this as a non-straight (lol) woman. HELP!!

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 21, 2010, 15:13

Hi Fyre Krystal

I’ve never interpreted the notion of ‘becoming one’ from a physical point of view. I think it’s to do with uniting in spirit which happens when we are really intimate with another person. There’s a heart connection formed especially when a commitment is made by both parties.

The creation story was also not meant to be interpreted literally. So I don’t think God really took a rib from Adam in the making of Eve.

Hope that helps.


Ann Maree


December 21, 2010, 16:14

Thanks Ann Maree 🙂


December 21, 2010, 16:16

So following that thought through, why was the Adam and Eve story put there? What does it represent when it says a rib was taken from the side of Adam? I appreciate your comments.


December 21, 2010, 16:21

And so Ann Maree how do you know what is to be taken literally and what is not then?

Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 21, 2010, 17:26

Hi Fyre Krystal

I’m certainly no expert on the creation story or the meaning of Adam’s rib being taken out. It might just be a simple way of depicting that they were joined in a partnership. Sharing a body part would tend to signify 2 people were reasonably close I would have thought. That’s just my imaginings on that though and not something I learnt.

In terms of knowing which parts of the bible are poetic, allegorical, prophetic, historical etc, bible college is good for that. I did a couple of terms via a sound teaching church years ago and it started me on a quest to look up the actual words myself and to cross reference with other scripture. I also had an interest in studying up on culture and history of the day via other texts. Not all bible colleges are the same. You want a good college that’s open to enquiring minds and not one that has an agenda to only teach a certain idea. You want a school that encourages independent thought alongside the discipline of really investigating what’s there with as much truth as possible. Not one that is closed to different thoughts.


Ann Maree


December 21, 2010, 17:44

Thanks Ann Maree 🙂

Joined in 2008
December 22, 2010, 20:59

You know how traditonal male/female marriage makes the couple become “one” (putting it bluntly, cos they make love/have sex)…because as I understand it, their “bits”, fit…I also know it is a body/soul/spirit, becoming one…how can that work for GLBT people if their “bits” don’t “fit

I think that physical intimacy between two committed LGBT people doesn’t need to encompass the notion that our ‘bits’ need to fit. Physical (and emotional) love including sex can be expressed in many different forms.

I do like the idea of the body/mind/spirit melding as one though.

Thanks for posting and encouraging some thought about this.


December 22, 2010, 21:34


Ann Maree
Joined in 2008
December 23, 2010, 00:48

Hi again

Pierre wrote:

I do like the idea of the body/mind/spirit melding as one though.

I like that a lot too. 🙂


Ann Maree

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